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  1. Just in case anyone else has a similar issue I got it to work with this: $q = "SELECT `id`, `content` FROM `mapContent` WHERE LOWER(`content`) REGEXP \"[[:<:]]" . $searchText . "[[:>:]]\"";
  2. Wow, I wasn't aware you could do regular expression in MySQL. Interesting timing since I only recently started teaching myself how to use them in PHP and AS3. I'll try that. Thank you.
  3. Sorry. My version is: MySQL 5.0.67 Here is my mysql query: SELECT `id`, `content` FROM `mapContent` WHERE LOWER(`content`) LIKE '%tea%' What is happening is that its grabbing words that happen to have "tea" inside of them such as "team", "instead" and "steady". What my client wants is for it to only grab the word "tea". For example if the record had. "I like to drink tea in the morning" <= it would grab this But if it said: "I want to drink coffee instead" <= it wouldn't grab this despite there being the letters "tea" in part of the text. Is that descriptive enough? I've tried using the like statement and I've also tried this: SELECT `id`, `content` FROM `mapContent` WHERE MATCH(`content`) AGAINST('+tea' IN BOOLEAN MODE) And this: SELECT `id`, `content` FROM `mapContent` WHERE MATCH(`content`) AGAINST('+"tea"' IN BOOLEAN MODE) I'm not getting any error messages, but i'm still not getting the desired result.
  4. Sorry I should have explained that better. I mean that if they search for the word "tea" I want it to only find the word "tea" and not words that happen to have the letters "t", "e" and "a" in them like "team", "instead" and "steady". Is that clearer?
  5. I built a simple search for a client which is working beautifully so far except for one issue I can seem to solve and I've been having trouble these last two weeks hunting for a solution. I've been using MATCH() AGAINST() to perform simple boolean searchs when I have multiple terms and thats fine, and using LIKE when I'm only searching a single word. The problem with each method is it keeps finding words within words. For example when they search "tea" it brings up words like "team", "instead" and "steady". What my client wants is for it to only bring up whole words. Is there any query keywords or formats I can use to ensure this? Thank you.
  6. Ok thank you, I'll check to make sure of that. Oh, by the way MacGyver rocks.
  7. I have a download.php file thats doing that. In my .htaccess file do I only have the words "deny from all" in all lowercase letters?
  8. I'm trying to block access to files unless they go through a php file that forces the download. So I tried setting the .htaccess file like this <Files *> Order deny,allow Deny from all </Files> And It doesn't seem to be stopping me from typing in the address in my address bar and downloading the file. Am I doing something wrong?
  9. Never mind I solved it. Since Angel's daycare was stored like this in the database "Angel\'s Daycare" (since I escaped the quotes in the insert query) I had to escape the quote twice this time so it would look literally for "Angel\'s Daycare". Thanks for the help.
  10. I believe so. So what would I do differently to get this to work?
  11. I've tried two different queries. The first one does not work, but the second one does. The only difference I can see between the two is the single quote in the first statement. For whatever reason the LIKE statement doesn't seem to be working when the string contains and escaped single quote. query = SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE (business LIKE '%Angel\'s daycare%' AND category LIKE '%In Home Daycare%' ) AND (status = '1' AND status_2 = '1') LIMIT 0, 10 query = SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE (business LIKE '%Obie Family Daycare%' AND category LIKE '%In Home Daycare%' ) AND (status = '1' AND status_2 = '1') LIMIT 0, 10 Is there any workaround for this?
  12. That would make it even less likely they would remember to come back. And less likely that they'll want to sign up. I think someone contemplating $4 a month is more likely to say yes then someone contemplating $48 a year. Even though they are the same overall the numbers when you are actually looking to spend them seem less threatening with $4 a month.
  13. I don't see the issue in them forgetting. If I was a vendor and wanting a listing on a site I don't want to have to log in once a month to maintain it, I just want it to be there. I would rather they forget about it and still have the listing then forget to come back and we lose their business.
  14. Wait so they would have to manually keep coming in and paying and again? I'm trying to make something where the payments will take place automatically unless they delete their account or cancel their premium features. That way a vendor or bride could have their listing without having to worry about it every month.
  15. If its possible to achieve these tasks without storing credit card info I'm totally fine with that as well, I just need it to work. All I need is for it to be able to once a month charge people however much money they owe depending on what kind of account and what features they have signed up for.
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