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Everything posted by peranha

  1. Look at the bottom of the page, you can download the scripts, but you are not going to learn anything by doing that.
  2. http://www.roscripts.com/PHP_login_script-143.html that is the 2nd link on the page.
  3. Google "php user login script" and you will get lots of results.
  4. php user login script there are many on it.
  5. you could start by doing a general login system with a registration form. That is pretty simple. Think of expansion as you do it with member management and Admin capabilities, etc.
  6. yes, that is what you would use by the looks of it.
  7. By the looks $host = "mysql"; you will have to create a database with a user and password.
  8. you need to get a hold of yahoo, or check in your plan for the connection information. localhost is for your PC
  9. installing my sql on local host has nothing to do with yahoo. if the website resides on yahoo, then you will have to get their connection information to the sql database.
  10. Do you have a mysql database test or do you need to download mysql. http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/ that is the mysql link if that is what you need. the community server is free, and there is a enterprise server which you can pay for.
  11. I am not familiar with that, but is it installed on your PC
  12. MySQL is showing up then, what do you use to create tables and databases then. Can you connect to the database that way.
  13. put phpinfo() in a phpinfo.php page and go to it, see if my sql is there. dont forget the php opening and closing tags
  14. It cannot connect to the database at localhost with the specified username and password. make sure that those are correct in the script, and that My sql is running.
  15. What does your script look like, can you post it in code tags
  16. Sessions are specific to one PC, so that will not work. you will have to store the ip in a database of some type so you can reference to it.
  17. I do not receive an error when trying to login, also at the end of you last post put a / in front of the word code.
  18. Yes, the server will not push out the website. If you are at a coffee shop, then they will have the router set up to not forward to a port other than their own server if they have one set up, so that should not be an issue. As far as the wireless connection, as long as you are behind some type of equipment, noone can get access to your PC unless you program the Router, firewall, or other equipment to forward incoming requests to that specific ip address.
  19. Yes, by router, he means like a linksys router, or similar. The real question is do you have a router hooked up, or is the PC connected directly to a internet connection from your internet provider. If this is the reason, if someone finds your IP address they can connect to the server. If there is another piece of equipment between the two, then you will have to change setting to get in, which can only be done from the internal network (you have to change these.).
  20. DELETE FROM tblCompanyFiles WHERE FileID=".$FileID." There is no *, it is just DELETE FROM
  21. You never actuall assign $userid in the code you gave us. $userid = $user['userid']; You will have to do something like that, or $_SESSION['userid'] = $user['userid'];
  22. You would have to insert an ID field, and have it referenced in the query instead of the type.
  23. <?php // open connection $connection1 = mysql_connect($server, $user, $pass) or die ("Unable to connect!"); // select database mysql_select_db($db) or die ("Unable to select database!"); //this code is bringing in the values for dropdown number 1. $query="SELECT * FROM " . $pre . "country ORDER BY country"; /* You can add order by clause to the sql statement if the names are to be displayed in alphabetical order */ $result = mysql_query ($query); echo "<select name=\"bsc_country\" value='1'>Country Name</option>"; // printing the list box select command while($nt=mysql_fetch_array($result)){//Array or records stored in $nt echo "<option value=\"$nt[countryid]\">$nt[country]</option>"; /* Option values are added by looping through the array */ } echo "</select>";// Closing of list box // close connection mysql_close($connection1); ?> The above is what I use for a drop down for countries. It pulls from a mysql database. If this is what you are looking for.
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