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    Sri Lanka - Colobmo

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  1. its alright its just a trail account to test out the api. I left it so someone can run the code and help me
  2. I'm trying to access the agemni.com webservice using php which has been a very hard since it is wrriten in .net <?php $client = new SoapClient("http://agemni.com/AgemniWebservices/service1.asmx?WSDL", array('trace' => 1)); $options->strUsername = "karth"; $options->strPassword = "7pk6Xc8o"; $options->strCompanyName = "webloon"; $options->objecttype = 2; $options->keys = array("fname", "lname", "phone", "zip", "area id", "lead id", "contactdate"); $options->values = array("John", "Doe", "859-333-3333", "40332", "12345", "28222", "4/10/2010"); $validate = $client->ValidateEntity($options); echo '<pre>'; echo var_dump($validate); echo '</pre>'; echo '<br><br>'; echo htmlspecialchars($client->__getLastRequest()); ?> I was able to connect using the credentials but I get a error, Conversion from type 'XmlNode()' to type 'String' is not valid. This is the relevant part from the getType method. [3]=> string(18) "string statusCodes" [4]=> string(154) "struct ValidateEntity { string strUsername; string strPassword; string strCompanyName; int objecttype; ArrayOfAnyType keys; ArrayOfAnyType values; }" [5]=> string(43) "struct ArrayOfAnyType { anyType anyType; } Anyone knows how to pass ArrayOfAnyType using php? Thank you.
  3. I don't know why, but it caused by a nested table, when I remove the form with the nested table it was all good again
  4. Thanks, What ever causing it only happens to this page.
  5. session_start(); $date = date("i:s"); echo $_SESSION['test12'] = $_SESSION['test12'].', '.$date; I did test for this page and found out that page is actually loading two time 15:21, 15:22 | 15:25, 15:26 | 15:31, 15:32 anyone know a reason for this
  6. I tried it, query has 2 also. I'm sure that the query is not running two times. This worked fine until today. if I give a direct value it takes it correctly like this $views = 8;
  7. $views++; echo $views; //2 mysql_query("update vehicles set hits = '$views' where id = '$id' limit 1"); echo $views; //2 According to above code hits should update with 2 but it's actually update with 3, why mysql add extra 1
  8. can scandir or using fopen go through a remote website public folder?
  9. I like to know how this site work http://www.xml-sitemaps.com/ it will go through my site and make a xml of all files in the site. do they go through my links or is there a way to scan public remote folders using php?
  10. Thanks for the help, I found a solution
  11. Hello I have a category select menu, what I want is to when user select a category I have to repopulate the sub category select menu with items can I do this with out AJAX, it does not matter if there is a another request can I use a onchange to call another php function?
  12. Anyone please help with the right single quote
  13. No no, not single quote. I'm talking about right single quote $text = utf8_encode("’");
  14. I have a problem again Image does not show correct charater for ’ - right single qoute
  15. Thank you tippy_102, it works. but my problem is a bug in PHP I guess
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