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Posts posted by phpnewbie1

  1. Sory if my english is bad.

    My applications have search engine friendly urls. I want to have diferent banners for all category.
    Its not posible with applications.

    I want to write the code:

    When php detect url: "http://mysite.com/category1/" then display banners for that category.
    when detect url: "http://mysite.com/category2/" then display banners for that category.

    I think this maybe done with IF. ELSE statement???

    Some like this:

    IF url = "http://mysite.com/category1/" {
    show baner page 1

    IF url = "http://mysite.com/category2/" {
    show banner page 2

    Its that posible?

    Can anyone help me to write this code?

    This 5 minutes job, but I not known to write it :-(

    Thanks anyway.

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