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  1. Thanks! That did it for me... I barely use Mysql... Thanks again.
  2. Nah I can't this is part of a bigger project. The days month and year must be separate (I don't want to write a regular expression to separate them) But perhaps I could just put a time stamp in, in addition to the day, month, year. That would make more sense. How do I search within a range though?
  3. I have a database that contains the columns keywords, month, day, year I need to search the keyword column, but here's the part I can't figure out, I need to search it within a date range. So I can search from 12/2/06 - 11/4/07 etc. I think I got most of it done, but I'm stuck on one issue. How do I get mysql/php to search a range? What I got so far: A script that can get the difference between the dates correctly (in my example it comes out as, 11, 2, 1) A basic search, where I can search by keywords and certain dates, but I cannot search by keywords in a range of dates. Any help would be greatly appreciated guys.
  4. Okay what I'm trying to do is have a script print out several names from a mysql array and then when you click on it a ajax funtion triggers a php script, I'm basically modifying code I already did. Here's what I have so far: Ajax: function getfriend(temp) { temp="friend"+temp; var url = "testfriend.php"; var estring = $(temp); var pars = 'friend=' + estring.innerHTML; var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater('friend15', url, { method:'get',parameters: pars}) } php: print "<div id='friend$v' onClick='javascript:getfriend($v)'>$v</div>"; Now my problem is that my ajax function only works when $v is a number, if its any letters or words it simply won't work. Does anyone know why?
  5. OF course!! I can't believe I forgot about that! Thanks
  6. I have some data in a mysql array. I'm using the explode function to get the info out. This is what I have so far: print_r(explode(' ', $row['friends'], -1)); Now that prints out as an array and I need to create a loop that would allow me to print out all of them with their own variables. every key (I'm a noob at this so I could be getting this wrong), needs it's own variable (I.e. $array[1]) I need this in the code though in a while loop) In the end I need the output to be something like: <a href=' ' id="$array[1] > $array[1] </a> . in a while loop. I'm close to getting it too work but I'm missing the middle step. After I explode $row['friends'] how do I have it establish in the code in a while loop individual variables.
  7. I have a Mysql data base. I have several entry's that are all organized by time (standard way mysql inserts it, it looks something like 20060711123751 (year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds) all in one string. Now I need to print all of these out (let's say there's three of them) by date (earliest one first). I need to know if there's a PHP or Mysql funtion for this. Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks in advance.
  8. Have you tried setting it up as a SESSION or COOKIE or some other global variable that you server would remember?
  9. I am in the middle of coding a website that's something like a message board, or blog depending on the way you're looking at it. Here's my problem: I need to know how to implement a comment system (prefereably a pre-made one I can just change around to fit my needs since I'm a novice). The page is PHP/MySQL/AJAX and the comment system needs to be PHP/MySql (I'm not using flat files that would kill my server). I was oringinally planning on taking the code from a open source message board (like mercury) but I decided that it was to complicated to re-write all of it. What I really need is a simple script or tutorial since I'm a novice. I've googled all I can google and I couldn't find anything simple. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in Advance (Basically I want something just like this but simplified with a how-to) oh yeah you can check out the beta of my page at: cocal.micdaly.com
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