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  1. That fixed it, apparantly it was choking on the ( ) around the ASC and DESC!!! Thanks much for your help! Dave ;D
  2. Hi All,  Tearing my hair out over what seems like it should be a simple thing to do. One of my databases has two tables: Donors Donations The Donors table contains a donor id, First Name, Last Name, Address, etc about the donors. The Donations table contains a donation id, donor id, donation amount, month, day, year, and other misc information about the individual donation. I have a php script that downloads and inner join of the two tables into an excel spreadsheet. Here's the section I'm having trouble with: [code] $select = "SELECT Donors.DID, Donors.DFirstName, Donors.DLastName, Donations.DonMonth, Donations.DonDay, Donations.DonYear, Donations.DonAmount FROM Donations INNER JOIN Donors ON Donations.DonId = Donors.DID ORDER By Donors.DLastName"; [/code] This works fine as it is... however in addition to being able to order by Donors.DLastName, i'd also like the results sorted by date (most recent to furthest back). I tried altering the above code as below. [code] $select = "SELECT Donors.DID, Donors.DFirstName, Donors.DLastName, Donations.DonMonth, Donations.DonDay, Donations.DonYear, Donations.DonAmount FROM Donations INNER JOIN Donors ON Donations.DonId = Donors.DID ORDER By Donors.DLastName (ASC), Donations.DonYear (DESC), Donations.DonMonth (DESC), Donations.DonDay (DESC)"; [/code] I now get 0 results.  I then tried the following: [code] $select = "SELECT Donors.DID, Donors.DFirstName, Donors.DLastName, Donations.DonMonth, Donations.DonDay, Donations.DonYear, Donations.DonAmount FROM (SELECT * FROM Donations ORDER By DonId (ASC), DonYear(DESC),DonMonth(DESC), DonDay(DESC)) INNER JOIN Donors ON Donations.DonId = Donors.DID ORDER By Donors.DLastName"; [/code] Again, 0 results. Any suggestions? Thanks! Dave PS.  PHP version 4.3.11       MySql version 4.0.18
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