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  1. [b]Hi guys. I am really stuck on something i would be grateful any help. i am trying to populate a dropdown box based on another one. i don't know what am i doing wrong. this is the code i'm stuck on(embedded in php code)[/b] <script language=JavaScript> <? if (num_rows($res)>0) { $i = num_rows($res); $result = fetch_row($res); $productname = result($result, "productid"); while ($i>0) { // For each product print " var $productname" . "pArray = new Array(\"All\",\n"; while($i>0 and result($result, "productid") == $productname) { // Add Each Build Type $i--; print "\"". result($result, "buildType") ."\",\n"; if ($i>0) { $result = fetch_row($res); } } $productname = result($result, "productid"); print "\"('')\");\n\n"; } } ?> function populatebuildType(inForm,selected) { if(selected > '') { var selectedpArray = eval(selected + "pArray"); while (selectedpArray.length < inForm.buildType.options.length) { inForm.buildType.options[(inForm.buildType.options.length - 1)] = null; } for (var i=0; i < selectedpArray.length; i++) { var x = selectedpArray[i]; inForm.buildType.options[i]= new Option( x, x ); } inForm.buildType.options[inForm.buildType.options.length - 1]= null; if (inForm.buildType.options[0].value == '') { inForm.buildType.options[0]= null; if ( navigator.appName == 'Netscape') { if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) < 4) { window.history.go(0); } else { if (navigator.platform == 'Win32' || navigator.platform == 'Win16') { if(!document.getElementById) window.history.go(0); } } } } } } </script> [b]and i am calling the function here in this form:[/b] <FORM NAME=form1 METHOD=GET ACTION=# STYLE="margin-bottom:1px;"> <TABLE CLASS=CELLBLUE ALIGN=CENTER BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=5 CELLSPACING=0> <TR> <TD><B>Date Start:</B><BR><?=calendar_code('datestart', 'Date Start', $datestart)?></TD> <TD><B>Date End:</B><BR><?=calendar_code('dateend', 'Date End', $dateend)?></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD><B>Product:</B><BR><?=query_select("productid", "productid", "productid", $sqlproduct, $productid, " onchange=populatebuildType(this.form1,this.form1.productid.options[this.form1.productid.selectedIndex].value);")?></TD> <TD><B>Build Type:</B><BR><?=query_select("buildType", "buildType", "buildType", $sqlbuildtype, $buildType)?></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=BOTTOM COLSPAN=7><BR><? print submit_button('SUBMIT', 'Filter'); ?></TD> </TR> </TABLE> </FORM> <BR> [b]query_select function creates a select box based on sql query. here is the function[/b] function query_select($selectname, $idfieldname, $descfieldname, $sql, $default="", $other="", $class="AUTHINPUT") // This function generates a HTML select box based on a SQL query // selectname is the name of the select box // idfieldname is the field from the query used as the value of the select box // descfieldname is the field from the query used as the visible description of the select box { $conn = db_connect(); $res = query($sql, $conn); if (!$res) return(0); $select .= "<SELECT CLASS = $class NAME=\"$selectname\" $other>"; for ($i=0; $i < num_rows($res); $i++) { $result = fetch_row($res); $opt_id = result($result, $idfieldname); $opt_desc = result($result, $descfieldname); $select .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"$opt_id\""; if ($opt_id == $default) { $select .= " SELECTED"; } $select .= ">$opt_desc"; $select .= "</OPTION>"; } $select .= "</SELECT>\n"; return($select); } [b]thanx for any help i appreciate it[/b]
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