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Posts posted by meman1188

  1. I am trying to use the Zend PHP Framework to access the Airport Statistics service from Strikeiron http://www.strikeiron.com/ProductDetail.aspx?p=277.


    I am reading the data in fine, but i'm having trouble accessing the information from the object.  According to the documentation, i think the properties should be accessed something like $result->serviceResult http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.service.strikeiron.advanced-uses.html.


    Example page with print_r: http://test.besternews.com/test.php


    Thanks for the help guys!

  2. When you hover the navigations links, there's about a 1 second delay before the 'sub menu' is shown.  I would find it annoying to have to wait to click links.

    Thanks for the feedback!  This is something i have gone back and forth on.. basically what i concluded is that some delay is nice so that if you running your mouse across the sections it doesn't go crazy.  Also if your going from main tab to the sub-links sometimes you move across a different main tab, which changes the list of sub-links, quite annoying.  Right now the delay is 500ms, I will play around with lowering it some.  Thanks again

  3. My web host recently installed something on their apache servers that auto corrects when you get the url a little off (for example if you get the case of a file wrong, it auto corrects it). i like the service a lot and would like install it on my own server. Does anyone know what the name of the service that does this is? (or one of them if there are several)

  4. I just changed servers and no my file_get_contents("ftp://..."); time out and fail.  file works fine with http:// addresses and anything local.  I checked my allow_url_fopen and it is set ON.  Is there anything else that could be causing ftp to fail and not http?  I've tried it with a couple different third party ftp servers and they all time out after 45 sec.  Thanks for the help

  5. I was wondering how, from a logic perspective, web bots are able to pick out the content picture in html.


    For example, Google News is very good at this, picking out the picture in the article that the news is coming from.

    Example 2: Facebook also does a pretty good job when you post a link and it puts a picture next to it. It is almost always the most appropriate image.


    My thoughts on this so others can bounce off... mostly i've come up with ways that don't work.

    - Its not always the biggest pictures (header pictures can be very large in area)

    - you can't rely on someone naming a div 'content' so you can't narrow it down that way

    - the only one i came up with.. a lot of background images are inserted through CSS while the image i'm looking for should be an image tag. This helps increase the odds but still doesn't guarantee the right image, not to say thats possible, but Google News seems to do very well.


    Thanks for the help

  6. Obviously use SSL for the processing on the client side.  As far as i know, theres really nothing else you can do on that side.  You could look at some basic javascript encryption but thats easily hackable.  As far as storing goes, make sure your database is protected and preferably firewalled so only your webserver can access it.  If you want to go further than that, there are some Crypto libraries that use reversible encryption (i think their extensions tho, not in base php).  Hope this helps, and someone please correct me if there are more client side steps one can take.

    -- Brady
  7. Your right, i'm sry i guess i didn't finish reading the original question.  I'm not sure how either of those services work, but i'm assume there is some way to customize a thank you page.  Maybe it would be possible to stick a database call in the header of that page or something.  Another option i thought of, though i coudln't tell you how to do it, is paypal sends a notification to your e-mail when you receive funds, there may be some way to have the e-mail trigger a similar database call.
    Hope this helps, my first suggestion though would be try and embed a database call in a customizable portion of the thank you page.

    -- Brady
  8. I have a question about the php methods for image verification in forms.  All the tutorials i have seen to do this use a temp image file, normally verify.png, and i was just wondering if anyone has run into a problem with the image changing as the page loads.  I know that seems unlikely but if the timing was right, it seems like the image could possibly change if two people loaded the page at almost the same time, which would mean the person couldn't possibly enter the right code.  Has anyone run into this problem or found a way of doing it without usign a temp image file?

    -- Brady
  9. I'm creating a form with html and the values for my drop down menus come from mysql tables.  Got the first one working great, but i need the 2nd one to dynamically update based on the selection of the first (from what i know .. using onChange).  When the 2nd one is updated it needs to call mysql again (accessing a different table if that matters) to get its drop down options based on the value of what was selected in the first.. Only way i know how to do this is javascript and since it doesn't support mysql, my knowledge is very limited on this topic.  Any help is greatly appreciated and if anything didn't make sense please just let me know.

    -- Brady
  10. I am pretty new to PHP, so i don't really know how to do anything beyond the basics and am mostly using code examples to learn my way. However, i haven't been been able to find any examples for what i'm looking to do. I want to take an image (jpg or gif) and scale it so it fits into a pre-sized box. I know there are lots of scripts out there that do this with a file and output to a file.. but i'm looking for something that that takes a web image (http link) and then outputs directly to the browser or returns some sort of image that i can display with <img> tags (i don't know if thats even possible, but would be my first choice). If anyone knows of a script already made to do this or maybe there is a method already in php for this sort of thing that would be great. Thank you for your help.

    -- Brady
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