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The Little Guy

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Posts posted by The Little Guy

  1. this is a small bug I think I may have found....


    When I run this query:

    create table words (word_id int unsigned primary key auto_increment, word char(32));


    it errors out saying that the table doesn't exist.


    I then try this (changing "words" to "wrds"):

    create table wrds (word_id int unsigned primary key auto_increment, word char(32));


    it creates the table just fine


    Next I run this:

    rename table wrds to words;


    It renames the table just fine.


    So is it a bug that it couldn't create the table words but it can rename a table to words?


    MySQL Version: 5.5.20-log

  2. It has been about 10 days, and I thought that I might shed some light on where the project is currently at in development.


    1.) You can edit the database connection settings from the CMS (if you know the admin login credentials)

    2.) A new cache manager has been created to manage cached items such as the admin nav which rarely changes (mostly to lighten a database's load)

    3.) A plugin builder has been added to allow an admin to build their own plugins right in the CMS. It use http://codemirror.net library for the editor

    4.) You can now enable/disable plugins from the admin menu


    Items still to come:


    1.) An API to search for and install user submitted plug-ins/themes

    2.) More settings for customization (Admin look/feel)

    3.) Theme builder (Allows users to create a theme right in the CMS)

    4.) More debugging

    5.) Any Ideas me/you come up with that is liked


    I am still looking for people to help with this project, so please send me a PM if you're interested. I am looking for some of the following:

    - Programmers (Help program the core code)

    - Hackers (Try to find security problems)

    - Optimizer (Someone to help optimize the core code)

    - You Suggest (Suggest something that you can help with)


    I don't really care when you can work on this: once a week, once every 2 weeks, when ever you have time, etc. so if you want to become apart of this project and learn something or teach something new please let me know, and I can get you into the code!


    Hope to here from some of you!

  3. is there a way to replace all <? with <?php and leave all <?php alone?


    I am using javascript, but it is still regexp, so I thought I would post in the regexp section.


    I came up with this:

    code = code.replace(/\<\?[^php]/g, "<?php\n");


    but it removes the first letter after php

    the beginning of the string: <?namespace





    as you can see the "n" is missing...

  4. usually you would have 3 tables for this:



    Category_ID (PK) | Category_Name | Category_Position | Category_Visibility



    Category_ID | Item_ID



    Item_ID (PK) | Item_Name | Item_Description | Item_Price | Item_Stocks | Item_Sale | Date_Added


    you would then put your Category/Item pairs in the two column table.


    then do a query like so:


    select * from cat_items ci 
    left join categories c using(Category_ID)
    left join items i using(Item_ID)
    where ci.Category_ID = 123

  5. make the page simpler (KISS), there is too much going on, Kind of like these:





    Lighten the page up dark colors scare people, unless it is a photo site, design site, creative site, etc.


    Learn Web 2.0


    (A good one) http://www.webdesignfromscratch.com/web-design/web-2-0-design-style-guide/


  6. I would suggest maybe take money out of your own pocket to get the ball rolling, something such as:

    - An Amazon Gift Card

    - A Year Long Magazine Subscription

    - Cash


    Start small, once more and more members start using your service, start getting ads (preferably BuySellAds.com) on the site to help pay for the prizes, and soon ads will be paying for your prizes and left overs will be income for you or website maintenance.


    I would think most companies wouldn't want to give you things for free unless it is going to benefit them (like said above).

  7. Only half the home page shows up for me.


    - The colors don't go well with the blue

    - The header logo is ugly get a real logo

    - "prefinished solids" and "engineered woods" pages are too long, paginate

    - When a nav item is being displayed, highlight the nav item

    - All your footers are only displayed half way across the page

    - Marquee only shows up on some pages (I'd get rid of it, its no longer the 90's). Don't you create a file that has all the header html, and just include that?

    - Too many colors: pink links, gray links, brown links, red links, white links, blue location menu, brown location hover


    Those are a few tweaks that I see.


  8. I had a lengthy conversation with him. He was much more polite to me, but I voice-chatted with him and asked pretty specific questions.


    Regardless, he had a large scope of work and a very small budget. It kind of worried me, and I totally backed off once I learned he eventually wanted to handle credit card storage. Cheaping out on development costs while dealing with ultra-sensitive information? I don't want my name on this.


    For the $100, he wanted a custom registration/profile system with administration abilities, and it seemed implied that design/layout was part of that as well. I could easily spend a couple hours on that alone. His mind was slightly blown when I said any professional developer worth hiring would charge minimum $250 for what he wanted... heck I've charged $100 for Joomla install-customizations (pre-made templates, pre-made plugins).


    I have charged $100 for a form much like the one on this page: http://www.montway.com/

  9. I have a table that looks like so:




    How can I apply a hover effect to a "tr" element ONLY if it has a "td" child element?

  10. Non-Paid


    I am building a CMS, and looking for others who want to join in on the project. Please post your questions below, and PM me if you would like to help!


    General Knowledge Required:

    - php 5.3 OOP

    - git

    - jQuery and JavaScript

    - MySQL

    - CSS3

    - Software optimization (would be nice)


    Systems Already in place:

    - Template/Theme System (Supports HTML Tidy)

    - Plugin System


    Systems that still need work:

    - Admin interface

    - Multi website management tools

    - Blog Plugin


    Project Goals:

    - Light weight

    - Plugin Based

    - Customizable

    - Easy to use (For non-web users)


    I do have some coding requirements/gidelines:


    1. You should be able to code without warnings/errors/notices in php STRICT mode without suppressors (that is how the code will be tested)

    echo $myArray["key"];
    // Notice: Undefined variable: myArray in /test.php on line 2
    // It should at minimum look like:
    echo $myArray["key"];


    2. Somewhat descriptive variable names and underscores for variables/functions; camel case for properties/methods

    // Variables/Properties
    $my_variable_string = "A variable String";
    $myClass->myPropertyString = "A Property String";
    // Functions/Methods


    3. Class names must start with a capital letter and be camel case as well

    4. Braces should be on the same line as the defining block

    // Good/Pretty
    // Do something
    // Do something
    // Bad/Ugly
    // Do something
    // Do something


    Sorry for the above requirements/guidelines, #1 is a requirement, and the rest are mainly guidelines to make it easier for other programmers.


    Main page: http://cms.cleep.us

    Admin: http://cms.cleep.us/admin

  11. The posted code works fine for me, returning:

        [CONTENT] => This is ClassAThis is ClassB


    Make sure you didn't miss the . in your .= operator.  That sounds like the most likely cause of what you're seeing.



    Yeah the . is in there, I copied and pasted the method directly from the code. There has got to be something else going on then...


    I don't even know where to start with debugging :)

    I have already gone through the page load process like 5 times, and I am not seeing it. When It is run on my site, the first classes data gets loaded into the variable but not any of the ones after it for some reason. I echoed some text right after I called Template::append() and they were both echoed out, so I know each function is being called. But why is the second one not getting put into the array?!?!

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