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Posts posted by Oldiesmann

  1. While it is possible to pull all the info in a single query, it would be a bit easier to do it in two queries, and you're still going to have to use PHP to sort all the data out...


    First get all the team names and find out how many games there were...

    Then, find the number of wins for each team

    Put all the wins in an array, using the team names as the keys

    Sort the array in reverse order (so the team with the most wins will be first)

    Use a foreach loop to calculate the losses for each team and display the info


    Basically, something like this:

    $query = mysql_query("SELECT home_team FROM table ORDER BY home_team ASC") or die(mysql_error());
    $num_games = mysql_num_rows($query);
    $team_data = array();
    while($teams = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))
        $current_team = $teams['home_team'];
        // Find all the wins... This is tricky...
        $query2 = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(home_result) AS home_wins, COUNT(away_result) AS road_wins FROM table WHERE (home_team = '$current_team' AND home_result = 'Win') OR (away_team = '$current_team' AND away_result = 'Win') or die(mysql_error());
        // Calculate the wins
        $wins = mysql_result($query2, 0, 0) + mysql_result($query2, 0, 1);
        // Now that we have this info...
        $team_data[$current_team] = $wins;
    foreach($team_data AS $name => $games_won)
        // Figure out how many games they lost
        $games_lost = $num_games - $games_won;
        // Put whatever code you want here to output this info...


    There might be a way to do all that in one query, but it's easier to do it in two queries.

  2. To communicate between the two, you will need to use either a third-party database class (such as ADODB) or one of the PHP extensions that supports both Access and MySQL (such as ODBC or PDO).


    I'm not real sure how you connect to Access databases from PHP, but basically what you'll need to do is this:


    Pull the data from MySQL into PHP variables

    Pass the data (using those variables) to Access after modifying it (if needed).


    I honestly don't understand why this is necessary - I realize that Access isn't really designed for web databases, but why do you need both Access and MySQL?


    Also, Microsoft Excel will open CSV files, so that might be an easier way to do things.

  3. I don't think having 24 columns vs 24 rows would make much of a difference in terms of table size (you're still storing the same data).


    However, I would recommend doing one row per hour rather than one row per day. 24 columns would make things really confusing, and you'd need other columns besides one for each hour (one to uniquely identify each row, one to keep track of which day it was, etc.).

  4. Make sure you're either replacing the line breaks with <br /> (PHP's nl2br() function will do this), or that you're using double quotes around the value:


    echo '\n'; - literally displays \n

    echo "\n"; - outputs a linebreak

  5. PHP needs to be compiled with "--with-pgsql" for pg_connect() (and other PostgreSQL functions) to work. Either your host doesn't support PostgreSQL, or they forgot to compile PHP with PostgreSQL support (in which case they should be willing to recompile PHP to fix this issue).

  6. I would suggest having a couple additional tables:


    Customers - A table containing information about all your car owners:












    Cars - A table containing information about all the cars:








    Then, modify your logs table like this:








    Or, if you'd like to take it one step further, come up with a list of unique service codes (short text strings that uniquely identify each service) and add a services table:






    Then you could replace "service_desc" with "Service_code" and have even less info.


    This will help you minimize the duplicate info stored in particular tables, while increasing flexibility.

  7. MySQLi is only available with PHP 5.0.0 or higher, so if your host doesn't have it, they're most likely not running PHP5. Ask them to make sure they're running the latest versions of PHP (5.2.3) and MySQL (5.0.45).


    The only other extension that offers the same advanced features is the "PDO" (PHP Data Objects) extension, but this has pretty much the same requirements as MySQLi, so if your host doesn't have MySQLi, then chances are PDO won't work either.

  8. First: Subtract the last active timestamp from time().


    Then, check it against various values:


    Less than 60 = seconds

    Less than 3600 = minutes

    Less than 86400 = hours

    Less than 604800 = days



    $active = time() - $last_active;
    if($last_active < 60)
        $last_active_string = $last_active . ($last_active == 1) ' second' : ' seconds';
    elseif($last_active < 3600)
        $last_active = (int) ($last_active / 60);
        $last_active_string = $last_active . ($last_active == 1) ' minute' : ' minutes';
    elseif($last_active < 86400)
        $last_active = (int) ($last_active / 3600);
        $last_active_string = $last_active . ($last_active == 1) ' hour' : ' hours';
    elseif($last_active < 604800)
        $last_active = (int) ($last_active / 86400);
        $last_active_string = $last_active . ($last_active == 1) ' day' : ' days';


    That's pretty basic, but should give you a good idea.

  9. There are several problems with that code...


    $query = "" - this will always set $query to an empty string.

    Because you're not using ".=", $query will always get overwritten each time.

    You can only have one WHERE keyword in a query - any other conditions must be appended using AND.

    You can't just stick NULL in a query by itself.


    It's relatively easy to fix all of those issues, but the fix mainly depends on whether or not only one variable will be set at a time.

  10. <?php
    $ref[0] = "gen 1:12";
    $ref[1] = "exo 2:31";
    foreach($ref as $value){
    echo '<a href="www.find.net/CP/Search/rsearch.php?submit=true&searchtype=All+Words&search=&wholeword=Whole+words+only.&table_display=true&lookup='.$value.'">'.$value.'</a>';

  11. 1&1 has a reputation for being one of the worst hosts in the industry. Avoid them at all costs.


    One of the biggest issues is that they're overselling - there is absolutely no way they can afford to offer 300GB of space and 3TB of bandwidth for $20 a month - the largest hard drive I can find online is 3TB (3000GB) - and that costs $6000. If you do a little googling, you'll find all kinds of horror stories about poor customer service, unannounced changes, etc. I know someone who was hosted with them years ago. It got to the point where the entire site would go down with "CPU Limits Exceeded" errors as soon as there were 10 users online (the forum was integrated with the site). I finally convinced him to move away from 1and1, and he hasn't run into that problem at all since then - even though the forum is much busier now than it was at the time.

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