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  1. does anyone have a book they recommend on creating flat file db's
  2. thank you something so simple was driving me crazy
  3. hello i have this script that outputs all directory's and files the problem i am having is i can sort alphabetically say i have a file named a1 a2 a10 a3 the way it is sorting them is like this a1 a10 a2 a3 but i want to sort them like this a1 a2 a3 a10 here is my script please help its driving me nutty <?php function Treemenu($path) { //using the opendir function $dir_handle = @opendir($path) or die("Unable to open $path"); //Leave only the lastest folder name $dirname = end(explode("/", $path)); $TEST = array(); $i=0; //display the target folder. echo ("<li>$dirname\n"); echo "<ul>\n"; while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir_handle))) { if($file!="." && $file!="..") { if (is_dir($path."/".$file)) { //Display a list of sub folders. Treemenu($path."/".$file); } else { //Display a list of files. $TEST[$i] = "<li><a href=\"{$path}/{$file}\">" .str_replace('.htm','',$file). "</a></li>"; $i++; } } } sort($TEST); echo implode('', $TEST); echo "</ul>\n"; echo "</li>\n"; //closing the directory closedir($dir_handle); } Treemenu('games') ?>
  4. can you not use a php include inside an include page? for example if i include menu.php  and inside menu.php is another include it dosnt seam to include the file
  5. Round trip time to 261 ms Round trip time to 85 ms Round trip time to 171 ms Round trip time to 111 ms Round trip time to 132 ms Round trip time to 130 ms Round trip time to 109 ms Round trip time to 149 ms Round trip time to 110 ms Round trip time to 103 ms Average time over 10 pings: 136.1 ms this was a ping from www.nwtools.com to my servers ip dslreports.com speed test result on 2006-09-16 11:40:22 EST: 111 / 28 Your download speed : 111 kbps or 13.9 KB/sec. Your upload speed : 28 kbps or 3.5 KB/sec.
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