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Everything posted by fert

  1. Got it! it works perfectly now. Thank you for your help!
  2. I'm working on a chat program that uses Javascript and Ajax. One of its features is tabbed chatting and the problem lies in the code to generate the tab bar. function gen_buttons() { var arr; var x; var style; if(ajax.readyState==4) { document.getElementById("chattabs").innerHTML=""; arr=ajax.responseText; arr=arr.split(";"); for(x in arr) { chattabs[x]=arr[x]; if(x==current_tab) { style='style="background: black; color: white;"'; } else { style=""; } document.getElementById("chattabs").innerHTML+='<input type="button" '+style+' onClick="javascript:getchattext("'+chattabs[x]+'");" value="'+chattabs[x]+'"><input type="button" value="X" onClick="javascript:exitchat("'+chattabs[x]+'");">|'; alert(document.getElementById("chattabs").innerHTML); } } } in the beginning arr holds a string that looks something like this and then i split the string and arr[0]="ChatRoom1" arr[1]="ChatRoom2" Then the code generates the tab bar. but instead of looking like this <input type="button" style="background: black; color: white;" onClick="javascript:getchattext("ChatRoom1");" value="ChatRoom1"> <input type="button" value="X" onClick="javascript:exitchat("ChatRoom1");">| <input type="button" onClick="javascript:getchattext("ChatRoom2");" value="ChatRoom2"> <input type="button" value="X" onClick="javascript:exitchat("ChatRoom2");">| it looks like this (note the odd =", extra spaces and capitalization) <input style="background: black none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial; color: white;" onclick="javascript:getchattext(" chatroom1="" );="" value="ChatRoom1" type="button"> <input value="X" onclick="javascript:exitchat(" chatroom1="" );="" type="button">| <input onclick="javascript:getchattext(" chatroom2="" );="" value="ChatRoom2" type="button"> <input value="X" onclick="javascript:exitchat(" chatroom2="" );="" type="button">| getchatttext() switches to a new tab exitchat() closes a tab This must be the oddest Javascript bug i've ever encountered and I have no idea as to what is going wrong.
  3. I'm not too worried, even if it does hit it'll probably hit the ocean and because i'm not near the coast the mega tsunamis won't affect me.
  4. I believe there are python compliers, but usually python is an interpreted language
  5. The syntax of PHP is very similar to C++
  6. I got 115 using Dvorak. just pop the keys out and swap them.
  7. In general no. The only time i use OOP is to demonstrate that i know it.
  8. $bad_words=array("bad word1","bad word2"); foreach($bad_words as $b) { $text=str_replace($b,"****",$text) }
  9. I use gedit, the default text editor for ubuntu
  10. $_GET['name_of_var']
  11. to use myql_real_escape_string you have to be connected to the mysql server
  12. just open the file and explode the commands and then loop through the array with the commands and run them.
  13. http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php
  14. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%3F:
  15. set a cookie and then try to read the cookie you just set.
  16. fert


    if(mysql_num_rows($results3)==0) { //etc }
  17. the function atoi in stdlib.h returns 0 if the input is not a number. create an infinite loop like this for(; { //do something } doing that would be kinda tricky, it's better to offer an option to exit and then use the exit() function in stdlib.h
  18. but what do you think the flash plugin is written in? The only time i use OOP in coding is to show that i know how to.
  19. that doesn't make a zip archive, it makes a gzip archive you could go with other formats such as bzip.
  20. why the hell are you doing this in php? go for C++
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