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  1. Barand's post in Duplicate ID issue when trying to copy table row was marked as the answer   
    If you never want any data to be overwritten then you need always to insert a new record every time with a new id.
    Ensure your table in the destination db has an auto_incrementing primary key, for example
    CREATE TABLE `student` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `studentname` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `class_id` char(2) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; Let's start with db1.student and db2.student tables
    db1.student db2.student +----+-------------+----------+ +----+-------------+----------+ | id | studentname | class_id | | id | studentname | class_id | +----+-------------+----------+ +----+-------------+----------+ | 1 | Peter | A1 | | 1 | Curly | A1 | | 2 | Paul | A2 | | 2 | Larry | A2 | | 3 | Mary | A3 | | 3 | Mo | A3 | +----+-------------+----------+ +----+-------------+----------+ To auto-generate a new key, the insert needs to exclude the id column. This means you cannot use "SELECT * ", you must define the column excepting the id. Similarly, the query must define the destination columns in the receiving table. So we have this (assuming we are connected to db1 as default db) ...
    INSERT INTO db2.student (studentname, class_id) SELECT studentname, class_id FROM student WHERE id = 1 which, when executed, gives this in db2.student table
    +----+-------------+----------+ | id | studentname | class_id | +----+-------------+----------+ | 1 | Curly | A1 | | 2 | Larry | A2 | | 3 | Mo | A3 | | 4 | Peter | A1 | +----+-------------+----------+  
  2. Barand's post in Date sorting not working in my html code was marked as the answer   
    All you needed to do was substitute your connection "$conn" for my "$pdo". My coding in this instance is mysqli/pdo neutral.
    Remove the catch{} stuff.
  3. Barand's post in w3 Schools css colors was marked as the answer   
    If that colour does exist it should probably be included with the other w3- classes and not out there on its own.
  4. Barand's post in How to have pagination in search results page? was marked as the answer   
    Firstly, you need corectly formatted query stringd (you have another "?" before page= instead of a "&")
    Secondly you need to pass the search value (urlencodeed) and a submit value (1)
    echo '<a class="paging" href="?search='.urlencode($_GET['search']).'&submit=1&page=' . ($page + 1) . '">Forward</a>';  
  5. Barand's post in How to count duplicated values in a table and display it? was marked as the answer   
    $res is NOT an array, it is a result object. Therefore your loop never executes.
    Don't post pictures of code, post code.
  6. Barand's post in Need code to not only see one href site, but how to show more than one. was marked as the answer   
    Use an array - it cuts out a lot of repetetive code
    $domains = [ "bscscan" => "bscscan.com", "tronscan" => "tronscan", // .com ??? "dgb" => "dgb.com", "hecoinfo" => "heco.com", "polygonscan" => "polyn.com", "rvn" => "rvn.com", "etherscan" => "ethn.com", "thundercore" => "tttn.com", "solscan" => "solscan.com" ]; $address = strtolower($checkSqlRow["ADDRESS"]); echo "<td><a href='https://{$domains[$checkSqlRow["BLOCKCHAIN"]]}/token/$address'>$address</a></td>";  
  7. Barand's post in PDO update sql form not working was marked as the answer   
    If you know it's Y-m-d why have you specified Y/m/d ???
    It's the <input type='date'> that is using the locale to display dd/mm/yyyy. It posts it to your code as yyyy-mm-dd as the print_r($_POST) shows...
    All the clues are there but you seem to be ignoring them
  8. Barand's post in Getting var from database, then getting record based on it was marked as the answer   
    $sql = "SELECT users_galaxyViewSystem FROM users WHERE users_id = 1"; $result = $conn->query($sql); $row = $result->fetch_assoc(); $testowanySystem = $row['users_galaxyViewSystem']; However, you should be using a single query with a JOIN instead of two queries
    $sql = "SELECT planets_name FROM planets p JOIN users u ON p.planets_starsystem = u.users_galaxyViewSystem WHERE planets_galaxy = $testowanaGalaktyka AND planets_planet = $testowanaPlaneta AND users_id = 1 "; $result = $conn->query($sql); foreach ($result as $row) { echo $row['planets_name'].'<br>'; }  
  9. Barand's post in Php mysql refresh data was marked as the answer   
    Here's an alternative using PHP to do to the date arithmetic
    <?php // create pdo connection here $date = $_GET['date'] ?? date('Y-m-d'); // date defaults to today if no input $days = $_GET['days'] ?? 0; // days defaults to 0 $dt = new DateTime($date); $newdate = $dt->modify("$days days")->format('Y-m-d'); $disabled = $newdate == date('Y-m-d') ? 'disabled' : ''; // if today, disable tomorrow button $res = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM cercles WHERE dates = ? "); $res->execute([$newdate]); ?> <!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>Sample</title> <style type="text/css"> </style> </head> <body> <form> <button name='days' value='-1'>&lt;</button> <input type='date' name='date' value='<?=$newdate?>' > <button name='days' value='1' <?=$disabled?> >&gt;</button> </form> <table> <?php // output your data rows here ?> </table> </body> </html>  
  10. Barand's post in php image scaler, (supporting "gif", "png" and "jpeg") was marked as the answer   
    Remove those echo "jpeg"; etc.
    You can't have output before a header();
  11. Barand's post in I cannot get username from the second table was marked as the answer   
    No, you really don't want to do that - use a single query which joins the two tables on the user_id.
    SELECT users_username FROM users u JOIN planets p ON u.users_id = p.planets_ownerid WHERE planets_galaxy = $testowanaGalaktyka AND planets_starsystem = $testowanySystem AND planets_planet = $testowanaPlaneta";  
  12. Barand's post in get Table Alias row values - MySQL Query in PHP was marked as the answer   
    What have to tried so far?
    How are you connecting to the database?
    Have look at phpdelusions site
    If you aren't already using PDO the I recommend you do.
  13. Barand's post in What are the ways of checking responsive website? was marked as the answer   
    Use your browser menu.
    In Firefox (for example) there is a "More tools" option which gives

  14. Barand's post in First Array Item doesn't show as other is table was marked as the answer   
    Te original html markup was inconsistent. I cleaned up the output too, but slightly differently. I couldn't see the point of separate tables (you can more easily guarantee consistency with a single one)
    echo "<table border='1' class='table'>"; // foreach loop to ping IP and check if alive or dead & dispaly result foreach ($systems as $ip) { unset($result); $successValue = "DOWN"; exec("ping -n 1 $ip[ip]", $result); foreach($result as $line) { if (strpos($line,$good) == TRUE){ $successValue = "UP"; } } echo "<tbody> <tr> <td>IP Address: {$ip['ip']}</td> <td>Unit Name: {$ip['name']}</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Status is: $successValue</td> <td>" . ($successValue == "UP" ? "<img src='/Images/GTick.jpg'>" : "<img src='/Images/RTick.jpg'>") . "</td> </tr> </tbody> "; } echo"</table>";  
  15. Barand's post in File extension when mixing PHP and HTML was marked as the answer   
    PHP code in an .html file will not be processed.
    However, a .php file does not need to contain any PHP code; it can just contain HTML and will function as an .html file.
  16. Barand's post in select option passing data to input fields: mySQL was marked as the answer   
    Use data attributes for the options
    <?php $data = [ [ 'id' => 1, 'rifleName' => '.308 Bolt action', 'em' => '225', 'gm' => '1350' ], [ 'id' => 2, 'rifleName' => '7mm magnum', 'em' => '300', 'gm' => '1575' ], [ 'id' => 3, 'rifleName' => '.243 LeverAction', 'em' => '215', 'gm' => '8725' ] ]; ?> <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.min.js"></script> <script type='text/javascript'> $().ready(function() { $("#menu").change( function() { let em = $(this).find("option:selected").data("em") let gm = $(this).find("option:selected").data("gm") $("#em").val(em) $("#gm").val(gm) }) }) </script> <select class='nameItems' id="menu" name="selection"> <option value="">Choose a Rifle</option> <?php foreach ($data as $row) { echo "<option value={$row['id']} data-em='{$row['em']}' data-gm='{$row['gm']}'>" . htmlspecialchars( $row["rifleName"] ) . "</option>"; } ?> </select> em:<input type="text" class="charge-type" name="em" id="em" value="0" disabled size="5"/> gm: <input class="charge-type" name="gm" id="gm" value="0" disabled size="5"/>
  17. Barand's post in Unknown column in where clause and how to fix it was marked as the answer   
    If $id contains "Shooter" as a string value it need to be in quotes otherwise SQL thinks it is a column name
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM games WHERE genre = '$id' "; ^ ^  
  18. Barand's post in Showing an integer as currency with Jquery was marked as the answer   
    Does this help?
    <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang='en'> <head> <title>sample</title> <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'> <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.min.js"></script> <script type='text/javascript'> var prices = { "Item A":12500, "Item B":9500, "Item C":99, "Item D":9900 } function listPrices() { $.each( prices, function(k, v) { price = v/100 let item = $("<li>", { "html": k + " : &pound;" + price.toFixed(2)}) $("#price-list").append(item) }) } </script> <style type='text/css'> body { background-color: #fbf7e9; } </style> </head> <body> <button onclick='listPrices()'>Prices</button> <ul id='price-list'> </ul> </body> </html>  
  19. Barand's post in Maths on dynamically created form was marked as the answer   
    @Adamhumbug Your code appeared to be trying to calculate all totals in a loop (eg on button click)
    <button onclick='calculate()'>Calculate all totals</button> script
    function calculate() { $.each($(".completeLine"), function(k, v) { var qty = $(v).find('.itemQty option:selected').val(); var price = $(v).find('.itemSelected option:selected').data('priceuk'); $(v).find('.line-total').val(qty*price); }) }  
  20. Barand's post in How to treat an XML code in html page correctly? was marked as the answer   
    echo '<pre>' . htmlentities(' <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9"> <url> ..... </url> <url> ..... </url> <url> ..... </url> <url> ..... </url> </urlset> ') . '</pre>';  
  21. Barand's post in PDO - Uncaught Error: Call to a member function was marked as the answer   
    Also, require is not a function

    The $pdo  variable is created inside the code within your page scope.
  22. Barand's post in Getting no data with if($stmt -> fetch()) was marked as the answer   
    You need to turn the mysql error reporting.
    Your function's query gets 3 result columns and binds ony 2 of them.
    Also the over number and ballinover values will be meaningless in that query as it uses an aggregation function.
  23. Barand's post in Create a pdf from my website was marked as the answer   
    The most common one, I think, is FPDF
    Another one, which is an enhanced version of that one, is TCPDF but I find the documentation a nightmare (the source file itself seems the only place). There are lots of example but it is difficult to know what the arguments for the methods are without a decent reference manual. For example
    // Image example with resizing $pdf->Image('images/image_demo.jpg', 15, 140, 75, 113, 'JPG', 'http://www.tcpdf.org', '', true, 150, '', false, false, 1, false, false, false); You then have to dig into the source file to find
    /** * Puts an image in the page. * The upper-left corner must be given. * The dimensions can be specified in different ways:<ul> * <li>explicit width and height (expressed in user unit)</li> * <li>one explicit dimension, the other being calculated automatically in order to keep the original proportions</li> * <li>no explicit dimension, in which case the image is put at 72 dpi</li></ul> * Supported formats are JPEG and PNG images whitout GD library and all images supported by GD: GD, GD2, GD2PART, GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, XBM, XPM; * The format can be specified explicitly or inferred from the file extension.<br /> * It is possible to put a link on the image.<br /> * Remark: if an image is used several times, only one copy will be embedded in the file.<br /> * @param $file (string) Name of the file containing the image or a '@' character followed by the image data string. To link an image without embedding it on the document, set an asterisk character before the URL (i.e.: '*http://www.example.com/image.jpg'). * @param $x (float) Abscissa of the upper-left corner (LTR) or upper-right corner (RTL). * @param $y (float) Ordinate of the upper-left corner (LTR) or upper-right corner (RTL). * @param $w (float) Width of the image in the page. If not specified or equal to zero, it is automatically calculated. * @param $h (float) Height of the image in the page. If not specified or equal to zero, it is automatically calculated. * @param $type (string) Image format. Possible values are (case insensitive): JPEG and PNG (whitout GD library) and all images supported by GD: GD, GD2, GD2PART, GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, XBM, XPM;. If not specified, the type is inferred from the file extension. * @param $link (mixed) URL or identifier returned by AddLink(). * @param $align (string) Indicates the alignment of the pointer next to image insertion relative to image height. The value can be:<ul><li>T: top-right for LTR or top-left for RTL</li><li>M: middle-right for LTR or middle-left for RTL</li><li>B: bottom-right for LTR or bottom-left for RTL</li><li>N: next line</li></ul> * @param $resize (mixed) If true resize (reduce) the image to fit $w and $h (requires GD or ImageMagick library); if false do not resize; if 2 force resize in all cases (upscaling and downscaling). * @param $dpi (int) dot-per-inch resolution used on resize * @param $palign (string) Allows to center or align the image on the current line. Possible values are:<ul><li>L : left align</li><li>C : center</li><li>R : right align</li><li>'' : empty string : left for LTR or right for RTL</li></ul> * @param $ismask (boolean) true if this image is a mask, false otherwise * @param $imgmask (mixed) image object returned by this function or false * @param $border (mixed) Indicates if borders must be drawn around the cell. The value can be a number:<ul><li>0: no border (default)</li><li>1: frame</li></ul> or a string containing some or all of the following characters (in any order):<ul><li>L: left</li><li>T: top</li><li>R: right</li><li>B: bottom</li></ul> or an array of line styles for each border group - for example: array('LTRB' => array('width' => 2, 'cap' => 'butt', 'join' => 'miter', 'dash' => 0, 'color' => array(0, 0, 0))) * @param $fitbox (mixed) If not false scale image dimensions proportionally to fit within the ($w, $h) box. $fitbox can be true or a 2 characters string indicating the image alignment inside the box. The first character indicate the horizontal alignment (L = left, C = center, R = right) the second character indicate the vertical algnment (T = top, M = middle, B = bottom). * @param $hidden (boolean) If true do not display the image. * @param $fitonpage (boolean) If true the image is resized to not exceed page dimensions. * @param $alt (boolean) If true the image will be added as alternative and not directly printed (the ID of the image will be returned). * @param $altimgs (array) Array of alternate images IDs. Each alternative image must be an array with two values: an integer representing the image ID (the value returned by the Image method) and a boolean value to indicate if the image is the default for printing. * @return image information * @public * @since 1.1 */ public function Image($file, $x='', $y='', $w=0, $h=0, $type='', $link='', $align='', $resize=false, $dpi=300, $palign='', $ismask=false, $imgmask=false, $border=0, $fitbox=false, $hidden=false, $fitonpage=false, $alt=false, $altimgs=array()) { At least FPDF has a manual. Luckily that same manual applies largely to TCPDF - although not the extras that TCPDF has. The most useful addition is the tcpdf::WriteHTML($html_string) method which renders html markup as PDF. I haven't used that facility much so I'm not sure how well it uses CSS.
    Other improvements are better rendering of non-latin text (eg Arabic) and the ability to embed SVG graphics.
  24. Barand's post in Pivot Table or Cross Tab in PHP using MYSQLI for attendance was marked as the answer   
    Here's my attempt.
    This the data I used. Some of my column names may differ from yours, so adjust the queries accordingly.
    attendance member service +-----------+-----------+ +----------+-------------+ +--------------+-------------+ | Field | Type | | Field | Type | | Field | Type | +-----------+-----------+ +----------+-------------+ +--------------+-------------+ | atid | int(11) | | memid | int(11) | | serid | int(11) | | memid | int(11) | | mem_name | varchar(45) | | service_name | varchar(45) | | serid | int(11) | | group_no | int(11) | | service_code | varchar(3) | | entrydate | timestamp | +----------+-------------+ +--------------+-------------+ | createdat | timestamp | | updatedat | timestamp | | viewfrom | int(11) | | astatus | int(11) | | stype | int(11) | +-----------+-----------+ Output

    <?php include 'db_inc.php'; ### CREATE YOUR OWN $pdo = pdoConnect('test'); ### PDO CONNCTION HERE $month = $_GET['month'] ?? date('n')-1; $year = $_GET['year'] ?? date('Y'); $day1 = "{$year}-{$month}-01"; $dt = new DateTime($day1); $monthname = $dt->format('F'); ################################################################################ # # # BUILD REPORT HEADINGS FOR SELECTED MONTH # # # ################################################################################ $res = $pdo->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT weekofyear(entrydate) - weekofyear(?) + 1 as wk_no , date_format(entrydate, '%e/%c') as edate , concat(date_format(entrydate, '%d'), ' ', service_code) as dayser , service_code FROM attendance JOIN service s USING (serid) WHERE month(entrydate) = ? ORDER BY entrydate, serid "); $res->execute([ $day1, $month ]); $rows = $res->fetchAll(); $empty = array_fill_keys(array_column($rows, 'dayser'), [ 'wk'=>0, 'att'=>0 ]); $hdata = []; foreach ($rows as $r) { if (!isset($hdata[$r['wk_no']])) { $hdata[$r['wk_no']] = [ 'dates' => [], 'servs' => [] ]; } $hdata[$r['wk_no']]['dates'][] = $r['edate']; $hdata[$r['wk_no']]['servs'][] = $r['service_code']; $empty[$r['dayser']]['wk'] = $r['wk_no']; } $thead = "<tr><th rowspan='3' class='namecol'>Name</th>"; foreach ($hdata as $w => $wdata) { $cs = count($wdata['dates']); $cls = $w % 2 ? 'oddwk' : ''; $thead .= "<th class='$cls' colspan='$cs'>WEEK $w</th>"; } $thead .= "</tr>\n<tr>"; foreach ($hdata as $w => $wdata) { foreach ($wdata['dates'] as $d) { $cls = $w % 2 ? 'oddwk' : ''; $thead .= "<th class='$cls'>$d</th>"; } } $thead .= "</tr>\n<tr>"; foreach ($hdata as $w => $wdata) { foreach ($wdata['servs'] as $d) { $cls = $w % 2 ? 'oddgrn' : 'evengrn'; $thead .= "<th class='$cls'>$d</th>"; } } $thead .= "</tr>\n"; ################################################################################ # # # BUILD DATA ROWS FOR SELECTED MONTH # # # ################################################################################ $res = $pdo->prepare("SELECT weekofyear(entrydate) - weekofyear(?) + 1 as wk_no , concat(date_format(entrydate, '%d'), ' ', service_code) as dayser , group_no , mem_name , memid FROM attendance a JOIN member m USING (memid) JOIN service s USING (serid) WHERE month(entrydate) = ? ORDER BY group_no, mem_name, dayser "); $res->execute([ $day1, $month ]); $mdata = []; foreach ($res as $r) { if (!isset($mdata[$r['group_no']][$r['mem_name']])) { $mdata[$r['group_no']][$r['mem_name']] = $empty; } $mdata[$r['group_no']][$r['mem_name']][$r['dayser']]['att'] = 1; } $tdata = ''; foreach ($mdata as $grp => $mems) { $cs = count($empty); $tdata .= "<tr><td class='w3-brown'>Group $grp</td> <td colspan='$cs'>&nbsp;</td> </tr> "; foreach ($mems as $mname => $attend) { $tdata .= "<tr><td>$mname</td>"; $prevwk = 0; foreach ($attend as $a) { $bar = $a['wk'] != $prevwk ? 'w3-leftbar' : ''; $prevwk = $a['wk']; $cls = $bar; if ($a['att']) { $clr = $a['wk'] % 2 ? 'oddgrn' : 'evengrn'; $cls .= " check $clr"; $tdata .= "<td class='$cls'>&check;</td>"; } else $tdata .= "<td class='$cls'>&nbsp;</td>"; } $tdata .= "</tr>\n"; } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Attendances</title> <link href="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/4/w3.css"> <style type='text/css'> table { border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; } caption { text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 14pt; } th { padding: 4px 0; width: 50px; } td { padding: 4px; } th.oddwk { background-color: #eee; } th.namecol { width: 150px; } .oddgrn { background-color: #80ff80; } .evengrn { background-color: #b3ffb3; } .check { font-weight: 600; text-align: center; } </style> </head> <body> <header class='w3-dark-gray w3-padding'> <h1>Attendance</h1> </header> <form class='w3-bar w3-light-gray w3-padding'> <label class='w3-bar-item'>Year </label> <input type='number' class='w3-bar-item' name='year' value='<?=$year?>'> <label class='w3-bar-item'>Month</label> <input type='number' class='w3-bar-item' name='month' value='<?=$month?>'> <button class='w3-button w3-bar-item w3-indigo'>Search</button> </form> <div class='w3-content w3-margin-top'> <table border='1' class='w3-small'> <caption class='w3-light-green w3-padding w3-center'><?=$monthname?></caption> <?=$thead?> <?=$tdata?> </table> </div> </body> </html>  
  25. Barand's post in MySQL update query to automatically Deduct quantity sold from quantity in the stock table was marked as the answer   
    INSERT INTO stock (stock_id, qty) SELECT stock_id , newqty FROM ( SELECT stock_id , @sales := IF(@prev = k.item_id, @sales, sold) as sales , IF(qty <= @sales, 0, qty - @sales) as newqty , @sales := IF(@sales >= qty, @sales - qty, 0) , @prev := k.item_id as item FROM stock k JOIN ( SELECT item_id , sum(quantity) as sold FROM sales GROUP BY item_id ) s ON k.item_id = s.item_id AND qty_type = 'a' JOIN (SELECT @prev:=null, @sales:=0) init ORDER BY k.item_id, stock_id ) calc ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE qty = VALUES(qty);  
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