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Everything posted by Azu

  1. Strstr works to I think. He should probally be using strIstr instead though, to avoid false negatives.
  2. Uh ya.. maybe by reading? If you honestly can't understand a simple solution and are to lazy to search, fine, I'm feeling really nice today, so I'll just hold your hand and walk you through it and do it all for you okay, even though it should be easy as hell for you to. In your mysql query, the place where you have the columns that you want to output.. put concat_ws(',', In front of the rows you have in your query.. the row1,row2,row3 or whatever.. and put a ) at the end of them Now instead of all those rows being selected separately, it selects them like "Value1,Value2,Value3" So now you use the PHP "explode" function to turn it into a nice little array and use foreach on it and voila. In the future please look up on php.net or mysql.com if there is a function or something that you don't understand. I really prefer teaching people how to fish instead of just giving fish.. so I'm doing both for you since you don't want to get this fish yourself.. have fun ^^
  3. Way to go. Don't let them register unless their name is "1". Mine worked perfect, your "proper syntax" is broken. o_O
  4. Yes, that's it, common sense! Use it. Like when you have a problem, and I give you the solution, maybe try to make use of it, and, who knows, maybe even say "thank you"?
  5. Um.. the solution that I just posted for you..? Right above your post..?
  6. Uh.. "approval system"? o.0 Might wanna re-read my solution for you. I think you misread something.
  7. Ya don't say. Use a standards compliant browser (pretty much any besides ie)?
  8. Yes I know his doesn't work. You already said that lol. Anyways, an easy way would probably just be to concatenate your results in your mysql query, so that all of those ones that you want to loop through, are returned as a single row, separated by commas or something. Then just use explode and BANG there you go.
  9. Well you could just put it back to how it was when it was working, and then make your changes a little bit at a time, until you find out which part breaks it. This is a very easy error solving technique, and should be applicable to pretty much anything, not just this. Enjoy ^^
  10. Why wouldn't you be able to do this? o_O <?php foreach($row as $r) { echo $r.'<br />'; } ?> That's basically what I put, on page 1.. Apparently it's not as good as the other one even though the other one doesn't output anything..
  11. Hmm well if it it was working right before you changed it and you have no clue how to find the error you made then maybe you should just put it back to how it was before and leave it that way?
  12. I'm not sure about the code you just posted, but the code I posted WILL echo all columns in the array.. I've tested it myself and it works fine. If it's not outputting anything for you, then it's because your query is broken and is not retrieving anything to be outputted, or your while loop is somehow broken and isn't retrieving the rows.
  13. Yes, using lots of includes will make PHP take longer to create the page, so it will take longer to load.
  14. Maybe ask the people that made it?
  15. Azu

    Site attack

    Ya.. making a few thousand computers all spam a proxy is going to shut down the proxy.. what did you expect it to do?
  16. Oh I think I see what you're trying to do now. Maybe this will work? foreach($row as $a)echo$a;
  17. Azu

    Site attack

    Guys, an effective DDoS means that it sends such a huge amount of packets that it knocks your network off long. It DOES NOT MATTER whether or not your server ignores them, or whether or not your router passes them on to your server. If there are enough packets, it will swamp your network, valid packets will be dropped, and your network will be effectively OFFLINE. The solution is to contact law enforcement agencies and let them deal with it. DDoS is highly illegal.
  18. What is the error you are having?
  19. Maybe it's a problem with the flash?
  20. Your while statement is fetching them. Why not just echo them in it?
  21. What is the foreach for then? The individual keys returned from that while loop aren't going to be having subarrays in them are they?
  22. Why are you using two $s in front of some of your variables?
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