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Posts posted by phpstuck

  1. Here are the errors:

    Notice: Undefined variable: results in C:\xampp\htdocs\report1.php on line 18

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\xampp\htdocs\report1.php on line 


    Here is the db.php stuff


    $dbc = new mysqli("", "root", "abc1234", "supplies");
    if ($dbc->connect_errno) {
        echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: (" . $dbc->connect_errno . ") " . $dbc->connect_error;
    //if (mysqli_ping($dbc))
    //{echo 'MySQL Server ' .mysqli_get_server_info($dbc) .
    //                      ' on ' . mysqli_get_host_info($dbc);

    I tested the connection with a ping and it returned the right printed info... Just getting the mysqli changed seems to be where I get hung up.   Thanks again.

  2. I have read and re-read everything I can find. I could re-write my whole site but that doesn't seem practical. I am trying to get this old piece of code to work within the new standard and just can't quite grasp it I guess... I am an amateur at this I know, but any help would be appreciated... Thanks


    include_once 'db.php';
    include_once 'header.html';
    $sql = mysqli_query($dbc,
    "ALTER TABLE inven ORDER BY cat ASC, descrip ASC, brand ASC");
    echo "<br><hr>";
            "SELECT quant, brand, descrip, size, flavor, cat FROM inven");
    while ($all = mysqli_fetch_array($deflist)) {
       $results[$all['cat']][] = array ('quant' => $all['quant'], 'brand' => $all['brand'], 'descrip' => $all['descrip'], 'size' => $all['size'], 'flavor' => $all['flavor']);
    foreach ($results as $catName => $catData)
       print('<b><br><font face=tahoma size=4>'.$catName.'</b><br/></font>'."\n");
       foreach ($catData as $itemNum => $itemData)
          // if you want to access the row data in this loop, use the following method:
          print($itemData['descrip'].', '.$itemData['brand'].', '.$itemData['size'].', '.$itemData['flavor'].' - '.$itemData['quant'].'<br/>'."\n"); // etc. (you must code the field names in hard coded this way)
          //foreach ($itemData as $fieldName => $value)
    include_once 'footer.html';
  3. To start with (I don't know if this is all the errors in the query), this -



    Should be something like -




    And if you echo mysql_error() when your query fails, mysql/php will help you find where and why the query is failing.


    If I do that the only thing that prints to the browser is:  (and no errors on the mysql_error() )


    Baking Soda

    On Hand: , Minimum: 4 To Buy: 2



    It echos those two lines and nothing else follows

  4. I solved a bigger problem and thought I was on the way to finishing this particular page. I am pulling from two tables. I am trying to SUM() the quantity from the group. If I pull from only one table it works like a dream...


    include_once 'db.php';
    $query = "SELECT groccat, SUM(quant) FROM inven GROUP BY groccat"; 
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
    // Print out result
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
    echo "Total ". $row['groccat']. " = ". $row['SUM(quant)'];
    echo "<br />";


    That works like a charm to get a total of all similar items.


    However when pulling from two tables I get this errror:


    Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in D:\xampp\htdocs\inventory\shoppinglist.php on line 10


    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in D:\xampp\htdocs\inventory\shoppinglist.php on line 17


    Here is the code I am trying to get the sum to work in.


    include_once 'db.php';
    echo "<hr>";
    "SELECT l.groccat, l.SUM(quant), b.grocname, b.min, b.tobuy FROM inven l, groc b WHERE l.groccat = b.grocname GROUP BY 
    while ($all = mysql_fetch_array($deflist)) {
       $results[$all['grocname']][] = array ('quant' => $all['SUM(quant)'], 'min' => $all['min'], 'tobuy' => $all['tobuy']);
    foreach ($results as $catName => $catData)
       print('<center><TABLE id=AutoNumber20 style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" borderColor=#000000 
          bgcolor=blue height=12 cellSpacing=3 cellPadding=3 width=600 border=1>
    <b><font face=arial size=2 color=white>'.stripslashes($catName).'</b><br/></font></td></tr></table></center>'."\n");
    foreach ($catData as $itemNum => $itemData)
        print('<center><TABLE id=AutoNumber21 style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" borderColor=#000000 
          height=12 cellSpacing=3 cellPadding=3 width=600 border=0>
          <TR><TD><font face=arial size=2>On Hand:	' .$itemData['quant'].',<b> Minimum: '.$itemData['min'].'</b> To Buy: '. $itemData
    echo '</td></tr></table></center>';


    If I take out the two references to SUM() it prints the following results in the browser. I want to total all ON HAND things under the single group heading. Instead of it printing a new line for each brand under the heading.


    Baking Soda

    On Hand: 1, Minimum: 4 To Buy: 2

    Mollasses Standard Size

    On Hand: 2, Minimum: 3 To Buy: 2

    Cake Mix

    On Hand: 2, Minimum: 12 To Buy: 3

    On Hand: 2, Minimum: 12 To Buy: 3

    On Hand: 1, Minimum: 12 To Buy: 3

    Muffin Mix

    On Hand: 1, Minimum: 4 To Buy: 4

    On Hand: 3, Minimum: 4 To Buy: 4

    Canned Corn 10 - 12 oz.

    On Hand: 10, Minimum: 36 To Buy: 10

    Mens Deodorant

    On Hand: 2, Minimum: 12 To Buy: 5

    On Hand: 1, Minimum: 12 To Buy: 5

    On Hand: 1, Minimum: 12 To Buy: 5

    On Hand: 1, Minimum: 12 To Buy: 5

    On Hand: 1, Minimum: 12 To Buy: 5

    On Hand: 0, Minimum: 12 To Buy: 5



    See if there is more than one brand it shows a total for each brand, whereas I want it to just add up the on hands for each category and show a single total on hand.  Like this:


    Baking Soda

    On Hand: 1, Minimum: 4 To Buy: 2

    Mollasses Standard Size

    On Hand: 2, Minimum: 3 To Buy: 2

    Cake Mix

    On Hand: 5, Minimum: 12 To Buy: 3



  5. Thanks for asking me to look at that again... I realize where that is... But if I move anything at all it won't return anything to the screen. I'm here asking for help after researching this for several days. This is my first attempt at trying to return these results and adding an IF statement, I have been all over the PHP manual and searching the internet high and low and coming up empty. Maybe I'm using the wrong kind of query and I'll never get to point B... I don't know.


    I used this same query and produce results for other types of problems within my application, but this one has the MATH and IF involved.


    Maybe I'll try explaining a little better what I'm trying to do and you'll be able to point me to a place where I can get a little help constructing it. I'm not asking you to write it, but maybe a little more in the line of a complete answer and I'd be on my way to learning something.


    I have inventory of groceries and supplies in the first table. People use a barcode scanner to keep track of thing that are on hand, when they take one out of inventory they scan it and it is removed from the database, one field is GROCCAT thats where they link all the different brands of a similar product (say for instance canned corn 10 oz.) the GROCCAT will be "canned corn" for all brands. The second table is where all the GROCCATS are created and stored under the name GROCNAME, in the second table along with GROCNAME there is a field called MIN where the user decides how many canned corn should be on hand as a minimum (for example 36) when the minumum is reached in the main inventory a trigger to buy is set, there is one more field called TOBUY, when the minimum is reached the TOBUY field says how many to buy at that point.


    So I am trying to build a query where it pulls from both tables and matches up items based on GROCCAT = GROCNAME then it adds together all the different brands as a total and checks to see if they are below the set minimum... Thus the IF statement and if they are below minimum a echo is sent to buy canned corn add together the min + tobuy and print that to the screen.


    Somewhere along the way I think I am trying to use the wrong query or results return to make this work...


    Please if you have any constructive ideas let me know where to look for help answering this question.

  6. Just under }ELSE{ is the $itemData reference


    Which brings up another interesting point... I don't really want the ELSE statement, but it fails completely without it.


    arrays are somewhat new to me when calculating from them. I have researched the world over and can't seem to find anything that applies to this problem.


    Sorry about the indents, this code has been worked and reworked so many times just trying to get it to work, I'm half way there, at least it prints from the database now in relation to the items under min.


    Thanks for the heads up on the <?php highlighting.


    include_once 'db.php';
    echo "<hr>";
    "SELECT l.groccat, l.quant, b.grocname, b.min, b.tobuy FROM inven l,groc b WHERE l.groccat = b.grocname");
    while ($all = mysql_fetch_array($deflist)) {
       $results[$all['grocname']][] = array ('quant' => $all['quant'], 'min' => $all['min'], 'groccat' => $all['groccat'], 'tobuy' => 
    foreach ($results as $groName => $groData)
    IF ($groName['quant'] < $groName['min']){
    Echo "You need " . (($itemData['tobuy'] + $itemData['min']) - ($itemData['quant'])) ." - " . $groName ."<br>";
    foreach ($groData as $itemNum => $itemData)
    //Echo "You need " . (($itemData['tobuy'] + $itemData['min']) - ($itemData['quant'])) ." - " . $groName ."<br>";

  7. I am trying to do a calculation within an array. I finally have the array printing the words I need but the math will just not work out... I either get all zeros for amount needed or I get all 5's for amount needed... I need the right answer though...LOL


    I am pulling data from two tables. It prints a list of items that are below the set minimums. The quantity on hand is on one table and the mimimum allowed is in another table along with another field that instructs how many over min. to buy when the min. is reached.


    Simple math would say


    $need = (($min + $tobuy) - ($quant));


    However this is in an array and I am missing something, somewhere.... My Code as follows:


    include_once 'db.php';
    echo "<hr>";
    "SELECT l.groccat, l.quant, b.grocname, b.min, b.tobuy FROM inven l,groc b WHERE l.groccat = b.grocname");
    while ($all = mysql_fetch_array($deflist)) {
       $results[$all['grocname']][] = array ('quant' => $all['quant'], 'min' => $all['min'], 'groccat' => $all['groccat'], 'tobuy' => 
    foreach ($results as $groName => $groData)
    IF ($itemData['quant'] < $itemData['min']){
    $need = (($itemData['tobuy'] + $itemData['min']) - $itemData['quant']);
    Echo "You need " . $need ." - " . $groName ."<br>";
    foreach ($groData as $itemNum => $itemData)

  8. OK can someone please point me in the right direction... I have been through the manual, and all over google but I can't seem to figure this out.


    I have two tables, one is named inven the other is named groc


    In the inventory table there are food items made by different manufactures like Kroger canned corn, Aldi Canned Corn and Foodland Canned corn. each have a different "quan" They are linked by a sub cat in the "inven" table named groccat (all are set to "canned corn")  Over in the "groc" table there is a grocname that is also "canned corn" and a column named "min"


    I am trying to get a sum from an array for all the different brands in the "inven" table that have a sub cat of "canned corn"  So instead of 2 cans of kroger and 3 cans of Aldi... I can get 5 cans of corn.


    I have tried the following to no avail. along with a million other ways to try and put it together... Any help would be enough to get me moving again :-)


    include_once 'db.php';
    "SELECT l.groccat, l.quant, b.grocname, b.min, b.tobuy FROM inven l,groc
    b WHERE l.groccat = b.grocname");
    while ($all = mysql_fetch_array($deflist)) {
       $results[$all['groccat']][] = array ('quant' => $all['quant'], 'grocname' => $all['grocname'], 'min' => $all['min'], 'tobuy' => 
    $newquant = SUM($all[;quant']);
    echo $newquant;

  9. Actually I figured it out using a simple PHP / MySQL test!


    include_once 'db.php';
            "SELECT groccat FROM book");
    if (!$sql){
    mysql_query("ALTER TABLE book ADD groccat VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL AFTER notes");
    echo 'groccat created';
    //from here just continue the page as usual!
    echo 'groccat already exists!';


  10. Because it keeps people from having to add them manually. This application runs on computers not on the Internet. People serve it from their own computers running a PWS (xampp -Apache, MySQL - PHP) When I create updates it is easy to create a new table IF NOT EXISTS for new sections, on rare occasions I might need to add a column to a table that already exists.

  11. I am trying to figure out if I can ALTER a table and add a COLUMN where the condition is IF NOT EXISTS... I can create a whole new table that way. But can I ALTER an already existing table and add the new column's if they don't already exist. If they already exist then just skip it and move on.


    This is for an update I am providing to quite a few people who are already running this application on their own computers using a localhost address.


    Here is what I use for creating the table IF NOT EXISTS


    $query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `book` (
      `id` int(100) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      `upc` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
      `title` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
      `author` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
      `publisher` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
      `pages` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
      `genre` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
      `rating` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
      `notes` longtext NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (`id`)


    Say I want to add a column named "grouping" (`grouping` varchar(200) NOT NULL,) to a table that already exists... Is this possible. I don't want to generate an error and have to handle it later with more code.

  12. The code below returns results when a person loans a book to someone. It provides an array result that shows which person has which books currently signed out.What I am trying to do is bring info from another table into the results.


    The primary table this works off of returns the name of the borrower and the UPC number of the book they have borrowed as well as the date it was checked out. I have another table named BOOK where the same UPC code is located but it has the title of the book associated with it.


    In the table named LOANBOOK the UPC is called "loanupc"

    In the table named BOOK the UPC is called just "upc"


    Can I run a query with INNER JOIN that would put the title of the book in the returned results based on matching those UPC codes.


    Here is the code for what I have which returns only info from the LOANBOOK table.


    include_once 'db.php';
    include_once 'header.html';
    include_once 'reportheader.html';
    $sql = mysql_query(
    "ALTER TABLE loanbook ORDER BY name ASC");
    echo "<hr>";
            "SELECT loanupc, name, dateout, datein FROM loanbook WHERE datein IS NULL");
    while ($all = mysql_fetch_array($deflist)) {
       $results[$all['name']][] = array ('loanupc' => $all['loanupc'], 'dateout' => $all['dateout'] );
    echo '<center><TABLE id=AutoNumber22 style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" borderColor=#000000 
          height=12 cellSpacing=3 cellPadding=3 width=600 border=1>
          <TR><TD>Books Currently loaned out</TR></TD><TR><TD>';
    foreach ($results as $catName => $catData)
       print('<center><TABLE id=AutoNumber20 style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" borderColor=#000000 
          bgcolor=green height=12 cellSpacing=3 cellPadding=3 width=600 border=1>
    	<b><font face=arial size=2 color=white>'.$catName.'</b><br/></font></td></tr></table></center>'."\n");
       foreach ($catData as $itemNum => $itemData)
          // if you want to access the row data in this loop, use the following method:
          print('<center><TABLE id=AutoNumber21 style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" borderColor=#000000 
          height=12 cellSpacing=3 cellPadding=3 width=600 border=0>
          <TR><TD><font face=arial size=2>
    <A HREF="editproduct.php?upc='.$itemData['loanupc'].'">edit</A> - ' .
          $itemData['loanupc'].', '.$itemData['dateout'].'<br/></td></tr></table></center></font>'."\n"); 
          // etc. (you must code the field names in hard coded this way)
          //foreach ($itemData as $fieldName => $value)
    echo '</td></tr></table></center>';
    include_once 'footer.html';

  13. Ok here's my problem. I am running an inventory database (MySQL) using PHP to generate several different reports.


    I have a row in my table named CAT, I would like to generate a report using the CAT as a header. It would pull a CAT name from the table, echo it as a header and then list each item with that particular CAT name.


    making it look like this:


    Canned Food:


    Kroger, Sweet Corn  11 Cans

    Kroger, Early Peas    13 Cans



    Boxed Food:


    Kraft, Mac & Cheese      24 Boxes

    Kroger, Saltine Crackers  8 boxes



    Where as canned foods and boxed foods are CAT (category) entries from the database.


    I have tried using the following code, but it falls very short.


    $sql = mysql_query(
    "ALTER TABLE inven ORDER BY cat");
    echo "<br><hr>";
            "SELECT quant, brand, descrip, size, flavor, cat FROM inven");
    while ($all = mysql_fetch_array($deflist)) {
    //{ echo "<p>".$cat."</p>"; }
    //echo "<b><font face='arial' size='2'><u>(".$quant.
    //") </b></font></u><font face='arial' size='2'>".$brand.", ".
    //" - "."<font color='grey' size='-1'><i>".$descrip." - ".$flavor.
    //"</i></font> - <i><font color='purple' size='-3'></i>".$size.

  14. Ok here's my problem. I am running an inventory database (MySQL) using PHP to generate several different reports.


    I have a row in my table named CAT, I would like to generate a report using the CAT as a header. It would pull a CAT name from the table, echo it as a header and then list each item with that particular CAT name.


    making it look like this:


    Canned Food:


    Kroger, Sweet Corn  11 Cans

    Kroger, Early Peas    13 Cans



    Boxed Food:


    Kraft, Mac & Cheese      24 Boxes

    Kroger, Saltine Crackers  8 boxes



    Where as canned foods and boxed foods are CAT (category) entries from the database.


    I have tried using the following code, but it falls very short.


    $sql = mysql_query(
    "ALTER TABLE inven ORDER BY cat");
    echo "<br><hr>";
            "SELECT quant, brand, descrip, size, flavor, cat FROM inven");
    while ($all = mysql_fetch_array($deflist)) {
    //{ echo "<p>".$cat."</p>"; }
    //echo "<b><font face='arial' size='2'><u>(".$quant.
    //") </b></font></u><font face='arial' size='2'>".$brand.", ".
    //" - "."<font color='grey' size='-1'><i>".$descrip." - ".$flavor.
    //"</i></font> - <i><font color='purple' size='-3'></i>".$size.

  15. I am building an inventory tracking program. I have configured a barcode scanner to enter info into the inventory data base, this all works great. The problem I am having is trying to update a field in the database named quantity. On the form for scanning there are two fields... First is quantity, second is UPC... We manually enter 10 for the 10 new cans of corn we are adding with the same UPC number.... I need the database to find the current number in the database and then add the 10 I just scanned. I'm not able to find much on this I have googled and come up with nothing.


    include_once 'test.html';
    include_once 'db.php';
    $quan = $_POST['quan'];
    $upc = $_POST["upc"];
    echo $upc;
    echo "<BR>";
            "SELECT * FROM inven WHERE upc='$_POST[upc]'");
    while ($all = mysql_fetch_array($contlist)) {
    $quan1 = $all['quant'];
    $upc1 = $all['upc'];
    $brand = $_SESSION['brand'];
    $descrip = $all['descrip'];
    $size = $all['size'];
    $flavor = $all['flavor'];
    $cat = $all['cat'];
    //check that upc does not already exist
    $sql_user_check = mysql_query("SELECT upc FROM inven
                             WHERE upc='$_POST[upc]'");
    $user_check = mysql_num_rows($sql_user_check);
    if(($user_check > 0)){
      echo "<center><b><font face='tahoma' color='black'>Updated ".$descrip." </b><br />";
    $sql = mysql_query("UPDATE  inven SET quant='(quant)+($_POST[quan]')
    WHERE upc='$_POST[upc]'");
        echo 'A database error occurred while creating your account.';

  16. I am building an invoice of sorts, when the form is filled out there will be one to 10 mechanical repairs to the same automobile on the same invoice... Each job will have labor performed to complete the repairs... There are several types of labor ops including one on a sliding scale based on the number of hours a repair takes... If I have 10 jobs on one invoice can I refer to the same formula under different post returns IE:


    $labor1 = $_POST['labor1'];

    $labor2 = $_POST['labor2']; etc...


    Then draw out of the same formulary without having to post the whole information section and rename for each post in the else if statement?


    Here is the php estimate handler set up for one POSTlabor, how would I handle the other 9 labor posts and get the correct amount calculated? I have looked at this every way but I keep coming up with having to change all the labor1's to labor 2', labor3's etc and do this while thing over and over 10 times... Is there a better way?


    $laborrate = 79.36;
    $fleetrate = 70.00;
    $diag = $_POST["diagtime"];
    $ronum1 =$_POST["ronum"];
    $plname =$_POST["custlname"];
    $pfname =$_POST["custfname"];
    $advisor =$_POST["advisor"];
    $laborhours1 =$_POST["laborhours"];
    $item1 = $_POST["item1"];
    $part1a = $_POST["part1a"];
    $desc1a = $_POST["desc1a"];
    $amnt1a = $_POST["amnt1a"];
    $part1b = $_POST["part1b"];
    $desc1b = $_POST["desc1b"];
    $amnt1b = $_POST["amnt1b"];
    $part1c = $_POST["part1c"];
    $desc1c = $_POST["desc1c"];
    $amnt1c = $_POST["amnt1c"];
    $part1d = $_POST["part1d"];
    $desc1d = $_POST["desc1d"];
    $amnt1d = $_POST["amnt1d"];
    $part1e = $_POST["part1e"];
    $desc1e = $_POST["desc1e"];
    $amnt1e = $_POST["amnt1e"];
    $part1f = $_POST["part1f"];
    $desc1f = $_POST["desc1f"];
    $amnt1f = $_POST["amnt1f"];
    $overamnt1 = $_POST["overamnt1"];
    //$laborcost1 = (($laborhours1)*(79.36));
    $diagposted = (($diag)*(79.95));
    $onepointone = (($laborrate+.1*10)*(1+.1));
    $onepointtwo =(($laborrate+.2*10)*(1+.2));
    $onepointthree =(($laborrate+.3*10)*(1+.3));
    $onepointfour =(($laborrate+.4*10)*(1+.4));
    $onepointfive =(($laborrate+.5*10)*(1+.5));
    $onepointsix =(($laborrate+.6*10)*(1+.6));
    $onepointseven =(($laborrate+.7*10)*(1+.7));
    $onepointeight =(($laborrate+.8*10)*(1+.);
    $onepointnine =(($laborrate+.9*10)*(1+.9));
    $radiolabor= $_POST['paymnttype'];
    if ($radiolabor == 'Extwarr1') {
    $laborcost1 = (($laborhours1)*($laborrate));
    $labordesc = "Extended Warranty";
    else if ($radiolabor == 'Fleet1') {
    $laborcost1 = (($laborhours1)*($fleetrate));
    $labordesc = "Fleet";
    else if ($radiolabor == 'Ovrde1') {
    $laborcost1 = (($laborhours1)*($overamnt1));
    $labordesc = "Special";
    else if ($radiolabor == 'cash1') {
    if (($laborhours1 < 1.1)){
    $laborcost1 = (($laborhours1)*(79.36)); 
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 1.1)){
    $laborcost1 = ($onepointone);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 1.2)){
    $laborcost1 = ($onepointtwo);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 1.3)){
    $laborcost1 = ($onepointthree);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 1.4)){
    $laborcost1 = ($onepointfour);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 1.5)){
    $laborcost1 = ($onepointfive);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 1.6)){
    $laborcost1 = ($onepointsix);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 1.7)){
    $laborcost1 = ($onepointseven);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 1.){
    $laborcost1 = ($onepointeight);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 1.9)){
    $laborcost1 = ($onepointnine);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 2)){
    $laborcost1 = ($twohours);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 2.1)){
    $laborcost1 = ($twopointone);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 2.2)){
    $laborcost1 = ($twopointtwo);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 2.3)){
    $laborcost1 = ($twopointthree);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 2.4)){
    $laborcost1 = ($twopointfour);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 2.5)){
    $laborcost1 = ($twopointfive);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 2.6)){
    $laborcost1 = ($twopointsix);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 2.7)){
    $laborcost1 = ($twopointseven);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 2.){
    $laborcost1 = ($twopointeight);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 2.9)){
    $laborcost1 = ($twopointnine);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 3)){
    $laborcost1 = ($threehours);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 3.1)){
    $laborcost1 = ($threepointone);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 3.2)){
    $laborcost1 = ($threepointtwo);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 3.3)){
    $laborcost1 = ($threepointthree);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 3.4)){
    $laborcost1 = ($threepointfour);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 3.5)){
    $laborcost1 = ($threepointfive);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 3.6)){
    $laborcost1 = ($threepointsix);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 3.7)){
    $laborcost1 = ($threepointseven);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 3.){
    $laborcost1 = ($threepointeight);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 3.9)){
    $laborcost1 = ($threepointnine);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 4)){
    $laborcost1 = ($fourhours);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 4.1)){
    $laborcost1 = ($fourpointone);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 4.2)){
    $laborcost1 = ($fourpointtwo);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 4.3)){
    $laborcost1 = ($fourpointthree);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 4.4)){
    $laborcost1 = ($fourpointfour);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 4.5)){
    $laborcost1 = ($fourpointfive);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 4.6)){
    $laborcost1 = ($fourpointsix);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 4.7)){
    $laborcost1 = ($fourpointseven);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 4.){
    $laborcost1 = ($fourpointeight);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 4.9)){
    $laborcost1 = ($fourpointnine);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 5)){
    $laborcost1 = ($fivehours);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 5.1)){
    $laborcost1 = ($fivepointone);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 5.2)){
    $laborcost1 = ($fivepointtwo);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 5.3)){
    $laborcost1 = ($fivepointthree);
    }else if (($laborhours1 == 5.4)){
    $laborcost1 = ($fivepointfour);
    }else if (($laborhours1 > 5.4)){
    $laborcost1 = (($laborhours1)*(79.36));
    $labordesc = "Cash payment";
    echo "<BR><BR><B><font size = +3 color = red>WARNING! No labor added, labor type not set-up!</font></B>";
    $partsttla = ($amnt1a+$amnt1b+$amnt1c+$amnt1d+$amnt1e+$amnt1f);
    $shopttl = (($laborcost1)*(.10));
    //$shopdefault = 15.00;
    //ECHO '<br>'."Labor cost $".number_format($laborcost1,2);
    ECHO '<hr>';
    ECHO '<i><font face = arial>'."Estimate prepared by: &nbsp ".$advisor.'</i>';
    ECHO '<u><br>'.date("l F d, Y").'</u>';
    ECHO '<br><font face = arial>'."Repair order number: ".$ronum1;
    ECHO '<br><B>'.$plname.", ".$pfname.'</b><BR>';
    ECHO '<br><b>'.$diag .'</b> &nbsp '."Vehicle Diagnosis $".number_format($diagposted,2)."<BR>";
    if ($item1 != NULL){
    ECHO '<BR><B>'.$item1.'</B><font face = arial size = -3> Parts total for this repair  $'.number_format($partsttla,2).'</font>' ;
    ECHO "<B><font face = tahoma color = red>No description entered for estimate!</font></B>";
    if ($desc1a != null){
    ECHO '<BR>&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp '.$desc1a." - $".number_format($amnt1a,2);
    if ($desc1b != null){
    ECHO '<BR>&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp '.$desc1b." - $".number_format($amnt1b,2);
    if ($desc1c != null){
    ECHO '<BR>&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp '.$desc1c." - $".number_format($amnt1c,2);
    if ($desc1d != null){
    ECHO '<BR>&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp '.$desc1d." - $".number_format($amnt1d,2);
    if ($desc1e != null){
    ECHO '<BR>&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp '.$desc1e." - $".number_format($amnt1e,2);
    if ($desc1f != null){
    ECHO '<BR>&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp '.$desc1f." - $".number_format($amnt1f,2);
    //ECHO '<br>'."Parts Amount $".number_format($amnt1a,2);
    ECHO '<br><br><b>'.$laborhours1.'</b> &nbsp '.$labordesc.' '."Labor $".number_format($laborcost1,2);
    ECHO '<hr>';
    if (($shopttl > 14.99)){
    $shopcharge = "15.00";
    ECHO "Shop / misc charges - $".$shopcharge;
    }else if (($shopttl < 15.00)){
    $shopcharge = (($laborcost1)*(.10));
    ECHO "Shop / misc charges - $".number_format($shopcharge,2);
    $tax1 = (($partsttla+$diagposted+$laborcost1+$shopcharge)*(.06));
    $ttl = (($partsttla+$diagposted+$laborcost1+$shopcharge)+($tax1));
    ECHO '<br>'."Sales Tax $".number_format($tax1,2);
    ECHO '<br><B>'."Total $".number_format($ttl,2);

  17. Thanks! I now have it working like a dream, sometimes you just get all boneheaded on average stuff. I was trying to make the picture bigger than it was. I appreciate your help.... The code that works for anyone else who might wander into this:


       $partnum = $_POST['partnum'];
       $desc = $_POST['desc'];
       $cost = $_POST['cost'];
       foreach($desc as $a => $b)
         echo "$partnum[$a]  -  $desc[$a]  -".'$'."  $cost[$a] <br />";
    $test = (array)$_POST['cost'];
    $total = array_sum($test);
    echo '<br><hr>'."Parts total for job 1: ".'<b>'."$".number_format($total,2)."<br></b>";
    $subttl = (($total)*(".06"));
    echo '<br><b>'."Tax: $".'</b>'.number_format($subttl,2);
    $ttl = (($total)+($subttl));
    echo '<br><b>'."Total Estimate: $".'</b>'.number_format($ttl,2);

  18. Still not working right it prints:


    jh2345 - Brakes - 2

    jh1534 - rotors - 2

    jh6721 - fluid - 2





    and then never fully loads the page as if it is still thinking


    Modified Code:


    $partnum = $_POST['partnum'];
    $desc = $_POST['desc'];
    $cost = $_POST['cost'];
    foreach($desc as $a => $b)
      echo "$partnum[$a]  -  $desc[$a]  -  $cost[$a] <br />";
    for ($i=0; $i<$cost; $i++) {
       echo $_POST['cost'][$i]."<br>";
    $test = (array) $_POST['cost'];
    $total = array_sum($test);
    echo "Sum of the array is: ".array_sum($total)."<br>";

  19. You didn't have a way to submit the form... I changed the name on mine to test (change yours back to index) I added a form submit button and put your total math in ( ( )  ) - works great now! Hope that is what you are looking for!


    <form action="test.php" method="post" target="_self">
    <b>Firm Name:  </b><input type="text" size="50" name="firmname">
    <br />
    <br />
    <b>Number of Attendees:</b>     
          <select name="numattfull">
            <option value="0">0</option>
            <option value="1">1</option>
            <option value="2">2</option>
            <option value="3">3</option>
            <option value="4">4</option>
            <option value="5">5</option>
            <option value="6">6</option>
           Full X $495
          <select name="numattpartial">
            <option value="0">0</option>
            <option value="1">1</option>
            <option value="2">2</option>
            <option value="3">3</option>
            <option value="4">4</option>
            <option value="5">5</option>
            <option value="6">6</option>
           Partial X $325
    <INPUT type=submit value="Generate estimate now" name=B1>
    $full = $_POST["numattfull"] * 495;
    $partial = $_POST["numattpartial"] * 325;
    $answer = (($full) + ($partial));
    echo "<b>Total Fees:</b>   $answer\n";

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