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Posts posted by bilis_money

  1. yes obsidian that is the exact code, i cut and paste it.

    I'm also very confuse..  :D


    Looks ok overall. Is the email.php being included within any other pages?


    no. it has two files only .htm for form and .php for that php email codes.

  2. that is all the php codes.


    ok, here is the form codes,


    	  <form method="POST" action="http://www.mydomain.com/email.php">
            <table width="350" height="424" border="0">
                <td width="119" height="26" bgcolor="#000000"><span class="style11">name:</span></td>
                <td width="221" bgcolor="#000000"><input type="text" name="name" /></td>
                <td height="25" bgcolor="#000000"><span class="style12">country:</span></td>
                <td bgcolor="#000000"><input name="country" type="text" id="country" /></td>
                <td height="26" bgcolor="#000000"><span class="style12">city:</span></td>
                <td bgcolor="#000000"><input name="city" type="text" id="city" /></td>
                <td height="25" bgcolor="#000000"><span class="style12">phone:</span></td>
                <td bgcolor="#000000"><input name="phone" type="text" id="phone" /></td>
                <td height="29" bgcolor="#000000"><span class="style12">email:</span></td>
                <td bgcolor="#000000"><input name="email" type="text" id="email" /></td>
                <td height="25" bgcolor="#000000"><span class="style12">hotel:</span></td>
                <td bgcolor="#000000"><input name="inquiry" type="text" id="inquiry" /></td>
                <td height="191" bgcolor="#000000"><span class="style12"><strong>inquiry</strong></span></td>
                <td bgcolor="#000000"><textarea name="textarea"></textarea></td>
                <td bgcolor="#000000"> </td>
                <td bgcolor="#000000"><div align="center">
                  <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" />


    I know it's basic, the problem is i'm a little dizzy right now, that's why i'm confuse.  :D


    i hope you can help bro.  ;D

  3. yo!  :D


    the error message,

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{' in /home/sexyexot/public_html/email.php on line 1


    and my codes below,

    if (isset($_POST['Submit'])){
        $recepient = "contact@mydomain.com";
        $subject = "You have Guest! from mydomain.com";
        $contents = "Name:  " . $_POST['name'] .
        			"\n\nCountry:  " . $_POST['country'] .
        			"\n\nCity:  " . $_POST['city'] .
        			"\n\nPhone:  " . $_POST['phone'] .
        			"\n\nEmail:  " . $_POST['email'] .
    			"\n\nHotel:  " . $_POST['hotel'] .
        			"\n\nInquiry:  " . $_POST['enquiry'];				
        $headers = "Reply-to: pleasurephil@yahoo.com\n";
        mail($recepient, $subject, $contents, "From: contact@mydomain.com");


    can you pinpoint this basic cause.  :D

    thanks in advance.

  4. Just wondering for those php addicts and php gurus specially PHP SUPER GURU.


    How much time do you spend on php study, php for work and adventure 24/7 alone.


    I'm talking php only. and not the other scripting languages.



    thanks in advance for sharing your php habit.  :D


    How about TOPLAY & BARAND?



  5. thanks neylitalo.  :D


    but, I'm more on focus on web 2.0 design layout.


    i already read some tutorials and articles on it.

    and there is a saying that attracted me to study it more.


    here --> "Don't decorate, communicate.".


    i'll guess this make sense why they wanted web 2.0 design.


    and ditch the common, old and too much graphics design.

  6. I can grab those, but i don't want the MODS and ADMINS here get mad on me again...

    They put ornament on my AVATAR before, so i don't want that ornament again it's not pretty.


    ha, ha, ha and beside that's piracy my friend.


    just try to comprehend them and absorb them.


    cheers and good luck.

  7. hi guys.


    I need the web 2.0 rules and guidelines specially on graphics designing and the lay outing of the page.

    I've used google but i haven't found them.


    I know i saw these rules before in a freelancer bidding website.


    The problem is i did not bookmark them.


    And by the way, why is everybody want this web 2.0 design?


    I just really don't understand why they wanted it...



    Thank you very much in advance.


  8. hi, i tried google.com for this and yes i found some of this topic but i'm not sure



    and by the way, i'm wondering if HTML & PHP template variables are the same?


    maybe you have the right direction for this "complete php template variables list".

    can you please show it to me? the url?


    thank you very much in advance...




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