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Everything posted by peranha

  1. That is the time logged in since you have registered. you have spent that much time on the forum.
  2. Yeah, I only saw major changes in the administration part, almost everything was reworked to have a couple of different looks to it, security as usual I believe, from what I can see nothing major for the end user, but I could be wrong, i have not been using it real long as I just upgraded yesterday.
  3. Have you tried ultra VNC, or any other VNC viewer/server? We use ultraVNC for work, and it is great.
  4. When using that I get the following error (20024)The given path misformatted or contained invalid characters: Cannot map GET I have searched, and it says it is an issue with apache and windows with a : Any idea as to how to fix this. I need to connect to http://ipaddress:3093
  5. I guess that this does not work as I thought it did. It puts the page in my website, but I need it to load on my server, and just display on the computer I am connecting from that is behind a firewall.
  6. I have been living there for a little over 2 years, so if they havent said anything yet, I am not going to worry about it.
  7. Good thing that the contract is under my landlord, I just pay for it.
  8. You can get a *windows 98* boot disk and do a fdisk MBR, that will create a new master boot record and see if that works. EDIT If you have never done this before, it will not display anything, but it will run if fdisk is on the boot disk. DO NOT DO JUST *FDISK* AS THAT WILL DELETE THE PARTITIONS ON THE DRIVE.
  9. I live here too, and I have Charter Communications. http://www.charter-business.com/fiber-internet.aspx I live in SW MN, and I am not restricted. I also have charter, and the basic cable/internet package.
  10. When you hover over dates, it puts the top information behind the address bar. [attachment deleted by admin]
  11. <?php // Function to calculate time taken to load a page. function microtime_float() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); // At beginning of page add '$start = microtime_float();' without the quotes. // At the end of the page add 'substr(microtime_float() - $start, 0, 5)' without the quotes. Change the 5 to whatever number of digits you want to display. 5 will output 0.000 } ?>
  12. for the line breaks, on your output use the following function. $string = nl2br($string);
  13. mysql_connect ("localhost", "projectc_testuse", "password") or die ('Error: ' . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db ("projectc_Test"); is projectc_Test the database??
  14. This if statement was never closed. //check for empty fields if((!$date) || (!$icao_orig) || (!$icao_dest) || (!$route_number) || (!$dep_time) || (!$flthrs2)){ echo 'You did not submit a complete pirep! Please be sure all fields are completed. <br />'; You are missing the closing }
  15. http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorial/basic-pagination That is what you will want for the pagination part
  16. mysql_connect ("localhost"), "projectc_testuse", "password") You have an extra ) mysql_connect ("localhost", "projectc_testuse", "password") is projectc_testuse the username, if not that is what goes there. $query="INSERT INTO contacttable (ID, name, email, text)VALUES ('NULL','".$name."','.$email."','".$text."')"; should be $query="INSERT INTO contacttable (ID, name, email, text)VALUES ('NULL','$name','$email','$text')"; if ID is autoincrement, it is not needed at all. $query="INSERT INTO contacttable (name, email, text)VALUES ('$name','$email','$text')"; mysql_query($query) or die ('error updating database); should be mysql_query($query) or die ('error updating database' . mysql_error());
  17. at the top of the php page put error_reporting(E_ALL); Or you can change it in the php.ini file.
  18. If possible, it will have to be done with javascript as PHP is server side.
  19. $dbcnx = mysql_connect("servername","dbname","username","password") mysql_select_db("comments"); Should be $dbcnx = mysql_connect("servername","username","password"); mysql_select_db("dbname");
  20. this line $dbcnx = mysql_connect("servername","dbname","username","password") You forgot the ; $dbcnx = mysql_connect("servername","dbname","username","password");
  21. On delete statements, you dont use the *, just DELETE FROM `grahamb_test`...
  22. It has not happened at all today. (As of yet)
  23. Anyone else having trouble getting on to MSN, Hotmail, Windows Messenger??
  24. We may need to see some code, or something.
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