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Everything posted by Psycho

  1. Personally, I would use session values instead of values on the query string, but since that is what you are using: $step = isset($_GET['step'])) ? intval($_GET['step']) : 0;
  2. I was bored. Here is a working example. Still needs some cleaning up. <?php $configTemp = "config.tmp"; $configFile = "config.php"; if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST') { //Get the POST values $hostname = isset($_POST['hostname']) ? trim($_POST['hostname']) : ''; $database = isset($_POST['database']) ? trim($_POST['database']) : ''; $username = isset($_POST['username']) ? trim($_POST['username']) : ''; $password = isset($_POST['password']) ? trim($_POST['password']) : ''; //Validate the data $errors = array(); // E.g. check that all fields are provided and are the right format // This is just one check if(empty($hostname) || empty($database) || empty($username) || empty($password)) { $errors[] = "All fields are required"; } //If no errors, run check to verify that values CAN be used to make a connection if(!$errors) { $dbc = @mysqli_connect($hostname, $username, $password, $database); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { $errors[] = "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error(); } } //If still no errors, save data to config file if(!$errors) { //If config file does not exist, create it from temp if(!is_file($configFile)) { copy($configTemp, $configFile); } //Read the contents of the current file $content = file_get_contents($configFile); //Replace the values in the content $content = preg_replace("#hostname = '[^']*'#s", "hostname = '{$hostname}'", $content); $content = preg_replace("#database = '[^']*'#s", "database = '{$database}'", $content); $content = preg_replace("#username = '[^']*'#s", "username = '{$username}'", $content); $content = preg_replace("#password = '[^']*'#s", "password = '{$password}'", $content); //Write contents back to config file file_put_contents($configFile, $content);; //Redirect to success page (followed by exit) so the form isn't loaded //Using an echo here to simulate echo "The config file was updated. Click <a href=''>here</a> to reload the page"; exit(); } } //If config file exists, read the current values so we can populate the form if(is_file($configFile)) { //Read the current values by including it include($configFile); } //If errors exists, create error message if($errors) { $errorMsg = "The following errors occured:<br><ul>\n"; foreach($errors as $error) { $errorMsg .= "<li>{$error}</li>\n"; } $errorMsg .= "</ul>\n"; } ?> <html> <head></head> <body> Provide Database Configuration<br><br> <?php echo $errorMsg; ?> <form name='form' action='' method='post'> Host: <input type='text' name='hostname' placeholder='Database host' value="<?php echo $hostname; ?>" /><br /> Database:<input type='text' name='database' placeholder='Database name' value="<?php echo $database; ?>" /><br /> Username: <input type='text' name='username' placeholder='Database username' value="<?php echo $username; ?>" /><br /> Password: <input type='password' name='password' placeholder='Database password' value="<?php echo $password; ?>" /><br /><br /> <input type='submit' name='submit' value='Change values' /> </form> </body> </html>
  3. Yes, but . . . it would make more sense to re-purpose this code for the scenario of someone updating the configuration - i.e. moving a new DB. I would do this. 1. Create the default config file with a "temp" name, e.g. config.tmp. 2. On load of the page, check if the file exists 3A. If no, load the form for the user assuming they've never configured the settings. Upon providing the data (and validating it), COPY the temp file and run the logic to replace the values 3B. If the file does exist, read in the current values and display the form populating the current value. Once the user submits the new values, and you validate it, replace the values in the file The reason I would use a temp config file and copy it, as opposed to renaming it, is that it provides the user an easy way to rerun the initial setup. All they need to do is delete the config file and relaunch the application.
  4. You really haven't provided enough information. But, I'll provide a general response. When the user starts a test you need to create a DB record for that test execution. It would only include information such as the user, date, time etc. You would have another table to store the questions and answers that the user responds with. Your tables for the questions and possible answers should already have a value to identify the correct answer - so the results tables do not need to have a value for wrong or right since that can be calculated. Anyway, once the user starts a test you need to associate them with that test. You can do this through the sessions and/or their user ID (if they are required to log in). Once a user answers a question and proceeds to the next one, you will know who they are, what test they are working on and what their results have been so far. Also, once the user initiates the action to start a test I would do the following: Query all the available questions on the test and populate the results table - leaving the answer NULL. The table could have the following fields: ID (PK), question_id, answer_id and sequence. The sequence would be so you can separately track which question the user last answered so you know which one to show them next. If the user is required to answer each question you could select the first one in the sequence order that is unanswered. Otherwise, you could allow a user to skip questions and would need to track which question to show next in session data. So, backing up, upon selecting to take a test you would run two queries: one to populate the test execution table and a second to populate the questions to be asked. Then on each page load, select the next question to show the user from the results table. You would JOIN that table on the answers table to get the available answers. When a user answers a question, store their response in the results table. If you need to show them immediately if their answer was right or wrong, you would also do a SELECT query on that answer to the answers table to see if their response was correct. I know this is just general information and I haven't provided any specifics or code, but it is not a trivial amount of work and I'm not prepared to do it at this time.
  5. Try this: SELECT if(type=13, '13', '40-46') as type_group, COUNT(*) as type_count FROM table_name WHERE type in (13, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45)
  6. It's the form handler code that needs to be modified.
  7. So, you don't want the address to be displayed in a select list - that is important information. Do you have code that creates the email or are you using some 3rd party script for the email? You could start by using a separate value from the label for the options: [coed]<li><select id="shipaddress" name="shippingaddress" dir="ltr" lang="en"> <option value="80 Allstate Parkway<br />Markham ON<br />L3R 6H3">80 Allstate Parkway, Markham ON, L3R 6H3</option> <option value="30 High Meadow, Toronto ON<br />M6L 2Z5">30 High Meadow, Toronto ON, M6L 2Z5</option> <option value="4000 Victoria Park Avenue<br />Toronto ON<br />M2H 3P4">4000 Victoria Park Avenue, Toronto ON, M2H 3P4</option>[/code] If you are using a 3rd party script to generate the emails, it will likely take more effort to find and modify the right code to work properly. But, if you wrote the code to generate the email, then show the lines that generate the content from the POSTed values.
  8. Didn't he just say line breaks are not supported in SELECT lists? The existence or not of a comma has nothing to do with it. If you weren't including this content in an email, you could use JQuery to build a "custom" select list object to display it however you want. But, I am pretty certain you can't run JavaScript in an HTML email. If you absolutely need to display with line breaks, you would have to provide a link into the email to open the form in a web page.
  9. Personally, I thing you are taking the wrong approach. Trying to backward-engineer a non-trivial sort order may never be 100% accurate. There could be nuances with specific characters that would take a lot of time and effort to verify. Just not worth the effort. I don't use Adobe Lightroom, so I can't provide specific instructions, but I think a possible better approach is to utilize AL to tell you what the sort order would be for a list of values. I would set up a page that takes a list of values as input and outputs the list using AL and apply the sort from AL. Then read the output of that page to determine how AL sorted the records. You can then apply a sort order attribute to your values. Hopefully, this is just needed one time when setting up new records and not needed every time data is displayed as that could incur unnecessary overhead.
  10. This line of code is invalid list($width, $height) = getimagesize('$img_url'); If you put a variable in a double quoted string it will be parsed as the value of the variable. But, if you put a variable in a single quoted string, as shown above, the characters of the variable name will be interpreted as those literal characters! Example: $img_url = "\path\to\image\imagename.jpg"; echo "$img_url"; //Output: \path\to\image\imagename.jpg echo '$img_url'; //Output: $img_url In your usage, no quotes are even needed, just use this list($width, $height) = getimagesize($img_url);
  11. I don't use wordpress, so the actual implementation is up to you. But, you can check the size of an image using the function getimagesize(). Example list($width, $height) = getimagesize('path/to/image/imagename.jpg'); if($width>500 || $height>500) { echo "Image is greater than 500 x 500"; }
  12. Hmm, I worked on a usort solution that compares each character between words and almost finished it, but there was one problem. You don't want numbers treated as individual characters. So, "abc2" would come before "abc10". That makes it much more difficult. What if the values were: abc10def abc1def abc2def Does the "abc10def" come before "abc2def" or the other way around?
  13. When you have separate technologies (PHP & JavaScript) working together you need to test each one independently to find the problem. I would start with the PHP page. Add a line of code to output the value that should be set from the JavaScript. If the value isn't there, then you know it isn't being set by the JavaScript and you need to look in that code for the problem. If the value is there, then you know the problem is within the PHP code that processes the value. Also, it is a bad idea to put non-numeric content in a field intended for numeric content. Specifically, you are putting the '£' character into the input field with javascript and then stripping it out in the PHP. Just put the '£' as text to the left of the field. Inserting/stripping characters, especially with two different parts of code it just adding complexity for the sake of complexity with no real value. Looking further, the PHP code is flawed $values = str_replace(array(' ', '£'), '', $_POST['amount']); list($min, $max) = explode(' ', $values); That first line is replacing any spaces or pound symbols with an empty string. But,then the next line is trying to explode on the spaces character - but there won't be any. Why make this difficult. Just create two fields to hold the min/max values (without any extraneous characters) and use those in the POST fields. If you want to display the values to the user, you can still do that without adding the additional complexity you have now.
  14. Yes, you can do outline font in CSS, although it won't be supported in all browsers: https://css-tricks.com/adding-stroke-to-web-text/ body { font-size: 24pt; -webkit-text-fill-color: #ffffff; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 1px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #000000; }
  15. "Not working" is not helpful to solve your problem. You do state But, that doesn't make sense to me. A LIMIT has nothing to do with what row a record is in the database. It has to do with the order of the rows in the result set. One way to determine if a LIMIT is working correctly is to run the query without a limit and see what is returned. It makes no sense to use limit to determine the records for a quarter - that should be determined by a date value in the query.
  16. If you need this for pagination, you definitely need to find a solution to filter via the DB - else you are going to need to create overly complicated logic to do pagination.
  17. Ideally, you would store those values (price, damages & cost) in the database. Then you would dynamically calculate the profit, as needed, in your SELECT queries. Only storing the calculated value results in less fidelity. Plus, what if you're asked to provide data such as profit as a percentage of costs or average damage per trip?
  18. If you were to add some debugging (such as testing variable values at different stages) I'm sure you would have found the problem. But, I'm too lazy right now to provide a tutorial on how you shoudl debug, so I'll just give the reason your code is not working. Well, not the reason so much, but the specific line of code that is the source of your problem. if ( ($username == "") || ($email =="") || ($password1 =="") || ($password2 =="") || ($userfirstname = "") || ($lastname == ""))
  19. I wasn't saying it did. I use PDO as I didn't like the mysqli_ extensions for prepared statements. There is no bind results comparative function in PDO. I just use the fetch method as an object or array and reference the value using the column name.
  20. I'm not sure what is not understood by my post. Your query is currently using something such as $where[] = "".$field['field']." <= '" . ms_escape_string($_POST[$fieldPost]) . "'"; Well, a date in MySQL is stored in the format of YYYY-MM-DD. I provided sample code on how to format a date from mm/dd/yyyy into the format needed for a DB query. You now need to add logic to your code to determine which user submitted values are dates and then format them appropriately. Personally, I think trying to create automated processes to dynamically create a query such as the above are not worth the effort. You have to keep adding logic to handle differences in field types (such as dates) and in the end it becomes more code.
  21. You'll need to format the dates into the format the the database recognizes: YYYY-MM-DD $sqlDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($inputDate));
  22. Yes, that's why I use PDO with named placeholder instead of '?'. Having code that assumes fields/variables are in a specific order is dangerous, IMO. I've seen examples where bugs were introduced because of this. One was where a new field was added to a table and the developer was using "SELECT *" (which is bad in and of itself). But, why create the potential for such a silly mistake to cause problems in the first place.
  23. Give this a try SELECT c.* FROM condo c JOIN test_log tl ON c.location LIKE tl.keyword AND c.sale_rent LIKE tl.sale_rent AND c.e_num LIKE tl.e_num WHERE (c.date >= '$sendate') AND TRIM(IFNULL(c.phone_1,'')) <> '' ORDER BY c.sale_rent, c.location
  24. Some suggestions (my opinioin): 1. Try not to push too much logic into a single line of code - it makes it difficult to debug errors and make modifications later. You have a single line to pull a record from the DB results and use list() to put into variables. I would simply put the results into $row - then perform any additional logic. 2. Also, I would not create code where variables/data is set based upon an assumed order. Why use list() when the results from a single DB record will already be a variable with an appropriate key to identify it. If you were to ever change your query you would have to ensure the order of the variables in list match. 3. The values for your options make no sense. The value of the options should only be the ID of the record. The only reason you would be putting all the variables into the value parameter would be if you are parsing that value on the recieving page - and that would be the wrong way to do it. By passing the ID you can get any values you need through a subsequent DB call. Here is a modification that adds the change for date you need while ($row = $res->fetch_row()) { $dateDisplay = date("jS F h:i A", strtotime($row['date'])); $label = "{$row['id']}, {$row['customer']}, {$row['salesman']}, {$row['status']}, {$row['location_address']}, {$dateDisplay}" $opts .= "<option value='{$row['id']}>{$label}</option>\n"; }
  25. Why do you "think" they match? Are there any white-space characters (e.g. spaces, tabs, etc.) in the file you are reading? You need to verify EXACTLY what those variables contain - echoing to the page isn't going to work Run this and you will see why PHP doesn't consider those values the same $string = file_get_contents('/path/to/file'); $found = 'found'; if($string == $found) { echo "string match"; } else { echo "string does not match found"; } echo "<br><br>String var: "; var_dump($string); echo "<br><br>Found var: "; var_dump($found);
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