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  1. I've been trying consolidate some code recipes for getting PHP to recursively walk a (windows UNC or *Nix) directory path and collect all the file details into an array (which I will later flatten and perform parsing, and file operations like moving and ftp'ing) The problem I'm having here so far: [blockquote]1) I can't seem to figure out why the looping halts abruptly, therefore only producing one result. 2) The problem aforementioned may relate, but I don't understand, why my time-difference determination is not working correctly.[/blockquote] I'm really hoping to have some expert eyes point to any mistakes I'm not seeing. Many thanks, [code]<?php // Include some vanity related functions require_once 'function.size_readable.php'; // Set maximum execution time for recursion results set_time_limit(900); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //          Function to recursively scan and collect details about files it finds in folders //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      function rec_scandir($dir) {      //$files = array();  // declaring arrays    //$files_processed = array();    if ( $handle =opendir($dir) ) {   // check if folder is valid        while ( ($file =readdir($handle)) !=false ) {  // loop while walking directory            if ( $file !=".." && $file !=".") {   // skip folders ..  and .                if ( is_dir($dir . "/" . $file) ) {                    $files_processed[$file] =rec_scandir($dir . "\\" . $file); // list directory                }else {  // Listing file details                         // Changed $file into an array with more information about the files                          $files = array("name" => $file,                                        "path" => $dir . "\\" .$file,                                        //"size" => filesize($dir . "/" . $file),                                        "friendly_size" => size_readable(filesize($dir . "/" . $file), 'MB', '%01.2f %s'),                                          "type" => filetype($dir . "/" . $file),                                        "last_change" => $last_change = date("F d Y h:i:s", filemtime($dir . "/" . $file)),                                                                            );                                                                  //                         //          Perform File Age check                         //                                                 $contents = $last_change; // contents of date collected in array                             $delimiter = " ";  // define the delimiter                             $splitcontents = explode($delimiter, $contents);  // php parsing function                             $regDate=strtotime($contents); //grab date contents                                                                  //caluculate our time from GMT time                             $hour=gmdate('H');                             $min=gmdate('i');                             $sec=gmdate('s');                             $month=gmdate('n');                             $day=gmdate('d');                             $year=gmdate('Y');                             $stamp=mktime ($hour,$min,$sec,$month,$day,$year);                             $server_time= date("F d Y h:i:s", mktime($hour,$min,$sec,$month,$day,$year));                                                                                      $datediff = $stamp - $regDate;  // difference calculated in seconds                                                          // Time measurments                             if($datediff < 3600 )   // if time is less than an hour (60 minutes) report minutes                             {                                 $age = $on = floor($datediff/60). ' minute(s)';                               }                             else if($datediff < 86400 ) // if time is less than an day (24 hours) then report hours                             {                                 $age = $on =  floor($datediff/60/60).' hour(s)';                             }                             else if($datediff < 604800 ) // if time is less than an week (7days)report days                             {                                 $age = $on =  floor($datediff/60/60/24). ' day(s)';                             }                             else if($datediff < 2419200 ) // if time is less than a month (4 weeks) report weeks                             {                                 $age = $on =  floor($datediff/60/60/24/7). ' week(s)';                             }                             else if($datediff < 29030400) // if time is less than a year (12 months) report months                             {                                 $age = $on =  floor($datediff/60/60/24/7/4). ' month(s)';                             }                             else // go ahead and report year(s)                             {                                 $age = $on =  floor($datediff/365/60/60/24). ' year(s)';                             }                                                                                                               //this second array that has the age of file calculated from last_change variable in previous array                         $process_age = array("age" => $age,                                              "server_time" => $server_time);                                                  // merging results of second array with first                         $files_processed = array_merge($files,                                              $process_age                                             );                }            }                  }        closedir($handle);  // closing out folder        return $files_processed;    } } function cmp($a, $b) {    if ( is_string($a) && is_string($b) ) {        return strcmp($a, $b) > 0 ? 1 : -1;    }elseif ( is_int($a) && is_int($b) ) {        return $a > $b ? 1 : -1;    }elseif ( is_int($a) && is_string($b) ) {        return 1;    }elseif ( is_string($a) && is_int($b) ) {        return -1;    }else {        return 0;    } } function array_ukmultisort(&$arr, $func) {    uksort($arr, $func);    while ( list($key, $val) =each($arr) ) {        if ( is_array($val) ) {            array_ukmultisort($arr[$key], $func);        }    } } function get_size($path)  {        if(!is_dir($path))return filesize($path);        $dir = opendir($path);        while($file = readdir($dir))        {            if(is_file($path."/".$file))$size+=filesize($path."/".$file);            if(is_dir($path."/".$file) && $file!="." && $file !="..")$size +=get_size($path."/".$file);                   }        return $size; } function mostRecentModifiedFileTime($dirName,$doRecursive) {    $d = dir($dirName);    $lastModified = 0;    while($entry = $d->read()) {        if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") {            if (!is_dir($dirName."/".$entry)) {                $currentModified = filemtime($dirName."/".$entry);            } else if ($doRecursive && is_dir($dirName."/".$entry)) {                $currentModified = mostRecentModifiedFileTime($dirName."/".$entry,true);            }            if ($currentModified > $lastModified){                $lastModified = $currentModified;            }        }    }    $d->close();    return $lastModified; } // specify directory to monitor //$pdir = "\\\\tapedrive\\c\\To_Be_Processed"; // perform recursive display details on parent folder $dir =rec_scandir($pdir); $flatten_array =natural_list($dir); // collect details into a multidimensional array array_ukmultisort($dir, "cmp"); /* selective display function function week_old($dir_basket) {     return ($dir_basket['last_change'] < */ // aim to browser echo "<pre>"; echo $pdir . " Folder Size: ".size_readable(get_size($pdir), 'MB', '%01.1f %s')."\n"; //print_r($flatten_array); print_r($dir); echo "</pre>"; ?>[/code]
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