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  1. I have used this code to connect and retrieve data from the database <?php //address error handling. ini_set('display_errors',1); error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); //connect and select. if( $dbc = mysqli_connect ('localhost', 'traineework', 'password', 'traineework')) //define the query $query = 'SELECT * FROM cvs order by created desc'; IF ($r = mysqli_query ($dbc, $query)) { while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array ($r)) { echo "<p><h3>{$row['profession']}</h3> <a href=\"cv_text.php?cv_text = $cv_text \">{$row['headline']}</a> </p>\n"; } } else{ die ('<p>could not select the database because:<b>' .mysqli_error($dbc). '</b></p>'); } mysqli_close($dbc); ?> My problem now is to provide a link to a page that will display the corresponding full text. For examlpe from the above code I would like the headline link to take one to the cv_text.php page that will have the rest of the text/article, the text/article is under column cv-text in my database. This is the code in cv_text.php <?php ini_set('display_errors',1); error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); $cv_text = $_GET['cv_text']; print '<p>$cv_text</p>'; ?> But is gives me a blank page. I hope this explains my problem.
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