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Everything posted by acidglitter

  1. I have my regular php page, and it has a div. What I want to happen is when you click a link, the content inside the div is refreshed (the content gets reloaded). If I have the link outside of the div (on the php page), the refresh link works fine. But if I put the link inside the div (so it's part of the loaded content) it doesn't work. I'm using jQuery so my refresh link looks like this.. <a href="" id="refreshpage">refresh</a> The actual script is like $("#refreshpage").click(function(){ $("#box").html('<p>loading..</p>'); $.get("page", function(loadthis){ $("#box").html(loadthis); }); return false; }); Why doesn't the link work when it's part of the loaded content? Is it only because I'm using jQuery?
  2. For the site I'm working on they want an email newsletter. Are there any good programs out there for this? Or should I just make like a simple php script that would mail everyone signed up for it?
  3. my professional portfolio is tiny. but i've been making my own websites for a loonggg time. server side languages like php/mysql i have over 4 years experience with. and i'm getting more experienced with javascript/ajax. how much should i charge? also, i'm soo close to getting certified in internet development. once i am, then how much should i charge? btw how do most of you charge? like hourly?
  4. On this site I'm working on, they have digital downloads, and after buying through Paypal they would go to a page on the site that would confirm the order and enable them to download the products. The confirm order page would check for $_POST['payment_status'] to make sure the product was paid for before they could download it. But now Paypal isn't sending any $_POST variables and so that stopped working.. Has Paypal stopped sending $_POST variables on everything? And if they have, does anyone have any idea of how I could (instantly / automatically) make sure the product was paid for?
  5. thanks for the replies. and yea i know i'm in the middle of changing servers today so i'm sure there are errors all over right now
  6. I'm just barely finding out more about other storage engines. For one of my sites, select queries are run pretty often, but update queries run probably 10 times more often, and insert queries are rare. What type of storage engine would be best for my site? I'm using myisam now, and that's the only type I've ever really used. It seems to have problems with tables locking up every now and then and the site loads kind of slow sometimes.
  7. So we have spyware doctor on our computer, and I just did a scan and it came up with this infection.. http://www.pctools.com/en/mrc/infections/id/Spyware.Found_By_Browser_Defender And the website address it was showing was MY site! I don't really know anything about spyware so this freaks me out. Did I have spyware on my computer and then uploaded it to my site? or what happened? and what should I do?
  8. (this isn't exactly php but i'm not sure where else to put it) what do most of you think of rewriting urls? does it really matter how the url looks?
  9. i want to have a first and next link as well.. does anyone know how i could get the row id's with a mysql query? like before i don't want to just put $imgid+1 for like previous because eventually some rows will probably get deleted..
  10. ah thanks! i changed it a little to $start=$imgid+3; SELECT id FROM table WHERE id < '$start' AND id != '$imgid' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 4 and its working perfectly now. thanks for the help!
  11. is there a way i could do that where instead of $prev it uses something like WHERE id > '$imgid'? because eventually some rows will probably get deleted so using php to get the row id could select rows that don't exist anymore..
  12. thanks for your reply! thats actually pretty close to what i'm doing already.. SELECT id FROM table WHERE id > '$imgid' ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 2 SELECT id FROM table WHERE id < '$imgid' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 2 the problem with mine is that it goes 6 7 4 3 when i want it to be 7 6 4 3 and i'm so tired i can't think of how to fix it..
  13. i'm working on this gallery, and when you're browsing it would look like this (the numbers are the row id's for each picture in the mysql table) 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 then if you clicked on picture 5, it would show the picture, then on the side i want it to show thumbnails of the pictures near it.. like 7 6 4 3 what kind of mysql query would be able to do this? it would be nice if i could use just one query that like skips two rows ahead from the current picture, then shows the 4 newest rows (excluding the current picture) from that point descending or something.
  14. how easy is it for you guys to find jobs? i'm going to be moving to san diego (hopefully this fall) and i've been looking on craigslist and it seems like for most of the jobs you need at least a bachelors degree.. if i move this fall all i'm going to be is certified, nowhere near a degree..
  15. one of the examples from that page is is that what you meant? or did you mean actually making a separate table for the new products?
  16. thanks. i'm still in the middle of reading that, but do you think it would just be better to do something like $query=mysql_query("select name, group_id from category groups order by group_id asc"); while($group=mysql_fetch_array($query)){ $products=mysql_query("select p.name from products as p inner join categories as c on p.category_id = c.category_id where c.group_id='{$group['group_id']}'"); while($product=mysql_fetch_array($products)){ // display products } } that would be 4 queries instead of one though
  17. i don't want the link followed. it gets to the next page with a javascript function. i just want the browser window to move higher up on the page.
  18. line 16 looks okay, but a lot of the time the error will be the line before where php is telling you.. like maybe the error is on line 15? and btw, its usually easier to have all of the connection info in another file so you can just include the connection file instead of typing that all over again
  19. where i'm working, we have three tables... one for products, one for categories and one for the groups the categories fall under. if a product is new, in the ifnew field it will have a '1'. there will probably always be at least 10 new products in each category group. what i want to do is randomly show three new products for each category group. this is what i have so far... SELECT p.name, p.category_id, c.group_id, g.name AS 'group' FROM products AS p INNER JOIN categories AS c ON p.category_id = c.category_id INNER JOIN categorygroups AS g ON c.group_id = g.group_id WHERE p.ifnew='1' ORDER BY c.group_id ASC its showing EVERY new product in each group.... how can i change it to only randomly show three new products from each group?
  20. i actually have the # right now, but with return false the browser doesn't actually go to page.php#
  21. i read from here.. http://us2.php.net/function.file-exists
  22. I just have a tiny question about using file_exists(). When you use it, how long is information about the file cached?
  23. i'm working on this online store, and when you're looking through a category, to get to the next page, the next link is like <a href="" onclick="browsecategories();return false;">next</a>. then that javascript function uses ajax to load another page that loads the next page of products. the problem i'm having with this is for people with smaller monitors. they'll click the next link, and instead of the window going to the top of the list of products, it stays where it is. what i want it to do is go to the top of the list everytime you click next. does anyone know how i can do that?
  24. yea that fixed it ; so what i'm doing now is in the header file i have if(isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && !isset($keepthispagesecure)){ header("Location: http://www.site.com{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}"); exit; } and in the login (and other) pages i set the $keepthispagesecure variable before including the header. this seems to have fixed all of my problems now only specific pages are secure and internet explorer is happy
  25. it just says HTTPS and then 'on'. how do i get that variable? i tried like $_SERVER['https'] but that didn't do anything..
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