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  1. Hello I have a guestbook with a .txt file as guestbook entry storage. Now I want make a spam protection and therefore I want replace the E-Mail address in the output. My .txt file has the following syntax: [code] <b>Datum:</b> Sun 04/30/06 8:56PM<br><b>Von:</b> admin<br><b>Email: </b><a href=mailto:admin@domain.tld>admin@domain.tld</a><br><br><b>Eintrag:</b> [/code] Now I want replace the following section within the string: <a href=mailto:admin@domain.tld>admin@domain.tld</a> <a href=mailto:%</a> [code] $buffer = fgets($fd, 4096); $lines[] = $buffer; [/code] Thanks for help! oli
  2. Thanks it seems to work. I modified it a bit! [code] <?php $start = mktime(16, 40, 22, 04, 18, 2006); $end = mktime(16, 40, 22, 04, 19, 2006); $query = "SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE time_stamp => $start AND time_stamp =< $end"; // etc etc etc ?> [/code] With the equal before the greather or smaller character lists also the day of the var ($start or $end). oli
  3. Hello I want make a database query with a date range (e.g. 01.01.2006-01.03.2006). I set on each Insert statement a timestap. And this select command should list only the entries within this date range. Any ideas? Thanks oli
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