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  1. Thanks. That gave an error, but in searching, I found another "ext" directory UNDER the first one, with another copy of php_mysql.dll in it.  Moved that up a level, and voila! No idea where it came from, unfortunately. Thank you all!
  2. Thanks.  It's in C:\PHP, which is in my PATH.  I tried putting it into Windows, but that didn't help either.  Did a search, and there's only one on my machine. I'm currently using the libmysql.dll and php_mysql.dll from php_5.1.6_mysql_5.0.26-win32.zip, but I previously tried the one that came with PHP and the ones that came from mysqlI~.zip. Guess I'll find a simple script to run something in MySQL to see whether that's working WITHOUT Mediawiki.
  3. Here's the phpinfo code - just put this into a template foo.php in your webroot and then browse to it.  You'll get several pages of information. <?php phpinfo(); ?> In php.ini do you have the following WITHOUT ; in front of them? display_errors = On display_startup_errors = On doc_root = c:\inetpub\wwwroot  (or whatever it is) extension_dir = "C:\PHP\ext" (or whatever it is) extension=php_mysql.dll extension=php_mysqli.dll - (one or both, depending on which type of MySQL you want to use) If you're running IIS, you'll also need the Windows versions of php_mysql.dll or php_mysqli.dll (which go into your "extentions" directory, as above) and libmysql.dll, which goes into your PHP directory.  You can get them from php.net. Hope this helps.
  4. Thanks, but I've tried both mysql and mysqli. Both give the same error.  Today, however, I get another error first (but only once per reboot).  It says "PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\PHP\ext\php_mysql.dll' - The specificed module could not be found." Then another ditto about mysqli (both of which are currently unremmed in php.ini). Then I get the same error as at first. The path is currect and both dlls are there. I would change to Apache, but can't in my environment. Arghh!
  5. I'm trying to run MediaWiki on an XPP SP2 box.  So far have done everything I can find anywhere, but no luck.  When I browse to [mywikipath]index.php to do the config, I get the following error:     * PHP 5.1.6 installed       Could not find a suitable database driver!           o For MySQL, compile PHP using --with-mysql, or install the mysql.so module           o For PostgreSQL, compile PHP using --with-pgsql, or install the pgsql.so module PHP.  Installed PHP5 from php-5.1.6-Win32.zip into standard C:\PHP directory.  Can browse to and execute simple scripts OK.  Added C:\PHP and C:\PHP\ext to my PATH. MySQL.  Installed from mysql-essential-5.0.24a-win32.msi.  Running it as a service and can do things like mysqlshow OK.  Also downloaded and installed php_5.1.6_mysqli_5.0.26-win32.zip, putting php_mysqli.dll into C:\PHP\ext. PHP.INI  Copied php.ini-recommended to php.ini. Unremmed extension=php_mysqli.dll.  Set extension_dir = "C:\PHP\ext". Set sql.safe_mode = Off. Set doc_root = c:\inetpub\wwwroot. Have read lots of posts, but no luck.  Any help MOST appreciated.
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