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Everything posted by .Darkman

  1. Okay... Thank you... But, i created a cookie from http://localhost/dir/index.php And accessed it from http://localhost/index.php and was unable to do it... Why ?
  2. Hello, I've got a question about cookies... Are the cookies accessible only from the site that places it ? For eg, if i use this code on abc.com : setcookie("darkman", "some message", 3600); And, have this on xyz.com : echo $_COOKIE['darkman']; Will it display "some message" on xyz.com ? Thanks,
  3. How is that done ? I put the above code in a separate file... ? Then, whats next ? Thanks
  4. Hello, The counter on the homepage of http://www.deviantart.com/ looks great. The one which reads "XX Deviations". It constantly updates. I suppose, it uses AJAX. Can any help me create one like this ? (i.e) I'd like to fetch the COUNT() of something from the database and display it... Thanks,
  5. Actually, php.net/mail says that it is better to use PEAR package for large volume of mailing. So, is the following code good ? Or, does this also put a lot of stress on the server ? <?php include ('/home/username/php/Mail.php'); $mail = Mail::factory("mail"); $headers = array("From"=>"me@mydomain.com", "Subject"=>"Test Mail"); $body = "This is a test!"; foreach($emails AS $email) { // about 2500 email addresses $mail->send($email, $headers, $body); } ?>
  6. I'll take a look... thx How do i do that ?
  7. Hello, I have a database of over 2000 users. I wish to send newsletters to them via PHP's mail() function. What is the best way to do ? I'm asking this because, i read somewhere that using the mail() for a large number of users can crash the server. So, whats the best way to do it ? I'm on Shared hosting. Thanks, Shrihari.S
  8. Ah ! Yes, that seems more logical. I just need number of view of the banner on that day. Oh ! How do i do that ? I just copy the information to another place ? Or should i move it ? Thanks,
  9. Yes, i'll be having two tables. So, this is the best way. Right ? And, if i have about 5000 pageviews perday, that would mean 5000 new DB entries per day. Wouldn't that harm the database ?
  10. Hello everybody, I'm writing a banner rotation script. I wish to have a simple statistics feature in it. It will not be doing much. It will just count the number of times each banner has been displayed. Also, i'd like to present the data datewise. That is, if i choose, "Today", i'd like to see how many times each of the banners has been shown on that day. If i choose "Last Month", i'd like the corresponding data to be showed. Since, i've not worked with stats, i'd need the advice on someone in how to structure the database. What i planned is : For every time the banner is displayed, a new record would be created in a table along with the timestamp and the banner's ID. Then, i'll use this data to display data the way i wanted. But, is this the best way to do it ? Or, are there better ways ? Please help me Thanks,
  11. I added just the third line and it worked. What are the other two lines for ? I mean, what are these for ? RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
  12. Hello Everybody, I'm using MediaWiki and using .htaccess to make URLs better. Using this code : RewriteRule ^(.+)$ /index.php?title=$1 [L,QSA] This redirects http://mysite.com/Page to http://mysite.com/index.php?title=Page I want to achieve this for subpages also. (i.e) I want to redirect http://mysite.com/Page/Sub to http://mysite.com/index.php?title=Page/Sub How do i do this ? I tried few codes. But, they didn't work. Please help me. Thanks,
  13. Hello everybody, Is there any way by which i can detect the HEX codes for similar colors if i input a color code ? What i mean if if i enter the color code for an Orange, the output should be another shade of Orange. This can be seen in action at http://feeds.feedburner.com/~fc/GotChance?bg=FF9900&fg=000000&anim=0 If you change the "bg" parameter, the background color changes to that color and a similar shade is applied to the smaller background. How do i do something like that ? Also, how to i find HEX codes for complement colors ? Thanks,
  14. Hello everybody, I need some small help with GET Variables in JS. I'll explain this with an example. In an HTML file, i have the following code : <script type="javascript" src="http://anothersite.com/file.js?name=Darkman"></script> The JS file is as follows : document.write("The name is '+name+'"); Now, how do i detect and store this "Darkman" in the "name" variable ? Thanks,
  15. Anyway, that was just a test in AJAX. Live forms have back button enabled.
  16. If you are sending me a mail through my contact form, it is not a way to protect your email address. it is to protect mine. As far, you entering your email, you are not going to contact any sites that you don't trust.
  17. Yes, that is simple. we will do it soon too.
  18. Yes. Actually you'll have to refresh the page (your typed info will not be lost. security code will change). We will have to make something so that user can go back.
  19. Thanks for that test. It did send me the mail 31 times. I have now fixed it. Thanks, You can send people email directly. But you don't give your email address to strangers. So this is a way to protect your email address. We are experimenting AJAX feature for embedded contact forms. Feel free to test it out at : http://kontactr.com/ajax/contact.html
  20. Hello, Check out the new site that i created : http://kontactr.com It is a one-click contact form service with protection against SPAM. Users get free remotely-hosted contact forms and also tools and widgets to embed it into their own website too. You can view my contact page at : http://kontactr.com/user/hari Thanks,
  21. No, externalsite.com was just an exmaple.
  22. How do i process it ? Can you explain to in a bit detail ? I have the form as : <form method="post" action="http://externalsite.com/process.php"> <input name="sender_name" type="text" style="width: 250px;" /> <img src="http://externalsite.com/get_captcha_code.php" /> <input name="send" type="submit" id="send" value="Send" style="font-size: 18px; width: 100px; letter-spacing: 5px;" /> </form> Now, what else should i do ?
  23. I am not much experienced in PHP. So i don't understand this code well. Will it work if i use the <img> tag on one website and have the get_captcha_code.php on another ?
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