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Everything posted by BillyBoB

  1. sorry but this didnt work at all
  2. BillyBoB


    lol nice thorpe this is kinda hmmmm simple
  3. you need to store this info in a db and then if($_GET[img]){ $dbinfo = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM db WHERE img = $_GET[img]"); $dbinfo = mysql_fetch_array($dbinfo); $my_string = $dbinfo[name] . ", " . $dbinfo[year] . "-" . $dbinfo[price]; } then you have your string
  4. when you use $filelocation do you include the name and ext of the image?
  5. i dont see how the code you gave us can make that links code the np= isnt in your code at all....
  6. i dont know much about xml but from what you are saying wanting to have them linked could you do something like <taxonomy> <form id=1 name=category1> <taxonomy> <form id=1 name=subcategory1> <form id=1 name=subcategory2> <form id=1 name=subcategory3> <form id=1 name=subcategory4> </taxonomy> <form id=3 name=category2> <form id=4 name=category3> </taxonomy> like i said i dont know much so i hope this helps
  7. ok in order for me to really help i would need to see this script in action can you hook me up with a link to where you have it?
  8. so what does this mean can i ask which you decided to go with?
  9. ok not to be rude but nobody here is going to make you a script this site is for learning and problem solving... for a request you could have googled it but i have already done half of this for you this site is called hotscripts.com if you want to find a script it would probably be there some are free some are not.... http://www.hotscripts.com/search/15921554.html is a link to the uploader scripts... like i said some are free and some arnt.
  10. I am currently developing a blog site for people who like anime Ex. Inuyasha... The site looks great and isnt completed but is getting there. The thing is there is an error in IE that i cant fix but this error doesnt exist in Firefox. The error I am talking about is my images on the border of the main content and the image for my footer are out of the positions they should be in. the site is topgamingteam.net thanks in advance, BillyBoB
  11. i havnt read this much because i cant stand the no [ code ] tag but have you noticed that you have index.php ********************************************* include_once("model/preview_post.php") set_up_preview_model(0, "calum", "date", ""); you said preview_posts.php on your post but here it says post... maybe this is your problem
  12. ok well i will just go ahead and post the code and how to use it: <?php function pagination($h,$get,$page,$z) { $g = ceil($h/$z); $d = 0; $u = 0; $o = 0; if($g>1) { while($d!=$g) { $d++; if($get) { if($get==$g){ $c = $get - 4; if($c!=0) { $o = 1; } if($o==0) { $d = $get - 3; $o = 1; } if($d==$get) { echo("<b>[$d]</b>"); echo(" "); }else{ $c = $get - 4; if($c!=0) { echo("<a href=\"$page&pg=$d\">$d</a>"); echo(" "); }else{ if($u==0) { echo("<a href=\"$page&pg=1\">1</a>"); echo(" ... "); $u = 1; }else{ echo("<a href=\"$page&pg=$d\">$d</a>"); echo(" "); } } } }else{ if($d==$get) { echo("<b>[$d]</b>"); echo(" "); }else{ if($get==1) { if($d<4) { echo("<a href=\"$page&pg=$d\">$d</a>"); echo(" "); }else{ echo("... <a href=\"$page&pg=$g\">$g</a>"); $d = $g; } }else{ $a = $get - 4; $b = $get + 2; if($a>0) { if($d==$get) { echo("<b>[$d]</b>"); echo(" "); }else{ if($u==0) { echo("<a href=\"$page&pg=1\">1</a>"); echo(" ... "); $u = 1; }else{ if($o==0) { $d = $get - 2; $o = 1; } if($get+3==$d) { if($b<$g-1) { echo(" ... "); echo("<a href=\"$page&pg=$g\">$g</a>"); $d = $g; }else{ echo("<a href=\"$page&pg=$d\">$d</a>"); echo(" "); } }else{ echo("<a href=\"$page&pg=$d\">$d</a>"); echo(" "); } } } }else{ if($get+3==$d) { if($b<$g-1) { echo(" ... "); echo("<a href=\"$page&pg=$g\">$g</a>"); $d = $g; }else{ echo("<a href=\"$page&pg=$d\">$d</a>"); echo(" "); } }else{ echo("<a href=\"$page&pg=$d\">$d</a>"); echo(" "); } } } } } }else{ if($d==1) { echo("<b>[$d]</b>"); echo(" "); }else{ if($d<4) { echo("<a href=\"$page&pg=$d\">$d</a>"); echo(" "); }else{ echo("... <a href=\"$page&pg=$g\">$g</a>"); $d = $g; } } } } }else{ echo("<b>[1]</b>"); } } ?> this is quite a big function but it is very effective. to use it you must have this at the begining of the page or require_once from a functions.php page <?php pagination($h,$_GET['pg'],"yourpage.php?",5); ?> ok the $h has to be how many rows you have exaple(this isnt good coding just a ex.) while("SELECT * FROM info") { $h++; } the $_GET['pg'] is the page number you are on i would keep this system on a GET cmd of pg the page is the page which can include other GET cmds like action=view you would enter yourpage.php?action=view and so on the 5 is the intraval like how many you want on a page this was an extra addition to the code so that i could use it on multiple sites. If you would like any more info on this please just ask PM me maybe
  13. can you tell me where $boolean is being set because all i see it the boolselect being set
  14. is it possible for you to post the function and how you call it? this would help me on figuring out the problem
  15. Yesideez what do you mean? if you have aim mine is: BillyBoB66969 this is the only way i will post it so i can keep it a little more private
  16. ok if there will always be a option then you can use this code: Next Button: <?php $var = $_GET[itemid]++; echo("<a href=\"index.php?option=$_GET[option]&Itemid=$var\">Next</a>"); ?> Previous Button: <?php $var = $_GET[itemid]--; echo("<a href=\"index.php?option=$_GET[option]&Itemid=$var\">Previous</a>"); ?>
  17. if you would like i have developed a pagination function which is really easy to insert into your coding. there is a lot of lines with it but it does work in every situation. if you would like it just ask i will monitor this post.
  18. since somebody already posted b4 me i can only give you an alternative from what you have described i can create this code: <?php $var = 0; while($var != 10) { $ans = 0; $var++; $ans = ceil($var/3); echo $ans; } ?> the link is: http://dreamshowstudios.net/counterhelp.php for a demo
  19. can you tell me what the extension is used for ??? example: .psd - adobe reader or photoshop; .txt - text editor
  20. hmm sasa thats neat i just tested that and it works cool that might help me in the future thanks alot
  21. if you do % you can just try <?php $getinfo = str_replace("%", " ", $_GET[act]); ?> This will just change all the % into spaces in the string $getinfo
  22. Sure i did this with my pm system for the users <?php $info = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM project"); echo("<select name=\"names\">"); while($infoarray = mysql_fetch_array($info)) { echo("<option>$infoarray[name]</option>"); } echo("</select>"); ?> If you need more of an explanation just ask
  23. I didnt know what was wrong all i know is that i had php in there.... so I put in on the php help forum.... so why dont you back off....
  24. it didnt work because of the html it had a image as a button so that it could look better i have set it up to have an image if its firefox and if its IE to have a Submit button.
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