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About VTS

  • Birthday 11/22/1982

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  1. Right off the bat I see this: $name = You either need to delete that or finish out the statement and assign that variable to something.
  2. You could try something like the following: foreach($ar1 as $img) { for($i = 0; $i < count($ar2); $i++) { if($ar2[$i]['widgetID'] == $img['widgetID']) { $ar2[$i]['image'] = $img['image']; } else { // the widgetID is not found... do what you need with it here } } } Where $ar1 is the array containing the images and $ar2 is the one containing your other data. Not very efficient since it loops through the second array every time but this is just what came to the top of my head quickest. Someone else might want to post up a more efficient suggestion.
  3. Someone suggested that I used the phpmailer so my mail does not get filtered as junk so I started trying to use it.
  4. Ok, I fixed the cannot connect to smtp server error and now I am getting an error stating that my helo address is invalid. What am I supposed to put in there? If I don't put anything, it tells me it doesn't accept mail from my ip and to "bugger off". If I put my smtp in there, it tells me that my helo address is invalid.
  5. Well yea but I was wondering what things could be causing this. I can send email to people within the company if I just use the mail function alone but when I use this code I keep getting that error. Not sure why.
  6. UPDATE: I have been trying to get the PHP mailer to work since yesterday with no luck. I keep getting the error "could not connect to smtp host" Here is the code I am using: <?php require(".\\phpmailer_v2.0.0\class.phpmailer.php"); $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->IsSMTP(); // set mailer to use SMTP $mail->Host = "smtp.mycomanysmtp.com"; // specify main and backup server $mail->SMTPAuth = false; // turn on SMTP authentication $mail->Username = ""; // SMTP username $mail->Password = ""; // SMTP password $mail->From = "me@mydomain.com"; $mail->FromName = "david"; $mail->AddAddress("me@mydomain.com"); $mail->AddAddress("my_yahoo@yahoo.com"); $mail->AddAddress("my_cell@vtext.com"); // name is optional $mail->AddReplyTo("me@mydomain.com"); $mail->WordWrap = 50; // set word wrap to 50 characters //$mail->AddAttachment("/var/tmp/file.tar.gz"); // add attachments //$mail->AddAttachment("/tmp/image.jpg", "new.jpg"); // optional name $mail->IsHTML(true); // set email format to HTML $mail->Subject = "Here is the subject"; $mail->Body = "This is the HTML message body <b>in bold!</b>"; $mail->AltBody = "This is the body in plain text for non-HTML mail clients"; if(!$mail->Send()) { echo "Message could not be sent. <p>"; echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo; exit; } echo "Message has been sent"; ?> I have tried using this funciton with and without authentication and I get the same error every time. Anyone have any ideas?
  7. Ok, I just checked and there is nothing on my end that is blocking any outgoing mail. I also added 'or die("could not send message")' to the end of the mail clause and when I ran it, I got the could not send message error. I will try that phpmailer class and see how that works too.
  8. Thanks. The server here is supposed to let that go through but I will check again.
  9. UPDATE: I can send email to my company email addresses but not to any outside emails ie yahoo, hotmail, gmail. I am guessing this means I am missing some kind of information that would allow a server to see where the email is coming from. I still am not sure what I should do.
  10. Hello, I have a program that emails me whenever it gets errors. Since I am not always able to check my email and monitor it, I figured I would set it up to send a message to my phone on the weekends whenever it has errors. My problem is that for some reason I cannot get the mail function to send messages to my phone at all. I am using my company email as the from address. Is is just that the mail function cannot send messages to vtext accounts or am I just doing something wrong? I can just change the from address to a regular email and it works just fine. I can also send the messages from my company email to my phone but anytime I try to send it with the mail function it does not work. I have tried using the function like this: mail('xxxx@vtext.com', 'subject', 'message'); and like this as well: mail('xxxx@vtext.com','subject', 'message', 'From: company_email@company.com'); I tried to search a little for this but kept getting error when searching this site so i decided to post here. Thanks in advance for the help
  11. Is there any way in PHP to add a comma to a variable that will have a total in it. For instance, if $total = 100+999. How can I get that field to have a comma in the right place? thanks VTS
  12. I have a quick question about this. My data in a file looks like this: "2 4 .98 .09" "4 4 .50 .40" The format is store#, dept it, goal, actual. What I need to do is read this data from a text file into my database but I do not know how to remove the " marks from the file. How do I go about doing this? Can I use add or strip slashes somehow? thanks in advance, VTS
  13. Looks like it was a simple problem with the path to my perl.exe being wrong....I spelled apache as "apche". Guess it might help if I spell it right :-\
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