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Everything posted by rockinaway

  1. nope because prior to the plugin, when I output images with the already coded '/>' it works fine. However, the plugin seems to replace the existing '/>' when adding width and height and then completing with a '>' rather than '/>'
  2. http://ditio.net/2010/01/02/jquery-image-resize-plugin/ I'm using the above plugin but after the width and height are added to the IMG tag, the tag is finished with just '>' instead of '/>'. How can I replace the '>' with a '/>'?
  3. I have a page where if the user scrolls to the bottom then new content is loaded. This code is being used: if ($(window).scrollTop() == ($(document).height() - $(window).height())) { load(); } Now when the scrollbar is right at the top of the scroll, when you refresh the page the scroll bar remains at the top and when scrolling down to the bottom new content is loaded. However if I scroll halfway down the page and THEN I refresh the page, then the scrollbar isn't right at the top, it is slightly lower down (about 20-30 pixels down) and when I scroll down to the bottom the content is not loaded. When I looked at Firebug, I saw that this function was being called TWICE when this happened and the second time was failing. I'm not sure why it is calling the function twice when the scrollbar is offset from the top on page reload :s Any help?
  4. I am using JWPlayer to embed videos into my website. However, I was wondering which method of embed you would advise using from: http://www.longtailvideo.com/support/jw-player/jw-player-for-flash-v5/12538/supported-player-embed-methods I am currently using the <video> tag but will this stop working if someone accesses with HTML4? Or is the player just searching for the tags just to replace?
  5. Haha thank you, just wanted to check! It seemed too simple to be the way forward!
  6. What if, for older browsers, instead of the pushState I just set it so the browser actually redirects or goes to that URL that would have been set by pushState? Seems too simple to be valid :s
  7. Okay thanks, I think I have an idea what I can do. Is there any place (emulators etc) where I can test old <HTML4?
  8. I am looking to allow users to upload videos to my site and then allow playback too. Any help as to how to go about this and also major security points?
  9. I have 2 functions which work with setTimeout to continuously loop. However, they both start executing together and so sometimes information in the files clash and the functions fail. How can I make it so that one function starts and then ONLY WHEN THAT IS FINISHED the next function starts.. and then when that finishes the first function goes again. Any way to do this?
  10. Okay so if I was to put in fallbacks, how should I go about it? Any tips?
  11. Yeah I've started using the History.js plugin which helps with cross-compatibility too. As for a fallback, I'm not entirely done with adding one and not sure if I will add one because most support state. What do you mean by 'hijack links/forms'?
  12. Hmm well looking at the support it seems that it is the thing for the future and is supported by most of the latest browsers. Wouldn't you recommend implementing it now rather than later? I mean the only two that don't support it are mobile versions which currently I don't aim to directly support anyway. What are your thoughts on this? And a note, brilliant website there! Never used it before - extremely useful thanks!
  13. I see, so you would recommend sticking with hashchange at the moment? Although I have seen quite a few big websites e.g. Facebook using some type of pushState to alter the URLs. I assume they have a fallback if it fails?
  14. Okay thanks a lot, I need to put some thought into this!
  15. A simple question - which do you think would be best to use for any dynamic content?
  16. Okay, well to be honest I was using the hashchange thing initially but it kept reloading when I was changing it which became a little annoying. What I was doing was checking if the hash has changed then seeing whether certain parameters had been set in the hash (using another of Ben's plugins) and then if certain parameters had been set then execute something. Not very well explained but I'll show you what happened through the process I was doing. Initially url ends with '#u=2' Then user clicks and it changes to '#u=2&p=4' When user clicks away, my code was quickly changing it to just '#' and then doing a comparison to land it back on to the initial page '#u=2' and this was causing reloading. However I was getting two issues with that. There was constant reloading which was annoying and also, say a user scrolled miles down a page, then they would be shot back to the top again. So far with pushState(), I have got past both these issues but it won't work in Firefox as of yet. If the same can be achieved with hashchange then I'm all for trying it.
  17. Thanks that's really helpful. Would you recommend using this method or using pushState() etc to add new GET parameters to the URL? Also, with this method, is it wrong to have multiple parts after the #? e.g. '#u=asd&i=asd' Could you possibly give a short example of how you would do it? Would this work on all browsers too? Thanks a lot
  18. i guess it must have been invalid as i've abandoned it and instead am using pushState() as I stated. Much easier that way however: just a bit of confusion I have run in to. I'm using the history.js script and that is really helping with the forward and back movements etc. HOWEVER it doesn't seem to work in Firefox. Both Chrome and Safari have been tested and work. Any ideas why Firefox won't work? If you have experience with the plugin that is.
  19. okay, I ditched that idea. After some planning I've found that using pushState would be better. Things have become a little complicated as I have an overlay (issues explained here http://www.sitepoint.com/forums/showthread.php?868023-Some-complex-jquery!&p=5154252#post5154252) I have it kind of working and going forward and back, but sometimes when I press back, it just refreshes the same page. I'm getting there! Trial and error!
  20. also how can i change the hash without causing any reloading of any section
  21. I have a hash on a page set as #id=1&uid=2 When the user clicks, I want to remove the section with 'uid=2' and therefore leave behind id=1 How would I do this?
  22. I have tried a lot of things with jquery to do this. Basically I have div content with a title and only the title shows as a tab at the bottom of the page. When the user hovers over the tab, I want the entire div (including the title) to slide up to reveal the rest of the div. So essentially a div of height 100px might only show 20px (title) until you hover over when it slides up and reveals the entire thing. Any ideas how?
  23. Fixed it! Turns out I had a small syntax error! Thanks anyway
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