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Posts posted by tarun

  1. Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '******************' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in ******************* on line 2


    Is One Of The Errors I Get When Using This (Obviosly With Out The *'s Though):

    <?PHP $host =  $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; ?>
    <?PHP INCLUDE($host . "/header.php"); ?>
    <IMG SRC="/images/tarun.png" WIDTH="336" HEIGHT="109" BORDER=0 ALT="">
    <?PHP INCLUDE($host . "/footer.php"); ?>


    Any Help?



  2. So This Is My Code:

    .Menu A {
    BACKGROUND-IMAGE: URL('images/bottombar_start.png')
    WIDTH: 97PX
    HEIGHT: 30PX
    .Menu A:HOVER {
    BACKGROUND-IMAGE: URL('images/bottombar_startover.png')
    <DIV CLASS="Menu" ALIGN="CENTER"><A HREF="#"> </A></DIV>



    But It Doesnt Display Right The Background Image Size Is All Wrong

    Can Anyone Please Correct The Code Or Tell Me Where Im Going Wrong




  3. Or Something Like


    If ( $page==1 ) echo( Page 1 Content ) ;
    else If ( $page==2 ) echo( Page 2 Content ) ;
    else If ( $page==3 ) echo( Page 3 Content ) ;
    else echo( Sorry Page Not Found ) ;

  4. Hi Guys
    Im looking for an MD5 Decrypter to help me with this cool site

    [url=http://www.hackthissite.org]http://www.hackthissite.org[/url] - Its a site where you have these hacking challenges BUT there to help you learn about so security and stuff so dont be alarmed

    anyway has anyone got any PHP code that could help me?

    thank you everyone

    From Tarun
  5. Has Anyone Got Any Links Or Downloads So That I Can Have PHP On "My Little Home Computer" Which Is Running Windows XP

    As Currently When I Try And View A PHP File On Any Of My Hard Disk Or CD Drive Or Anything It Says It Does "Not Recognise The File Select An Appriate Program Or Use The Web Service To Find A Program"

    So I Have To Upload It To My Free Web Host Just To View The File

  6. Try This:

    <param name="fileName" value="http://www.myurl.org/myfile.wmv">
    <param name="autoStart" value="true">
    <param name="showControls" value="true">
    <param name="showDisplay" value="true">
    <param name="showStatusBar" value="true">
    <param name="loop" value="false">
    <EMBED showcontrols="true" showdisplay="true" showstatusbar="true"
    src="http://www.myurl.org/myfile.wmv" autostart="true" loop="false" width="491" height="408" align="middle" style="border-style:double; border-color:#826331;">

    Hope Ive Help You
    Thnak You
  7. I Dont Generally Like Notepad

    Try EditPlus ([url=http://www.editplus.com]http://www.editplus.com[/url]) Works Like Magic For Me

    And Your Website ([url=http://vetev.com/indexx.htm]http://vetev.com/indexx.htm[/url]) You Cant Scroll Or Anything On It
    Here Look [url=http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/2202/scenariodesginwebsite5cj.png]http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/2202/scenariodesginwebsite5cj.png[/url]
  8. I would like to have php enabled on my computer but whenever im trying to edit any php code it wont display and errors unkown file format and wether you want to select a program to open it or search on the web. So then i have to upload it to my hosting company just to test the code
    any know any websites where i could download php software or watever
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