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Posts posted by d_barszczak

  1. Hi all,


    I have created a hit counter / traffic monitor that not only acts as a traditional hitcounter but stores other information such as browser type screen size and other information that might come in useful when designing your websites.


    There is no registration section at the moment so if you would like to test the script pm me and ill send you the info.


    I need people who can test the security of the script and also test the script as a hit counter. People  who wish to test the script as the hitcounter need to have some regular traffic.


    Please help me test this script and pm me.



  2. Hi all,


    I am trying to design some reports for a script that i am developing but im trying to cut down the amount of queries that it uses if i can help it.


    The following query will show me all the unique urls in my table.

    SELECT DISTINCT `url` FROM `hcl_counter`; 


    What i would like is to do is also display the number of times it appears all in one query getting a result similar to


    url , Occours

    http://www.google.com, 234

    http://www.scripts2go.co.uk, 145


    and so on...


    I would normally use the first query and then have php cycle through to get me the numbers but i wondered if i could do this with one query.



    All help is much appreciated.


  3. Genius! Genius! Genius! Genius! Genius! Genius! Genius! Genius! Genius! Genius! Genius! Genius! Genius! Genius! What a guy. Just when i was about to give up on php & mysql and take up something easier like heavy weight boxing smart85 has saved the day.


    Thanks a lot smart85!!

  4. I am creating a hitcounter script / traffic monitor and one of the stats i need is the users screen resolution. I can only get this from javascript. I then need javascript to pass the variable to php where i can save the value in a mysql database along with other bits of data it collects.


    I have tried ajax but the counter can be used on any website and ajax will not work cross domain.


    Please Please someone help me with this.

  5. Thanks for that,


    Sounds a little complicated.


    All i need is one value to get from javascript to php so it can be stored in a database.


    Is it then possible for javascript to write a cookie at the begnining of the page and have php pick it up at the end?

  6. hi all,


    xmlHttp.open("GET", "http://my.website.co.uk/ajax.php", true);


    The above script gives me a object error but


    xmlHttp.open("GET", "ajax.php", true);


    does not but the script is still not running


    can any one help me!!!

  7. Hi all,


    I have created a form that i would now like to check over with javascript which i think i know how to do but after that has passed i don't know how to submit the form with a javascript command.

  8. Ok so here is an example of my query. I understand how i could use the php function but how would i iplement the mysql function.


    $query = "INSERT INTO (username, password, email, enabled) VALUES ('admin','pass','me@my.com','1'); ";


    Which would be the prefered method and why?

  9. Hi all,


    This is probably very simple but i can't for the life of me figure this out.


    I have an auto increment on one of my columns labled 'id' that i use as an unique id fro each of my records. Is there anyway when i insert a record into my database i can find out which 'id' has been given to it.



  10. Hi all,


    I am developing a sandpit area where php developed wannabe's car practice there coding and i would like somhow to force a banner at the bottom of the page with with something like Hosted by scripts2go.co.uk but no idea how to do this. I think i need to do this at apche level but not sure.


    All help would be much apreciated.

  11. Thank you,


    I like to try do things myself first but i have been scratching my head for weeks now.


    Kinda gutted you answered is so quickly.


    Thanks Again.

  12. Hi all,


    I am developing a simple seach engine script that puts words found in a html document into a table notes the url and the occourances. What i would like it to do is find any hyperlinks that are in the html document and im not sure how to pick out the hyperlinks and place them in an array.

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