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The Little Guy

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Posts posted by The Little Guy

  1. You don't want to try and boot from the second drive, just access it from within windows.


    Boot up windows 8 and open up Computer management (in win explorer, r-click Computer and select Manage). Open the Disk Management area. In there you should see your windows 7 hard drive. Select the partition you want to access and right-click on it. There should be an option that will allow you to map it to a drive letter. Once you do that you can just go into the drive via windows explorer and access the files.


    I have tried that, but the drive doesn't show up in there.

  2. It might be easiest to have a configuration, that tells PHP how the textbox should be formatted (min/max length, numbers only, alpha only, etc.).


    It would/could look something like this:

    $config = [
        "myField" => [
            "max" => 15,
            "min" => 6
    ];  // Array is php 5.4 syntax
    function validate_field($field_name, $value, &$error){
        global $config; // don't use global, I am for this example though
        $settings = $config[$field_name];
        if(isset($settings["max"]) && $settings["max"] > strlen($value)){
            $error = "Too Long";
            return false;
        if(isset($settings["min"]) && $settings["min"] < strlen($value)){
            $error = "Too Short";
            return false;
        $error = "";
        return true;
    $errors = [];
    foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
        if(!validate_field($name, $value, $error)){
            // The field wasn't valid
            $errors[] = $error;
    if(count($errors) > 0){
        // The form has errors
        echo implode(",", $errors);
        // Show form again
    header("Location: to success");
  3. As for showing the form again, I wouldn't redirect, I would just render the form again? Redirect the request internally to the right controller, if that makes sense?


    I don't know if I really like that idea. I can do it, but I would like to stay away from it due to the way the site works.

  4. I did something similar to this, what I came up with was something like this to fix my problem:

    -- I would make end_time the length of the track which could look like this: '00:02:30' for a 2 minute 30 second song.
    select sum(time_to_sec(timediff(end_time, '00:00:00'))) / 60 / 60 as hours from my_table group by artist_id;

    So, maybe store the values as "times"


    Then, using php I did this:

    function lz($num){
        return (strlen($num) < 2) ? "0{$num}" : $num;
    function convertTime($dec){
        // start by converting to seconds
        $seconds = $dec * 3600;
        // we're given hours, so let's get those the easy way
        $hours   = floor($dec);
        // since we've "calculated" hours, let's remove them from the seconds variable
        $seconds -= $hours * 3600;
        // calculate minutes left
        $minutes = floor($seconds / 60);
        // remove those from seconds as well
        $seconds -= $minutes * 60;
        // return the time formatted HH:MM
        return $hours . "h " . lz($minutes) . "m";
    echo convertTime($row["hours"]);

    I hope maybe this might get you on the correct path...

  5. We are going to be using Stripe so people can make payments to us. If you're not familiar with how Stripe works, here is the breakdown:


    1. JavaScript is used to build a one time token, and make some tests.
    2. If the data passes the JavaScript tests your information is sent to my server to use the Stripe API that actually makes the payment
    3. You get a json result back that is parsed back into php.
      1. If the charge fails an Error is Thrown that you need to catch
      2. If the charge is successful, then you get a confirmation id that you can save in your database to look it up later or do whatever you need with it.

    So that is how Stripe works. My question is, when an error is thrown, I want to redirect the user back to the form to fix the error, but I don't want to make them fill out the form again. What is a safest or most secure way to do this (when we go live we will be using SSL for HTTPS)?

  6. So, I have two database tables, and each one I would like to store files in. One of the tables will store fairly small PDF files, probably around 1MB and smaller. The other table would store zip files. What are  your thoughts about doing this?

    1. Netbeans

      • ​​Has Git/SVN/Mercurial/FTP built in.

    2. PHP/HTML/CSS/JavaScript/jQuery/Java/etc. auto-complete

    Project Management

    Other random features

    GitHub / Bitbucket

    • Bitbucket has free private repositories


    • Best photo editor, and has more tutorials than any other graphics software


    • Easy to install, high speeds, easy to configure. Overall AMAZING

    Google Chrome

    • Favorite browser to use/test with.


    • Need some music to listen to while I do my stuff.

    Terminal or Putty

    • This one depends on the OS, Linux = Terminal; Windows = Putty


    • When I want to rest my eyes for a moment, I like to go to Facebook to see what everyone is up to


  7. Is there a good free open source PHP driven time tracking and project management tool that I can download and install on my server?

    Some main features I am looking for are:

    • Time Tracking
    • Project Management
    • Invoices
    • USD pricing

    I have been looking all day, but all the ones that I find use Euro's for invoices, and I can not have that.

  8. I have 2 hard drives in my computer tower; each hard drive has an OS on it:

    1. Main hard drive has: Windows 8 (SSD)
    2. Other hard drive has: Windows 7 (IDE)

    I would like to view the files on the the second hard drive (The one with windows 7 on it). I then want to copy some of the files I have have on it to my windows 8 hard drive. (php files mostly and maybe some images).


    Is there some software or something that I can use to do this without having to make the second drive become my primary drive and then boot into it?

  9. So, I was reading some news, and saw that Ubuntu is planning on releasing "Ubuntu for phones" this month, I don't think it has a name (maybe), but I am kind of excited!




    This Phone OS has its own SDK, and well it doesn't run android apps so IDK if it will become popular because of that, as Android already has a large following. Do you think people will design apps for it?


    I guess the download that will come out this month will be for Galaxy phones, but it doesn't sound like a "Full Release"



    What are your thoughts on this?

  10. Okay guys, thanks!


    I am doing a live preview, so I wrote it in JS originally, I then decided to do that for everything, then then you guy convinced me that how I was doing it isn't good, so I then wrote a php version of the formatter as well. It is now being formatted via php when the page loads.


    Thanks for the input.

  11. Okay, But... links will more than likely contain links to outside sources, and Google does have a sitemap of my site plus, it is in my robots.txt file of all the urls.


    According too Google you should add this to your robots.txt file:

    Sitemap: http://mysite.com/sitemap.txt

  12. On my site, I take data from the database and display it directly on the page (without formatting it), if you view the page's source, it looks like this:


    The sun is nearly a perfect sphere. The mean radius of the sun is 432,450 miles (696,000 kilometers), which makes its diameter about 864,938 miles (1.392 million km). 
    It is difficult to get a true feel for how big it is because nothing in our daily life comes even close. But we can use objects that we are familiar with to provide us with a scale that can allow us to at least see how big the Sun is compared to the Earth and the other planets in our solar system.  If you think of the Sun as a basketball, the Earth would only be the size of the head of a pin.
     * If the Sun was hallow, it would take about one million Earths to fill it.
     * The Sun is 110 times wider than the Earth. So 110 Earths would fit across the diameter of the Sun.
     * The mass of the Sun (the amount of stuff) is 330,000 times that of the Earth.
     * The mass of the Sun accounts for 99.86% of the total mass (total amount of stuff) in the solar system.


    Once the page has loaded, JS then runs over the sections and formats it (bold, lists, blockquotes, italics, etc.).


    I like doing this, because then I only have to write the formater once in JS, and not twice (Once in JS and once in PHP), but does this hurt with SEO? Also, is there anything else I should think about in doing this, this way?

  13. So, I am thinking of getting a new graphics card, but I have no idea what types of things to look for. I want something decent but not amazing. There are two games I mainly want this for:


    1. StarCraft 2

    2. The new SimCity


    I can play the two games with my current card, but I need to keep the graphics down about half way on them. I would like to be able to max the graphics on these games. So I was hoping this would work:



    Any thoughts, or what is a better bang for the buck?

  14. What are you final thoughts on getting the game?


    Over all I liked it enough to pursue getting the game!


    Cartoonish feel gets old, quickly


    One of the screen shots I have seen made me feel like it was a video game of "Mr. Rogers Neighborhood".

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