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  1. They sent me this in terms of sending php email on their server Subject: Sending mail using PHP Article #534 Here is an example script for sending out mail using php: <? // Please specify your Mail Server - Example: mail.yourdomain.com. ini_set("SMTP","mail.YourDomain.com"); // Please specify an SMTP Number 25 and 8889 are valid SMTP Ports. ini_set("smtp_port","25"); // Please specify the return address to use ini_set('sendmail_from', 'ValidEmailAccount@YourDomain.com'); // Set parameters of the email $to = "someone@example.com"; $subject = "Test mail"; $message = "Hello! This is a simple email message."; $from = "someonelse@example.com"; $headers = "From: $from"; // Mail function that sends the email. mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers); ?>
  2. So they say... is there a really simple way to test?
  3. Actually I think maybe they do support PHP .. this is from their site.. Our Microsoft .NET 3.5 hosting plans (now including Service Pack 1) are ideal for developing dynamic websites and robust applications, and includes database support, PHP 5, ecommerce tools, and more.
  4. I think I found the problem - these people have me working on a .net server!!!! I don't even think PHP is installed ... I'm going to try it now in .NET and see if it works, thanks for all the help and I'm really sorry about the confusion..
  5. I did see that and I changed it - now it just brings up a blank page and still no emails sent..
  6. The only problem is I want to be able to send to different email addresses depending on the option chosen in the select field..
  7. Sure, here is the form code: <div id="contact-area"> <form method="post" action="contactengine.php"> <label for="Name" id="Name">Name:</label> <input type="text" name="Name" /> <label for="Interests" id="Interests">Subject:</label> <select id="select1" name="select1"> <option value="em1">General Information</option> <option value="em2">Acupuncture</option> <option value="em3">Massage Therapy</option> <option value="em4">Cranio-Sacral Therapy</option> </select><br /> <label for="Email" id="Email">Email:</label> <input type="text" name="Email" /> <label for="Message" id="Message">Message:</label><br /> <textarea name="Message" rows="20" cols="20"></textarea> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" class="submit-button" /> </form> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </div>
  8. It's on godaddy servers (not my choice) and I think that's on there
  9. It is on a server ... what do I need to ask them?
  10. I have a contact form on my site.... I'm trying to have the user be able to select an interest from a select field which will then email to a certain person, the mail however is not being sent... any help? <?php $EmailTo = "email@server.com"; $Subject = "Web Contact"; $Name = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['Name'])); $Interests = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['Interests'])); $Email = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['Email'])); $Message = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['Message'])); if ($Interests == "General Information") { $EmailTo = "email1@server.com"; } else ($Interests == "Acupuncture") { $EmailTo = "email2@server.com"; } else ($Interests == "Massage Therapy") { $EmailTo = "email3@server.com"; } else ($Interests == "Cranio-Sacral Therapy") { $EmailTo = "email4@server.com"; } // validation $validationOK=true; if (!$validationOK) { print "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;URL=error.htm\">"; exit; } // prepare email body text $Body = ""; $Body .= "Name: "; $Body .= $Name; $Body .= "\n"; $Body .= "Interests: "; $Body .= $Interests; $Body .= "\n"; $Body .= "Email: "; $Body .= $Email; $Body .= "\n"; $Body .= "Message: "; $Body .= $Message; $Body .= "\n"; // send email $success = mail($EmailTo, $Subject, $Body, "From: <$Email>"); // redirect to success page if ($success){ print "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;URL=contactthanks.php\">"; } else{ print "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;URL=error.htm\">"; } ?>
  11. Just a small one.. I want to be able to add the code [code]rel="lightbox"[/code] .. to this code [code]<a href="'.$gallery_uri.'file='.$current.$path['basename'].'">'.$path['basename'].'</a>[/code] How do I do it? The "" keeps effing everythign up ..
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