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Ruben Lopez

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  1. To tell u the rue the web is wery nice but the background kills everything, does not looks professional those image background are way out of fashion , seriously look a round for companies that spend money in design , university sites for example …. The background messes everything there … make it white light grey …. Nice site wack background..
  2. I Really need help .. I’M willing to offer a compensation I have expend a few hundred dollars in scripts like php vbulletin , and others I link them all using 3 frames header middle and bottom . really organize design and code I have manage to fix redirection for all the html files so search engines wont load my page with out the header but I cant manage to do the same with the php files. WORKS PERFECT BUT I CANT GET IT TO WORK WITH PHP FILES … ANY HELP PLEASEEEEE… This is the code I used for the html : In almost all htm files : [code]<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"><!-- if (top == self || (parent.frames[1].name != "middle"))     top.location.href = 'home.htm?' + location.href; //--></script>[/code] IN THE FRAMESET [code]<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"><!-- if (top != self)     top.location.href = location.href; else { document.write('<frameset framespacing="0" border="0" frameborder="0" rows="91,86%,18"">');     document.write('<frame name="top"  src="top.html" scrolling="no" noresize target="middle" >');     document.write('<frame name= "middle"  src="' + (location.search ? unescape(location.search.substring(1)):'info.html') + '"  scrolling="auto" noresize target="middle" >');     document.write('<frame name="bottom" src="bo.htm"  scrolling="no" noresize marginwidth="0" marginheight="2" target="middle" >');     document.write('<\/frameset>');          } //--></script>[/code] WORKS PERFECT BUT I CANT GET IT TO WORK WITH PHP FILES … ANY HELP PLEASEEEEE… ASO WANTED TO KNOw IF IS WORTH IT TO GO WITH FRAMES OR I SHOULD REMOVE THEM.. I HAVE FIX ALL SEARCH ENGINE.. EVERYTHING IS WOKING PERFECT. PL GIME AND OPINION OR OPTIONS. ANY ALTERNATIVES TO FRAMES WHATS THE BEST , JUST DONT WHAT TO EDIT THE WHOLE SITE JUST TO CHANGE THE MENU HELPPP
  3. I Really need help .. I’M willing to offer a compensation I have expend a few hundred dollars in scripts like php vbulletin , and others I link them all using 3 frames header middle and bottom . really organize design and code I have manage to fix redirection for all the html files so search engines wont load my page with out the header but I cant manage to do the same with the php files. WORKS PERFECT BUT I CANT GET IT TO WORK WITH PHP FILES … ANY HELP PLEASEEEEE… This is the code I used for the html : In almost all htm files : [code]<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"><!-- if (top == self || (parent.frames[1].name != "middle"))     top.location.href = 'home.htm?' + location.href; //--></script>[/code] IN THE FRAMESET [code]<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"><!-- if (top != self)     top.location.href = location.href; else { document.write('<frameset framespacing="0" border="0" frameborder="0" rows="91,86%,18"">');     document.write('<frame name="top"  src="top.html" scrolling="no" noresize target="middle" >');     document.write('<frame name= "middle"  src="' + (location.search ? unescape(location.search.substring(1)):'info.html') + '"  scrolling="auto" noresize target="middle" >');     document.write('<frame name="bottom" src="bo.htm"  scrolling="no" noresize marginwidth="0" marginheight="2" target="middle" >');     document.write('<\/frameset>');          } //--></script>[/code] WORKS PERFECT BUT I CANT GET IT TO WORK WITH PHP FILES … ANY HELP PLEASEEEEE… ASO WANTED TO KNOE IF IS WORTH IT TO GO WITH FRAMES OR I SHOULD REMOVE THEM.. I HAVE FIX ALL SEARCH ENGINE.. EVERYTHING IS WOKING PERFECT. PL GIME AND OPINION OR OPTIONS. [code][/code]
  4. I Really need help .. I’M willing to offer a compensation I have expend a few hundred dollars in scripts like php vbulletin , and others I link them all using 3 frames header middle and bottom . really organize design and code I have manage to fix redirection for all the html files so search engines wont load my page with out the header but I cant manage to do the same with the php files. WORKS PERFECT BUT I CANT GET IT TO WORK WITH PHP FILES … ANY HELP PLEASEEEEE… This is the code I used for the html : In almost all htm files : [code]<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"><!-- if (top == self || (parent.frames[1].name != "middle"))     top.location.href = 'home.htm?' + location.href; //--></script>[/code] IN THE FRAMESET [code]<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"><!-- if (top != self)     top.location.href = location.href; else { document.write('<frameset framespacing="0" border="0" frameborder="0" rows="91,86%,18"">');     document.write('<frame name="top"  src="top.html" scrolling="no" noresize target="middle" >');     document.write('<frame name= "middle"  src="' + (location.search ? unescape(location.search.substring(1)):'info.html') + '"  scrolling="auto" noresize target="middle" >');     document.write('<frame name="bottom" src="bo.htm"  scrolling="no" noresize marginwidth="0" marginheight="2" target="middle" >');     document.write('<\/frameset>');          } //--></script>[/code] WORKS PERFECT BUT I CANT GET IT TO WORK WITH PHP FILES … ANY HELP PLEASEEEEE… ASO WANTED TO KNOE IF IS WORTH IT TO GO WITH FRAMES OR I SHOULD REMOVE THEM.. I HAVE FIX ALL SEARCH ENGINE.. EVERYTHING IS WOKING PERFECT. PL GIME AND OPINION OR OPTIONS. [code][/code]
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