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Everything posted by peranha

  1. if that is where you want the news at, yes you will have to
  2. because I want to test it before I upload
  3. what page are you including this file in?? I see that your home page is home.html these will not work as the files have to be .php in order to have php put in the file.
  4. this file would be in the dn folder correct? if so then this should work <?php include ("news/news.php"); ?> also what is this file called, it should have the .php extension.
  5. Anybody know of a website vulnerabilty scanner that you download. I keep finding Acunetix, but it is too expensive. Anyone know of a cheaper one? I cannot seem to find one.
  6. How are your folders set up?? main site is ?? main_site/folder/folder/folder This file is in what folder?? and the path to that folder from this folder is what??? From looking at previous posts I think it should be <?php include ("news/news.php"); ?>
  7. It would just be <?php $tpath = "/home/dangmnne/public_html/dn/news/"; include($tpath . "news.php"); ?> Not sure if include will work that way, most just look like include("folder/news.php");
  8. Always start you php with <?php not the short version <?
  9. Yes, put the IP and the host name.
  10. Look at this topic http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,199919.0.html I actually just had this issue and got it working. The very end shows my files
  11. Have you set up your hosts file in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\Hosts
  12. This is outputing data already, and you cannot redirect <center><table border='0'><tr><td valign='top' width=30%>
  13. Are you looking for someone to code this for you???
  14. Talk about off topic, but frickin hilarious
  15. This can be done easily these days, Drives are cheap. Keep up the work. they also make a unit called a drobo that is real nice. It runs on a raid system, so if a drive dies, you can replace it and nothing is lost. They are more expensive, but are well worth it. trust me. As phpSensei said, keep at it, all companies start out small and crappy, and with enough motivation will turn into big companies.
  16. Sorry, counted wrong, thought that the query row was line 19.
  17. I have windows vista on a laptop, and I was able to install PHP, MySQL, and Apache all separate and they work fine not that I got all the bugs figured out. There were some issues with MySQL installing correctly, but I had to edit one of the DLLs to get it to work correctly.
  18. Try this for your query $query = "SELECT * FROM ScriptDatabase WHERE botname = '{$selected_radio}'"; and post the error you are getting if this doesnt work
  19. yes, that is where you have to put the subdomains localhost newsite.localhost work.localhost
  20. vhosts is located in Apache\config\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf This is the path to my hosts file. C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts this is on a Vista laptop, so you may have to unhide all files and folders, and system folders, not sure though.
  21. <?php // Function to abbreviate number of characters. function truncate($string, $max_chars = 60) { if(strlen($string) > $max_chars) { $string = substr($string, 0, $max_chars).'...'; } return $string; ?> change 60 to the number of characters you want it to dispaly.
  22. I just asked the same thing for my Server, only it is a win 2000 server and it works on there http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,199919.0.html There is a host file here \Windows\system32\drivers\etc\ And you need to change the vhosts in apache. i gave my config files in the thread so if you need help, let me know.
  23. Here you are echoing out text causing it to not be able to redirect on a failure //Display error message echo "<p>Subject creation failed</p>"; echo "<p>" . mysql_error() . "</p>";
  24. If you can post the code, we can help. you are outputting data to the page before the the header call is made. that is what this error means.
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