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Everything posted by Azu

  1. Mm blank page interesting. Fails validation by the way; http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=www.pureadd.com&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0
  2. The front page seems to display correctly. Can't really tell for sure without a screenshot of how exactly it should look, though.
  3. It won't be possible to use the MD5 when there are random numbers/letter injected into it. So you'll have to put them in in a way that they can be easily removed. Hackers will just do this also. The rand strlens might actually let them decode the MD5 faster since it lets them know some of the characters that are in the password.
  4. Page not found, so; "Quite Frankly, It sucks like [some vulgar adjective here] [some vulgar noun here]" And ya flash sucks. Although there doesn't seem to be any flash on that page.
  5. Apache will handle it just like it would handle any other file request.. it's not going to go "HMMM.. this looks like JAVASCRIPT! So let's **** some **** up lol!".
  6. Same here. It's called being a perfectionist. There's not really anything wrong with it unless it is stressing you out/screwing up your work.
  7. Azu

    Site attack

    Um..? You would be effectively DDoSing yourself.. And why would using proxies make it say that you are clicking to fast?
  8. OH misunderstood what you were saying sorry.. ^^ Basically just make it so comments have a tinyint column that defaults to 0, and don't show up unless it's set to one. Then in your admin panel or whatever have something that lists comments that have it set to 0, and an option to delete it or set it to 1 (approve).
  9. Doesn't strpos/stripos only work for checking if a single character exists?
  10. That's like saying "It's not a web server doing it, it's a client side language doing it!" It's kind of meaningless, and is so broad as to encompass THE ENTIRE INTERNET. No. No it's not. I get where you're coming from, but it's not. Also, I wouldn't use the method that is suggested as that would make the form load as that would mean it'll refresh every 20 seconds, every time it loads, unless you use flow control statements. I'd invest in Javascript for this, if not Flash? PHP will NEVER directly control the client's browser. Nor will Apache. Nor will IIS. Nor will ASP. Nor will Coldfusion. The server sends data to the client, in a language the client understands, like HTML or CSS or whatever, and the client interprets THAT. Not the actual code on the server side. This applies to the entire internet. If I am wrong please explain.
  11. Hmm okay cool.. Well anyways, if you won't use anything but the flash, and the flash isn't working in IE, then maybe ask in a flash forum or something? Flash is very different from CSS/HTML A forum dedicated to flash could probably help you a lot faster with it..
  12. I was thinking more along the lines of hidden frames not popups. How do you generate MP3s with PHP? o_o
  13. That images does not show up in any browser. The URL you put in the img is invalid. It returns error code 403, in HTML format.
  14. That's like saying "It's not a web server doing it, it's a client side language doing it!" It's kind of meaningless, and is so broad as to encompass THE ENTIRE INTERNET. No. No it's not. I get where you're coming from, but it's not. Also, I wouldn't use the method that is suggested as that would make the form load as that would mean it'll refresh every 20 seconds, every time it loads, unless you use flow control statements. I'd invest in Javascript for this, if not Flash? PHP will NEVER directly control the client's browser. Nor will Apache. Nor will IIS. Nor will ASP. Nor will Coldfusion. The server sends data to the client, in a language the client understands, like HTML or CSS or whatever, and the client interprets THAT. Not the actual code on the server side. This applies to the entire internet. If I am wrong please explain.
  15. For me the speaker icon only shows up in IE.. but doesn't make any sound when I click on it.. Maybe just make an HTML link to the audio file instead of using flash or java or whatever it is now? It could still have the speaker icon picture.. and if you set the mime type right you can have it start streaming the sound as soon as it's clicked without any download prompt..
  16. The GD library is not needed to make a graph.. Look at all of these graphs made in pure CSS! http://images.google.com/images?q=CSS+graphs&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:unofficial&um=1&sa=N&tab=wi
  17. That's like saying "It's not a web server doing it, it's a client side language doing it!" It's kind of meaningless, and is so broad as to encompass THE ENTIRE INTERNET.
  18. Maybe a firewall/antivirus/router/DNS problem? What happens if you open up the command prompt and put in ping overdriveelectronics.com and hit enter? Does it work? If not, does it work if you do ping instead? If it does work.. try opening the page in a browser. Does it say can't connect to server or server not found or something? Or is it just blank? If it's just blank.. what if you right click and click view source? Does it show anything in there? If you can't ping it, then it is probably a firewall/antivirus/router/DNS problem. Try turning off your firewall and see if you can then. If not try antivirus. If not try connect directly to modem instead of through router. If not it's probably something wrong with your ISP/DNS In any case, I can't think of any reason for it to be a browser specific problem. It opens fine for me in Firefox, Opera, and ie.
  19. Hurray for alternatives to javascript!
  20. There are other IFs that can do the same thing, but I'm pretty sure this is the fastest way that is sure to always work right. Of course, you can replace the die() with whatever you want, to have it do whatever actions you want.
  21. I thought strstr/stristr was faster when all you are doing is seeing if a string exists in another string? Doesn't the regex stuff have additional overhead? o_O
  22. Hm no I wasn't explaining that "I wanted you to use a comma". Where the hell did that come from? I was solving your problem for you, and teaching you how to easily solve your problems on your own in the future. Anyways, you're welcome.
  23. If you just want speed and don't mind not having the luxuries of Firefox and it's plethroa of extensions, use Opera. It's like ie, except faster and more secure and has a bit more features built-in.
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