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About Silverado_NL

  • Birthday 10/04/1985

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    Zaandam (Netherlands)

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  1. windows = wamp linux = xamp mac = ?? mamp http://www.mamp.info/en/index.html google yay
  2. pugs dont suck because they are pugs. we had a group called midnight runners that pugged the bigger 25mans without problems.(yes before the big nurf) even had some people occasionally running around in greens and still managed to 1 shot 3 first bosses in BT and usually take about 2-3 attempts on teron. pugs suck because people dont do whatever u tell them. btw some clans have been clearing almost ALL of bt in just green/blue gear, without ANY epics. as long as you do what should be done there is almost no need for epics, except tanks might get crushed like hell sometimes.
  3. IE should be optional when windows 7 comes out,and has to be checked at setup to be installed. i only seen ie8 run under win xp and am really content with it(was only using FF before). works super fast and nice new features to.
  4. starting out on big prebuild package's havent helped me either. i also recommend starting out with small parts of script that u could piece together at the end. best is just to code yourself instead of copy&paste it, just to get it into your head. and even when u start knowing alot of functions and u been writing some script your almost always gonna be doing something wrong in some way. that why showing other people your code is really helpfull. they might be able to spot things u have overlooked or havent thought about. i myself started out with basic stuff like syntax and logical operators and trying to make my own calculater using form boxes for inputs, then started reading about looping functions and arrays. tutorials right here on phpfreaks but also other site's like http://www.tizag.com/phpT helped me alot. one book i recommend is http://www.freeopenbook.com/php5-for-dummies/. and php.net is great to find all sort of functions. offcourse u also could search one of the big torrent site's for php books
  5. also you havent qouted the $_GET variable array key name's. good habit to do that and keep your script nice and fast!
  6. uhm i have phpmyadmin installed and im sure it delete's the entire DB if i click drop. you will ofcourse need the permissions to do this(usually root). as for empting table's dont you mean TRUNCATE?
  7. if this code page is the whole page, you are missing php tags <?php and ?> to start your php. and u are also missing echo statements for outputting the html. might be that u left em out to keep the posted code short, if not this might be your problem. <?php echo "<table width='70%' border='0' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='1' bgcolor='#00000'> <form method='post'> <tr bgcolor='$config[altcolora]'> <td width='100%' valign='center' align='left' colspan='2' background='$config[bg]'> <strong>Challenge</strong> </td> </tr> <tr bgcolor='$config[altcolora]'> <td width='40%' valign='center' align='left' background='$config[cellbg]'>Game</td> <td width='60%' valign='center' align='center' background='$config[cellbg]'> <select class='button' name='login[id]' value='$login[id]'>"; $teams=mysql_query("SELECT teamid,ladderid FROM membersteams WHERE memberid='{$_COOKIE['tid']}' "); ... ... ?>
  8. well the site states it might work with CLI, but i would take thorpe's word over a website with that many spelling errors and just make a wrapper:P
  9. i think u are looking for the mysql comparison statement called LIKE. here some info about it. http://www.htmlite.com/mysql011.php u can find alot more info if u google it. it basicly compare's strings and returns any if matched. your query would look something like this. $search_string = 'words to find'; $resource = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM lyrics WHERE lyric_text LIKE '%$search_string%'"); hope this helps
  10. like he said, shebang doesnt work with windows systems.
  11. the way i do it is use the predifined constant called DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR i would redefine it to something like DS to avoid having RLY long paths lol. <?php define( 'DS' , DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ); define( 'BASE' , __FILE__ ); $fs_path_array = explode( DS, BASE ); ?> works on both unix and windows systems.
  12. u could find out the current location of the running file with $_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"], then use the explode version to put em into an array like this. $array = explode('/',$_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]); then from there u can work to the path u want using php's array functions and then implode em back together.
  13. an option would be to have the files outside of your www root so u cannot access it directly, but only through a script that is accessible from the outside,which in turn outputs the file u need. this script could look at the machine accessing the script and denying the file if it is anyone else but your own server. maybe but not sure another option might be to restrict access with apache's mod_rewrite. although im not sure how to do this.
  14. i would suggest reading some basic php and mysql tutorials first like this one http://www.devshed.com/c/a/PHP/Website-Database-Basics-With-PHP-and-MySQL/ or this one http://phpsense.com/php/php-mysql.html
  15. why would you do that? php is a server-sides language, so unless u want your phone to act as a server u dont do php magic on it:P instead u could make a php website on a server, and make sure that whatever it outputs(usually html) is supported by the Mobile phones. this usually comes down to supporting the small screen resolution with special CSS sheet for this type's of user agents.
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