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  1. Yeah but lets say I am adding additional articles.. <news> <article> <date>...</date> <story></story> <headline></headline> </article> <article> <date>...</date> <story></story> <headline></headline> </article> </news> lets say I will keep adding more articles how do I get the latest ones.
  2. Hey guys, I am new to messing around with xml and I want to know if this is possible. I am working on a website where they do not have access to any database and they are not willing to move to another server. What I want to know is how can I use xml to set up a news database.. Well I know how to use xml for that what I want to do is how can I use IDs or Dates to get information as I would on a database?
  3. I have seen some websites that when you go to upload a file it only allows you to see the file extensions that they accept for upload.. there is a property call accept for input of the file but this dont work with all broswer is there any code that help with this?
  4. well if they are no require a membership is really hard to limit anything, and people that download thing they usually know how to go behind any restriction if they not a member. so just use the ip even tho it wont last long, and use also a session and a cookie.
  5. what you need to do is create a table that is name comment or sometihng of that kind, and have a id tha tlink back to the topic or section you want to be comment so when somoene summit a comment it could be like comment table id | topic_id | comment | and then the query would be like select * from comment_table where topic_id = $topic_id
  6. something you can use to easily learn to use php is http://www.codeigniter.com try it out and once you get things done you can get into how they work.
  7. i have this code <?php $song_id = (int) $this->uri->segment(3); $query = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM `artist_songs` WHERE `id`='.$song_id); $song=$query->result(); $filename = 'artist/songs/'.$song[0]->path; if(false !== ($fh = fopen($filename,'r'))){ header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: 0"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Cache-Control: private", false); header("Content-Type: audio/mpeg"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); header("Content-Length: ".filesize($filename)); readfile("$filename"); fclose($filename); } it was working before but now it does not. all it needs to do is to get a song and play it. i know is getting the song because i did some test, so the problem is in one of the header, i do not understand headers yet. any help will be great. thanks.
  8. well i tink ill stick to php free chat 2.0, is very flexible if anyone has any other recommendations ill be checking thanks.
  9. my guess is that the usb was installed witht he wrong settings. right click mycomputer->manage->device manager->usb ports-> right click the usb with a question mark and uninstall it, than plug it back in.
  10. hm that dont look too user friendly..
  11. i need a chat for my website i had one but i want to know people opinion on which is the best one out there.. easy or hard to configure i don't mind a challenge i just want the best for free ;]
  12. oh no worries i got it SELECT *,SUM(counter) `total` FROM `song_clicks` WHERE YEARWEEK( `date` , 1 ) = YEARWEEK( DATE_SUB( CURRENT_DATE, INTERVAL 1 WEEK ) , 1 ) GROUP BY song_id just had to add the SUM and the GROUP BY yes!, thanks for the help guys.
  13. so is not that man, is so hard to explain.. this is the query SELECT * FROM `clicks` WHERE YEARWEEK( `date` , 1 ) = YEARWEEK( DATE_SUB( CURRENT_DATE, INTERVAL 1 WEEK ) , 1 ) this is the result id artist_id song_id counter date 24 13 28 1 2008-08-31 50 24 57 1 2008-08-25 78 18 73 1 2008-08-30 79 18 73 1 2008-08-30 see where song id is 73 twice, instead of 73 twice i just want song_id 73 to be counter = 2
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