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  1. Excellent thank you that was really helpfull! good to have communities like this :)
  2. Hello everyone, [img src=\"http://worcesterwideweb.com/work/dam.jpg\" border=\"0\" alt=\"IPB Image\" /] Im trying to make submenus for a cms im playing with, but i cant find the correct SQL SELECT im suppose to use to get the submenu items. basicly I want it to show up like this Home About us Contact Test Page - test page sub and for each sub to be categorized under its parent. As you see i have a parent column with the id of the items parent. What sql statement would I use to select all subitems of the parent? I have the code working for my parents but not for the child, here is the current child code: [code]        $query3 = $database->query("SELECT * FROM pages WHERE parent = id"); while ($list3 = mysql_fetch_array($query3)) {                $id = stripslashes($list3['id']);         $date = stripslashes($list3['date']);         $title = stripslashes($list3['title']);         $linktitle = stripslashes($list3['linktitle']);         $pagename = stripslashes($list3['pagename']);         $description = stripslashes($list3['description']);         $menuitem = stripslashes($list3['menuitem']);         $parent = stripslashes($list3['parent']);                           $items .=  '<div id="anylinkmenu'.$h++.'" class="anylinkcss"><a  href="'.$siteroot.'pages/'.$id.'/'.$pagename.'.html">'.$linktitle.' </a></div>';         echo $items;         } [/code] any help is greatly appreciated thanks :)
  3. Thanks everyone for your help, The problem has been solved. :)
  4. No, i have a proper connection. You can see with the full line of code im using a database class which works fine for the rest of the site. [code]<?php     require('includes/config.php');     require('core/database.php');     $database = new database();     $database->connect();                    $query = $database->query("SELECT * FROM menu ORDER by name");     while ($list = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {         $menuid = stripslashes($list['id']);         $name = stripslashes($list['name']);         $type = stripslashes($list['type']);         $menus .= '<li><a href="menu2.php?menu='.$menuid.'">'.$name.'</a></li>';      } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title><?php echo $title; ?>Blue Water Inn</title> <meta name="description" content="<?php echo $description; ?>" /> <link href="main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="sIFR-screen.css" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="sIFR-print.css" type="text/css" media="print" /> <script src="sifr.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="sifr-addons.js" type="text/javascript"></script> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper">   <div id="header">     <div id="top"></div>     <div id="innerheader"> <img src="images/headercenter.jpg" alt="Blue Water Inn"/> </div>     <div id="menu">       <?php include 'includes/menu.php'; ?>     </div>   </div>   <div id="content">     <?php if (isset($menu)) {                        $query2 = $database->query("SELECT * FROM menu_cat AS mc JOIN menu_item AS mi ON mc.menu = mi.menu WHERE mc.menu='$menu'");     $prevCat = '';     while ($list2 = mysql_fetch_array($query2)) {                                              //display from menu_cat                         $catid = stripslashes($list2['mc.id']);                         $catname = stripslashes($list2['mc.name']);                         $catmenu = stripslashes($list2['mc.menu']);  //same as $itemmenu                         $description = stripslashes($list2['mc.description']);                                                  //display from menu_item                         $itemname = stripslashes($list2['name']);                         $itemmenu = stripslashes($list2['menu']);  //same as $catmenu                         $itemdescription = stripslashes($list2['description']);                         $itemprice = stripslashes($list2['price']);                         $itemfeature = stripslashes($list2['feature']);                         $itemcat = stripslashes($list2['cat']);                                                   if($prevCat != $list2['menu_cat']) {                                                                            echo $list2['menu_cat'];                             $prevCat = $list2['menu_cat'];                              }                             $parsecat .= '                                     <h2>'.$itemname.'</h2>                                     <p>'.$itemdescription.'</p>                                     <p>'.$itemprice.'</p>';                                                                                       }                                            echo $parsecat; }else { echo $menus; }    ?>   </div>   <div id="footer">     <?php include 'includes/footer.php'; ?>   </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ if(typeof sIFR == "function"){     sIFR.replaceElement(named({sSelector:"body h1", sFlashSrc:"francine.swf", sColor:"#7179a9", sLinkColor:"#485819", sBgColor:"#FFFFFF", sHoverColor:"#000000", nPaddingTop:0, nPaddingBottom:0, sFlashVars:"0"}));              sIFR.replaceElement(named({sSelector:"body h2", sFlashSrc:"francine.swf", sColor:"#7179a9", sLinkColor:"#485819", sBgColor:"#FFFFFF", sHoverColor:"#000000", nPaddingTop:0, nPaddingBottom:0, sFlashVars:"0"}));          IFR.replaceElement(named({sSelector:"houses h2", sFlashSrc:"francine.swf", sColor:"#7179a9", sLinkColor:"#485819", sBgColor:"#FFFFFF", sHoverColor:"#000000", nPaddingTop:0, nPaddingBottom:0, sFlashVars:"0"}));          sIFR.replaceElement(named({sSelector:"body h3", sFlashSrc:"francine.swf", sColor:"#7179a9", sLinkColor:"#485819", sBgColor:"#FFFFFF", sHoverColor:"#000000", nPaddingTop:0, nPaddingBottom:0, sFlashVars:"0"}));      }; //]]> </script> </body> </html> [/code]
  5. hmm I sat here for about an hour trying to figure the solution out im affraid i havent been able to :( I'm getting this error: [!--quoteo--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--]SELECT * FROM menu_cat AS mc JOIN menu_item AS mi ON mc.id=mi.menu_cat WHERE mc.menu='4' ORDER BY menu_catcould not be completed. Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/blue/public_html/menu2.php on line 47[/quote] this is what i have for code now: Any idea? thanks again :) [code]    <?php if (isset($menu)) {                        $query2 = $database->query("SELECT * FROM menu_cat AS mc JOIN menu_item AS mi ON mc.id=mi.menu_cat WHERE mc.menu='$menu' ORDER BY menu_cat");     $prevCat = '';     while ($list2 = mysql_fetch_array($query2)) {                                              //display from menu_cat                         $catid = stripslashes($list2['mc.id']);                         $catname = stripslashes($list2['mc.name']);                         $catmenu = stripslashes($list2['mc.menu']);  //same as $itemmenu                         $description = stripslashes($list2['mc.description']);                                                  //display from menu_item                         $itemname = stripslashes($list2['mi.name']);                         $itemmenu = stripslashes($list2['mi.menu']);  //same as $catmenu                         $itemdescription = stripslashes($list2['mi.description']);                         $itemprice = stripslashes($list2['mi.price']);                         $itemfeature = stripslashes($list2['mi.feature']);                         $itemcat = stripslashes($list2['mi.cat']);                                                   if($prevCat != $list2['menu_cat']) {                                                                            echo $list2['menu_cat'];                             $prevCat = $list2['menu_cat'];                              }                             $parsecat .= '<h1>'.$catname.'</h1>                                     <h2>'.$itemname.'</h2>                                     <p>'.$itemdescription.'</p>                                     <p>'.$itemprice.'</p>';                                                                                       }                                            echo $parsecat; }else { echo $menus; }    ?>[/code]
  6. Sorry i should've said, the Categories ( breakfast, lunch, dinner) are being pulled from a database because breakfast lunch and dinner wont always be constant. So the category is $catname Does that stil work with your code? Thanks for the replies man :)
  7. Well the problem with that is the category is part of a menu and the menu as well as the category has its own description and image. Also, another idea would be to display the category name only once maybe with a if statement? Right now for every item it displays the category name over the item not sure if this is possible? if category name has been displayed already then dont display again Thanks
  8. Hello, Great website you have here :) I am making a menu administration panel for a restaurant and storing the contents of the menu in a database. I have the following tables: menu menu_cat menu_item What I'm trying to do is basicly make it look like a regular menu, You have the categories and under each category there will be menu items. like so: Breakfast eggs ----- 3.00 toast ----- 3.00 frenchtoast ----3.00 Lunch sandwich ----- 3.00 something ----- 3.00 hotdog ----3.00 Dinner ham ----- 3.00 steak----- 3.00 fish ----3.00 But right now the way I have it its not getting categorized, its display like so: [code]http://bluewaterinn.dlgresults.com/menu.php?menu=4[/code] which is giving me the catname with each item name and not putting all the same items under one category. I know my code is wrong but im unsure of a way to approach this. Here is the current code I am using to display what I have, Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! [code]<?php if (isset($menu)) {                       $query2 = $database->query("SELECT * FROM menu_cat WHERE menu = '$menu'");     while ($list2 = mysql_fetch_array($query2)) {                                              $catid = stripslashes($list2['id']);                         $catname = stripslashes($list2['name']);                         $catmenu = stripslashes($list2['menu']);                         $description = stripslashes($list2['description']);                         $cats .= '<h1>'.$catname.'</h1>                                     <p><em>'.$description .'</em></p>';                                  $query3 = $database->query("SELECT * FROM menu_item WHERE menu = '$menu' and cat = '$catid'");     while ($list3 = mysql_fetch_array($query3)) {                                                  $itemid = stripslashes($list3['id']);                         $itemname = stripslashes($list3['name']);                         $itemmenu = stripslashes($list3['menu']);                         $itemdescription = stripslashes($list3['description']);                         $itemprice = stripslashes($list3['price']);                         $itemfeature = stripslashes($list3['feature']);                         $itemcat = stripslashes($list3['cat']);                         $items = '<h1>'.$itemname.'</h1>                                     <p>'.$itemdescription.'</p>                                     <p>'.$itemprice.'</p>';                                                                  $parsecat .= '<h1>'.$catname.'</h1>                                             '.$items.'';                               }                         }                                            echo $parsecat;       }else { echo $menus; }    ?>[/code]
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