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Everything posted by peranha

  1. Are these right?? $sql_host,$sql_user,$sql_pass Also your require for the header.php needs ()
  2. I believe that i means that something else is using port 80. you can try this change "Listen 80" to "Listen" or to your IP address or what ever port you want to use in your httpd.conf file. if you are using skype, it uses port 80. you will then have to change the port you use for apache, or disable this in skype. The above info is from http://forums.devarticles.com/programming-tools-11/os-10048t-11921.html
  3. This what what I was reffering to, he said he tried his password, and it didnt work. I have vista on a laptop, and there must be somethigngwith it that the admin password is not your password. I had to use the program to be able to install things, and even search Documents and Settings folder for sessions to work on my laptop for development.
  4. cant you just set the order_no to auto increment in your mysql database?? So when you insert something, it will automatically select the next highest value.
  5. I had the same problem, you can go and download this program to change the admin password in windows Vista. http://home.eunet.no/pnordahl/ntpasswd/ Or you can go here http://www.loginrecovery.com/
  6. Are the ads at the bottom supposed to be aligned to the left of the page?? [attachment deleted by admin]
  7. I agree with this, looking at these, is how I tought myself, I am not good at thinking of things, but when ideas come up, I may be interested in trying to make them and so work at making it. It is a way for me to get more in depth with programming.
  8. you dont need to unless you want users to stay logged in even after they close their browser.
  9. Yes you have to. then you can add info to the session as needed anywhere in the script.
  10. Put this line at the very top of the page and delete it from where it is now. session_start(); // Begin the session Sessions need to be started before anything is outputed. The only line you need to change is the session_start() line
  11. you would just put <a href="page.php?id=<?php echo $row[0];?>"></a> the row is the database row, and then on the next page, use $id = $_GET['id']; with some checks to make sure it is what you are expecting.
  12. You will need to use join statements. SELECT D.name, D.description, P.prices, P.caseweight, P.caseqty FROM Products D INNER JOIN Prices P ON D.itemnumber = P.itemnumber WHERE P.itemnumber = "11004NA" AND D.itemnumber = "11004NA" Something like that should work, or get you started anyway.
  13. If 2 people have the same last name, you will have to have a second search such as first name to identify between the 2.
  14. yes, you can do that team-roster.php?sort=height and then on the page it will be $sort = $_GET['sort']; and the query will be Select * FROM table ORDER BY $sort;
  15. Yes, as stated, session_start(); has to be at the top of all pages where this will be used. Sorry, forgot to mention that.
  16. Sessions will work $_SESSION['option'] = "something"; $_SESSION['clientid'] = "clientid"; $_SESSION['this'] = "this"; an on the page you want to call it just put $_SESSION['option']; as in echo $_SESSION['option'];
  17. No longer -- in MySQL5, up to 65K. Ok, I will have to update my reference sheet. Thanks for the correction.
  18. it depends on the size of the file, medium is like 1 gig files, long is 4 gig, text and blob are about 65 megs I believe.
  19. varchar can have a maximum of 256 characters. the backticks are not needed, but can be left there, is is safe for using mysql reservered words. Here is a reference of lengths if needed char(size) Holds a fixed length string (can contain letters, numbers, and special characters). The fixed size is specified in parenthesis varchar(size) Holds a variable length string (can contain letters, numbers, and special characters). The maximum size is specified in parenthesis tinytext Holds a variable string with a maximum length of 255 characters text blob Holds a variable string with a maximum length of 65535 characters mediumtext mediumblob Holds a variable string with a maximum length of 16777215 characters longtext longblob Holds a variable string with a maximum length of 4294967295 characters
  20. This line `letsmeeteventlist` VARCHAR NULL, has to have a value EX. VARCHAR(150) NULL,
  21. Since you are using a PHPBB forum, they may be able to help on their forum, since they will know it the best as they built it. Or you can ask in the 3rd party board of this forum, someone there may be able to help as well.
  22. $query = doquery("INSERT INTO {{table}} postdate=NOW(),content='$content'", "news"); Than that will work, just dont mention it in the query.
  23. in your table, set the autoincrement for column id
  24. you are setting id to nothing, it needs to have an integer in it.
  25. I believe it is saying that you are not inserting an integer into an integer field in the database
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