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Everything posted by mahdoum2

  1. Ok thanksI tried that earlier but it didn't seem to work... does putting protected or private before the static affect it? whats the difference between using classname::object and $this-> object? Thats where I went wrong
  2. I have a main class and other sub classes that are extensions of the main class. I want to have a variable in the main class that can be affected by the sub classes... I'll try to explain better. $main = new MAIN; // main class $sub = new SUB;// sub class 1 extension of main $sub2 = new SUB2; //sub class 2 extension of main $sub->testvar++; echo $sub->testvar; //test var is located in the main class // will output 1 $sub2->testvar++; echo $sub2>testvar; //wil output 1 What I want the program to do is realise that testvar has been changed by sub and i want sub2 to output 2 and not 1. I'm not sure how to implement this into classes, I realise that sub and sub2 both have same structure of main but completly different memory addresses. So how can I fix this?
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