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  1. Our home page at [a href=\"http://www.hireveterans.com\" target=\"_blank\"]Hireveterans.com[/a] has a FEATURED COMPANIES block whereby the LOGOS of clients appear on the left side and their text link appears on the right side of the block. THE CHALLENGE We need to have just the logos appear and not the text link. But more, we need the logos to appear on both the left and right side so that there are 2 columns and not just one column. That would be a wise use of space. Currently, the code is written so that it calls up the logos into the left side and places the text link on the right side.We need to have the code call up the logos and distribute them evenly on the both the right and left side. We just don't know how to code it so that the logos appear into 2 columns. Any advice? If so, let me know here or email me at gm@peapolzmedia.com and let me know what it will take. - [a href=\"http://www.peapolzmedia.com/downloads/HV-future.jpg\" target=\"_blank\"]PHOTO of he way is should look like[/a] this is how the code looks now…….I can email you the exact file if needed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- <?php include ('application_config_file.php'); include(DIR_LANGUAGES.$language."/".FILENAME_JOBFIND_FORM); function bx_js_prepare($l_str){ $l_str = eregi_replace("\015\012|\015|\012", ' ', $l_str); $l_str = eregi_replace("'","'",$l_str); $l_str = eregi_replace("\\\\","\\\\",$l_str); return $l_str; } header("Content-type: text/html");?> if (!pjs_titleBGColor) { var pjs_titleBGColor='<?php echo TABLE_BGCOLOR;?>'; } if (!pjs_title) { var pjs_title='<b><?php echo bx_js_prepare(TEXT_FEATURED_COMPANIES);?> - <a href="<?php echo bx_js_prepare(HTTP_SERVER);?>"><?php echo bx_js_prepare(SITE_NAME);?></a></b>'; } if (!pjs_bigFont) { var pjs_bigFont='<font face="<?php echo TEXT_FONT_FACE;?>" size="<?php echo TEXT_FONT_SIZE;?>" color="<?php echo TEXT_FONT_COLOR;?>">'; } if(!pjs_tableBGColor){ var pjs_tableBGColor='<?php echo TABLE_FEATURED_BGCOLOR;?>'; } if (!pjs_linkStyle) { var pjs_linkStyle='style="color: #0000FF; font-size: 12px; font-weight: normal;"'; } document.write('<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">'); document.write('<TR>'); document.write(' <TD colspan="2" width="100%" align="center" bgcolor="'+pjs_titleBGColor+'">'+pjs_bigFont+pjs_t itle+'</font></TD>'); document.write('</TR>'); document.write('</table>'); document.write('<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2">'); <?php $array_comps=array(); if (FEATURED_COMPANY_ORDER==1 || FEATURED_COMPANY_ORDER==2) { $query = "SELECT company, compid, signupdate, logo FROM ".$bx_table_prefix."_companies WHERE TO_DAYS(".$bx_table_prefix."_companies.expire)>=TO _DAYS(NOW()) and featured='1'"; srand((double)microtime()*1000000); // seed the random number generator if (FEATURED_COMPANY_ORDER==2) { $array_date=array(); $array_ordcomps=array(); } } else { $query = "SELECT company, compid, signupdate, logo FROM ".$bx_table_prefix."_companies WHERE TO_DAYS(".$bx_table_prefix."_companies.expire)>=TO _DAYS(NOW()) and featured='1' order by ".$bx_table_prefix."_companies.signupdate desc, ".$bx_table_prefix."_companies.compid desc"; } $empty=0; $result_featured_companies=bx_db_query($query); SQL_CHECK(0,"SQL Error at ".__FILE__.":".(__LINE__-1)); $count_companies=bx_db_num_rows($result_featured_c ompanies); if ($count_companies!=0) { if ($count_companies>=FEATURED_COMPANIES_NUMBER) { $number_random=FEATURED_COMPANIES_NUMBER; } else { $number_random=$count_companies; } for($i=0;$i<$number_random;$i++) { $rand_row = @rand(0, ($count_companies - 1)); $exist=random_once($array_comps,$rand_row); if($exist!=1) { $array_comps[$i]=$rand_row; } else { $i--; } } if (FEATURED_COMPANY_ORDER==1) { } elseif (FEATURED_COMPANY_ORDER==2) { $i=0; while($i<sizeof($array_comps)) { $company=bx_db_data_seek($result_featured_companie s, $array_comps[$i]); $result_companies=bx_db_fetch_array($result_featur ed_companies); $array_date[$array_comps[$i]] =$result_companies['signupdate']; $i++; } arsort($array_date); while(list($key)=each($array_date)) { $array_ordcomps[]=$key; } $array_comps=$array_ordcomps; } else { for($i=0;$i<$number_random;$i++) { $array_comps[$i]=$i; } } } else { $empty=1; } $i=0; if($empty!=1) { while($i<sizeof($array_comps)) { $record=bx_db_data_seek($result_featured_companies , $array_comps[$i]); $result_companies=bx_db_fetch_array($result_featur ed_companies); ?> document.write(' <TR>'); document.write(' <TD width="40%" align="center" bgcolor="'+pjs_tableBGColor+'">'); document.write(' <?php $image_location = DIR_LOGO. $result_companies['logo']; if ((!empty($result_companies['logo'])) && (file_exists($image_location))) { echo "<a href=\"".bx_make_url(HTTP_SERVER.FILENAME_VIEW."?c ompany_id=".$result_companies['compid'], "auth_sess", $bx_session)."\" target=\"_blank\" '+pjs_linkStyle+'><img src=\"".HTTP_LOGO.$result_companies['logo']."\" border=0 align=\"absmiddle\"></a>"; }//end if (file_exists($image_location)) else { echo "'+pjs_bigFont+'".bx_js_prepare(TEXT_LOGO_NOT_AVAI LABLE)."</font>"; }//end else if (file_exists($image_location)) ?></font>'); document.write(' </TD>'); document.write(' <TD valign="middle" width="60%" align="center" bgcolor="'+pjs_tableBGColor+'">'); document.write(' <a href="<?php echo bx_make_url(HTTP_SERVER.FILENAME_VIEW."?company_id =".$result_companies['compid'], "auth_sess", $bx_session);?>" target="_blank" '+pjs_linkStyle+'><?php echo bx_js_prepare($result_companies['company']);?></a>'); document.write(' </TD>'); document.write(' </TR>'); <?php if($i==FEATURED_COMPANIES_NUMBER) { break; } $i++; } } else { ?> document.write(' <TR>'); document.write(' <TD colspan="2" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="'+pjs_tableBGColor+'">'+pjs_bigFont+'<?ph p echo bx_js_prepare(TEXT_NO_FEATURED_COMPANY);?></font></TD>'); document.write(' </TR>'); <?php } ?> document.write('</table><br>'); __________________ Have a Great PHP Day JP PeaPolzMedia.com
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