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Posts posted by Ph0enix

  1. Ok the script is working now thanks!
    The videos are uploaded and i can click on them to view them but i get this warning above the video's name..

    Warning: include(0.txt</i> ) [function.include]: failed to open stream: Invalid argument in C:\wamp\www\scripts\links.php on line 11

    Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '0.txt</i> ' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\php5\pear') in C:\wamp\www\scripts\links.php on line 11
  2. I tested it and i get an error on the upload saying:
    Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_ECHO in C:\wamp\www\scripts\func.inc on line 17

    and line 17 is
    [code]return echo "all uploads deleted!";[/code]

    Can you help me please?
  3. Well im a bit of a noob at this sort of stuff, i made it in photoshop and then sliced it in imageready then it put it all together for me. i just made the pics where i want writing to be background images. Dont know if this is the right thing to do but it works :P
  4. Hi can someone make me a script please.
    I would like people to be able upload there flash movie, and enter there name and the title of the movie.
    Then there is a page that has a list of the movies title and who it was submitted by. (6 per page). Then a link to the next page.
    Then when they click on the title of the movie they can veiw the flash movie in a new window.
    I am willing to pay for this script. (a reasonable amount)
    Or could someone give me a link so i can download one please.
    Add me on msn or email me at xphoenixx@hotmail.com
  5. Hi, im just learning PHP now so im not very confident with it and dont know a lot.
    To practice my PHP i made a function that works out your age in seconds.
    But then the answer i got back was 6.02486047692E-007.
    Whats up with this cause im obviously not 6.02 seconds old. (i dont think)
    Can anyone tell me what goin on please? Thanks
  6. Hi im making a site i want people to be able to upload their flash movies. I have two questions.
    1. Can they just be stored in a MySQL database?
    2. How can i veiw the videos once they are in the database. (if thats where their stored)

  7. Erm well i guess #4e4e4e looks ok with the background. I like helvetica as my text, i use it a lok of the time. For the size of the text.. well any maybe about a size 10.
  8. This isnt an error, its just a notice, its telling you that this just means that $category = $_GET['category']; doesn't exist. You can check it by using this.


    Usually your server is set to hide these notices but obviously in your case its not. so just put this into your script directly under <?php and it will hide your notices.

    [code]error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE) ;[/code]

    Hope this helps.  ;)
  9. Ok, im creating a website where people will be able to submit things and they will go into my database. Then i want to get those and put them into my website so it displays it like.

    Name: (NAME)
    Age: (AGE)
    Link: (LINK)

    And i want to display 20 of these on a page with different infomation and then go onto another page.
    What would be the best way that i could do this, and could anybody write me a script to do this.

    The only way i could think of doing this is by selecting 1-20 items by there ID number on one page, and thencreate several; pthers with 21-40 and 41-60 and so on. and then at the bottom of the page you a switch statement and count how many things i have put into a table and for how many things i have in the database depends on how many pages should show. So if there are 47 then at the bottom of the page it would output Page 1 Page 2 and Page 3.

    Is this the best way to do this. If not could someone help me write the script please. Thanks 
  10. Ok thanks.
    But erm isnt there somthing i could write in the address bar to veiw the result of the function like..

    [a href=\"http://localhost/stuff/page.php?test=function(sqare_number)\" target=\"_blank\"]http://localhost/stuff/page.php?test=function(sqare_number)[/a]
    (i know this is wrong)

    Cause on Postnuke you have to do something like this to display a function
  11. Hi, im still learning PHP and iv just started to learn about the $_GET thing.

    To test it i used this:

    print $_GET["test"];

    So then if i typed in my address bar

    [a href=\"http://localhost/stuff/page.php?test=hello\" target=\"_blank\"]http://localhost/stuff/page.php?test=hello[/a]

    Then i would get a page that displays "hello".

    But i want to know how do i call a function.

    So if i used this code for example.

    function square_number($number) {
      $square= $number * $number;
      return $square;

    How would i call this function, so on the page it would show the result of this function.
  12. Hello does anyone know of any PHP video tutorials?
    Iv been to www.phpvideotutorials.com and i looked at the first lesson and it is really cool.
    But do you know of any others, learning is so much easier if you can see it happening [img src=\"style_emoticons/[#EMO_DIR#]/smile.gif\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" emoid=\":smile:\" border=\"0\" alt=\"smile.gif\" /]

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