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Posts posted by tomfmason

  1. Are there any plans to offer an explanation for the blackout?

    It appears that the server or vps that mysql was running on ran out of diskspace. Eric solved it for now but few of the current staff have access to that server. I had access at one point but someone either removed my user account or removed my key. Is thorpe or daniel0 still active? If I am not mistaken daniel was the one that setup the irc server and he would probably be the best one to contact regarding that problem.

  2. This is the first of three to four phases for this particular project. We need excellent work and will accept nothing less. All design elements must be unique and can not be included in the winning developer's portfolio.


    The start up will be offering custom web, desktop, network, and mobile applications for various common business situations. Our initial target consumer base will be existing small business and the design must be visually appealing to that audience without being overwhelming.


    This phase is the home page layout and design, and will consist of the following stages:


    [*]wireframe(if you don't know what a wireframe is don't bother bidding)

    [*]fonts and color scheme

    [*]psd/xcf design

    The wireframe should have placeholders for the following elements:

    [*]header: should contain the logo and slogan place holder and account login/logout elements

    [*]slide show for featured items(projects,clients,products,etc)

    [*]widgets for various elements(news items, blogs, etc) one or two square and one taller rectangle element.

    When you pick the fonts and color scheme I need to know why you are choosing those and how/why our target audience will find them visually appealing.


    The psd/xcf design should include all of the elements from the wireframe and the fonts/color scheme. This includes the logo and a generic slogan. The widgets should have a "header" or "title" bar and should have moderately rounded edges.


    The most important aspect of your bid will be your previous work. I want to see previous work that demonstrates a working understanding of slick, modern(not annoying web2.0 huge fonts/bright colors), and visually appealing designs that are not overwhelming.  Our main goal is to show off our products and or solutions, and your design should not take away from that.


    Your bid needs to include the cost and a time estimate for each stage of this phase. If you should require any stock photos for the end design just provide me with a link to purchase them. Please also explain the basic process by which you will be choosing the font/color scheme.


    Your location does not matter as long as you do excellent work. If you are a team/company please let me know the overall size of your team and how many of your developers will be working on this project.


    Each stage must be approved before moving on to the next stage. I may or may not choose the wining developer or team for the additional phases depending on the quality of their work on this one. I would like to award all of the phases to the same developer(s), but I may be willing to take bids on the individual stages. If you are only bidding on one stage please explain why.


    Payment options:

    [*]upon satisfactory completion of each stage

    [*]upon phase completion


    Payment methods:

    [*]Google wallet




    Please note that payment will only be sent after reaching the agreed upon point and after I have received the completed work. You assume any and all fees associated with payments. For example, if you choose wire transfer, and there is a fee for sending the funds, I will simply deduct that amount from the total.



    Please PM or email me at thomas.johnson@phpfreaks.com with your bid, and links to your portfolio/prior works. Please don't waste my time by sending canned bids that do not contain all of the required information.

  3. Without knowing your partition layout I would assume you can. I would recommend you get a live distro on a usbstick or dvd and use parted/gparted to remove the windows partition and resize the ubuntu partition. I keep a copy of the gparted live on a small 4 gig usb stick for situations like these.

  4. if that wont work then you will most likely need to replace the current guide.cgi with a simple redirection script using the redirect method e.g.


    #!/usr/bin/env perl
    use CGI; 
    my $q = CGI->new(); 
    print $q->redirect( 
      -location => 'http://domain.tld/guide_final.php?paper=' . $q->url_param('paper'), 
      -status => 301, 


    It has been a very long time since I have written anything in perl but from what I remember that is how you would do it.


  5. You should have a look at curl and more specifically curl_setopt. It looks like you will need to use the following options:  CURLOPT_HEADER(to get the headers),CURLOPT_NOBODY(because you don't need the actual content), and CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION(set to 0 because you don't need to follow the redirect). You can then inspect the response headers for the url you are being redirected to.

  6. From the PHP Manual (but slightly modified):


    // Order of replacement
    $str     = "Line 1\nLine 2\rLine 3\r\nLine 4\n";
    $order   = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r");
    $replace = '';
    // Processes \r\n's first so they aren't converted twice.
    $newstr = str_replace($order, $replace, $str);


    That is removing them completely from the string. Instead, if you need to display them as new lines, you can use the nl2br() function, that will convert linebreaks to an HTML break (<br />).


    $text = "test\r\ntest\r\n\r\nhello\r\nhello";
    echo nl2br($text);


    Your question wasn't quite clear as to remove linebreaks or show them correctly, so I gave both versions.


    You could also just use trim to remove the new line characters. Although I think  nl2br is what he is actually looking for.

  7. Personally I don't really like either one because they are both pretty bloated. CodeIgniter is around 3mb when extracted and Zend is even larger than that. CI has fairly decent documentation but it has some real drawbacks that are not documented. Zend has odd documentation and, from my experience, the developer community has a lot of condescending elitists.


    This is the main reason I wrote my own small framework. In total it is around 300kb, has it's own "active record" of sorts, built in simple cms, authentication and granular permissions systems. I haven't benchmarked it yet but I would bet that it out performs both CI and Zend by a large margin.

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