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About mandukar

  • Birthday 04/11/1984

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  1. bumping up as i still need help, I've fixed the sql errors but the form is still not sending to the groups.. here is the updated code PHP <? function containsTLD($string) { preg_match( "/(AC($|\/)|\.AD($|\/)|\.AE($|\/)|\.AERO($|\/)|\.AF($|\/)|\.AG($|\/)|\.AI($|\/)|\.AL($|\/)|\.AM($|\/)|\.AN($|\/)|\.AO($|\/)|\.AQ($|\/)|\.AR($|\/)|\.ARPA($|\/)|\.AS($|\/)|\.ASIA($|\/)|\.AT($|\/)|\.AU($|\/)|\.AW($|\/)|\.AX($|\/)|\.AZ($|\/)|\.BA($|\/)|\.BB($|\/)|\.BD($|\/)|\.BE($|\/)|\.BF($|\/)|\.BG($|\/)|\.BH($|\/)|\.BI($|\/)|\.BIZ($|\/)|\.BJ($|\/)|\.BM($|\/)|\.BN($|\/)|\.BO($|\/)|\.BR($|\/)|\.BS($|\/)|\.BT($|\/)|\.BV($|\/)|\.BW($|\/)|\.BY($|\/)|\.BZ($|\/)|\.CA($|\/)|\.CAT($|\/)|\.CC($|\/)|\.CD($|\/)|\.CF($|\/)|\.CG($|\/)|\.CH($|\/)|\.CI($|\/)|\.CK($|\/)|\.CL($|\/)|\.CM($|\/)|\.CN($|\/)|\.CO($|\/)|\.COM($|\/)|\.COOP($|\/)|\.CR($|\/)|\.CU($|\/)|\.CV($|\/)|\.CX($|\/)|\.CY($|\/)|\.CZ($|\/)|\.DE($|\/)|\.DJ($|\/)|\.DK($|\/)|\.DM($|\/)|\.DO($|\/)|\.DZ($|\/)|\.EC($|\/)|\.EDU($|\/)|\.EE($|\/)|\.EG($|\/)|\.ER($|\/)|\.ES($|\/)|\.ET($|\/)|\.EU($|\/)|\.FI($|\/)|\.FJ($|\/)|\.FK($|\/)|\.FM($|\/)|\.FO($|\/)|\.FR($|\/)|\.GA($|\/)|\.GB($|\/)|\.GD($|\/)|\.GE($|\/)|\.GF($|\/)|\.GG($|\/)|\.GH($|\/)|\.GI($|\/)|\.GL($|\/)|\.GM($|\/)|\.GN($|\/)|\.GOV($|\/)|\.GP($|\/)|\.GQ($|\/)|\.GR($|\/)|\.GS($|\/)|\.GT($|\/)|\.GU($|\/)|\.GW($|\/)|\.GY($|\/)|\.HK($|\/)|\.HM($|\/)|\.HN($|\/)|\.HR($|\/)|\.HT($|\/)|\.HU($|\/)|\.ID($|\/)|\.IE($|\/)|\.IL($|\/)|\.IM($|\/)|\.IN($|\/)|\.INFO($|\/)|\.INT($|\/)|\.IO($|\/)|\.IQ($|\/)|\.IR($|\/)|\.IS($|\/)|\.IT($|\/)|\.JE($|\/)|\.JM($|\/)|\.JO($|\/)|\.JOBS($|\/)|\.JP($|\/)|\.KE($|\/)|\.KG($|\/)|\.KH($|\/)|\.KI($|\/)|\.KM($|\/)|\.KN($|\/)|\.KP($|\/)|\.KR($|\/)|\.KW($|\/)|\.KY($|\/)|\.KZ($|\/)|\.LA($|\/)|\.LB($|\/)|\.LC($|\/)|\.LI($|\/)|\.LK($|\/)|\.LR($|\/)|\.LS($|\/)|\.LT($|\/)|\.LU($|\/)|\.LV($|\/)|\.LY($|\/)|\.MA($|\/)|\.MC($|\/)|\.MD($|\/)|\.ME($|\/)|\.MG($|\/)|\.MH($|\/)|\.MIL($|\/)|\.MK($|\/)|\.ML($|\/)|\.MM($|\/)|\.MN($|\/)|\.MO($|\/)|\.MOBI($|\/)|\.MP($|\/)|\.MQ($|\/)|\.MR($|\/)|\.MS($|\/)|\.MT($|\/)|\.MU($|\/)|\.MUSEUM($|\/)|\.MV($|\/)|\.MW($|\/)|\.MX($|\/)|\.MY($|\/)|\.MZ($|\/)|\.NA($|\/)|\.NAME($|\/)|\.NC($|\/)|\.NE($|\/)|\.NET($|\/)|\.NF($|\/)|\.NG($|\/)|\.NI($|\/)|\.NL($|\/)|\.NO($|\/)|\.NP($|\/)|\.NR($|\/)|\.NU($|\/)|\.NZ($|\/)|\.OM($|\/)|\.ORG($|\/)|\.PA($|\/)|\.PE($|\/)|\.PF($|\/)|\.PG($|\/)|\.PH($|\/)|\.PK($|\/)|\.PL($|\/)|\.PM($|\/)|\.PN($|\/)|\.PR($|\/)|\.PRO($|\/)|\.PS($|\/)|\.PT($|\/)|\.PW($|\/)|\.PY($|\/)|\.QA($|\/)|\.RE($|\/)|\.RO($|\/)|\.RS($|\/)|\.RU($|\/)|\.RW($|\/)|\.SA($|\/)|\.SB($|\/)|\.SC($|\/)|\.SD($|\/)|\.SE($|\/)|\.SG($|\/)|\.SH($|\/)|\.SI($|\/)|\.SJ($|\/)|\.SK($|\/)|\.SL($|\/)|\.SM($|\/)|\.SN($|\/)|\.SO($|\/)|\.SR($|\/)|\.ST($|\/)|\.SU($|\/)|\.SV($|\/)|\.SY($|\/)|\.SZ($|\/)|\.TC($|\/)|\.TD($|\/)|\.TEL($|\/)|\.TF($|\/)|\.TG($|\/)|\.TH($|\/)|\.TJ($|\/)|\.TK($|\/)|\.TL($|\/)|\.TM($|\/)|\.TN($|\/)|\.TO($|\/)|\.TP($|\/)|\.TR($|\/)|\.TRAVEL($|\/)|\.TT($|\/)|\.TV($|\/)|\.TW($|\/)|\.TZ($|\/)|\.UA($|\/)|\.UG($|\/)|\.UK($|\/)|\.US($|\/)|\.UY($|\/)|\.UZ($|\/)|\.VA($|\/)|\.VC($|\/)|\.VE($|\/)|\.VG($|\/)|\.VI($|\/)|\.VN($|\/)|\.VU($|\/)|\.WF($|\/)|\.WS($|\/)|\.XN--0ZWM56D($|\/)|\.XN--11B5BS3A9AJ6G($|\/)|\.XN--80AKHBYKNJ4F($|\/)|\.XN--9T4B11YI5A($|\/)|\.XN--DEBA0AD($|\/)|\.XN--G6W251D($|\/)|\.XN--HGBK6AJ7F53BBA($|\/)|\.XN--HLCJ6AYA9ESC7A($|\/)|\.XN--JXALPDLP($|\/)|\.XN--KGBECHTV($|\/)|\.XN--ZCKZAH($|\/)|\.YE($|\/)|\.YT($|\/)|\.YU($|\/)|\.ZA($|\/)|\.ZM($|\/)|\.ZW)/i", $string, $M); $has_tld = (count($M) > 0) ? true : false; return $has_tld; } function cleaner($url) { $U = explode(' ',$url); $W =array(); foreach ($U as $k => $u) { if (stristr($u,".")) { //only preg_match if there is a dot if (containsTLD($u) === true) { unset($U[$k]); return cleaner( implode(' ',$U)); } } } return str_replace(array('[img=',']','<br /><br />'), array('','','/n'), implode(' ',$U)); } function fbtext($string){ $start="[b]"; $end="[/b]"; cleaner($string); $string = " ".$string; $ini = strpos($string,$start); if ($ini == 0) return ""; $ini += strlen($start); $len = strpos($string,$end,$ini) - $ini; return substr($string,$ini,$len); } if(!$_POST['page']){ ########## Database Info ########## $db_server = 'localhost'; $db_name = 'test'; $db_user = 'test'; $db_passwd = 'test'; $link = mysql_connect($db_server, $db_name, $db_passwd); if (!$link) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db($db_name,$link); $topic_id = $_GET['topic_id']; $date = $_GET['date']; $type = $_GET['type']; $sql = mysql_query("SELECT DATE_FORMAT(smf_calendar.startDate, '%W <br>%D %M %y') AS startDate, smf_calendar.ID_TOPIC, smf_topics.ID_FIRST_MSG, smf_messages.subject, CURDATE() FROM smf_calendar INNER JOIN smf_topics ON smf_calendar.ID_TOPIC=smf_topics.ID_TOPIC INNER JOIN smf_messages ON smf_topics.ID_FIRST_MSG=smf_messages.ID_MSG WHERE smf_calendar.startDate >= CURDATE() AND smf_calendar.startDate <= DATE_ADD(curdate(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH) ORDER BY smf_calendar.startDate ASC"); // if form is submitted post to the group $group_grp = $_POST['group']; $to_grp = 'test@groups.facebook.com'; $subject_grp = ''; $message_grp = $group_grp; $headers_grp = 'From: test@facebook.com' . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: test@facebook.com' . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); mail($to_grp, $subject_grp, $message_grp, $headers_grp); // if form is submitted post to the page $page_pg = $_POST['page']; $to_pg = 'test@facebook.com'; $subject_pg = $page_pg; $message_pg = ''; $headers_pg = 'From: test@facebook.com' . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: test@facebook.com' . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); mail($to_pg, $subject_pg, $message_pg, $headers_pg); // if form is submitted post to the Trans Fusion facebook profile $page_prf = $_POST['page']; // only works on subject so formatted the same as a page $to_prf = 'test@hotmail.co.uk'; $subject_prf = $page_prf; $message_prf = ''; $headers_prf = 'From: test@facebook.com' . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: test@facebook.com' . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); mail($to_prf, $subject_prf, $message_prf, $headers_prf); } ?> Viewing part. <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> <? if(!$_POST['group']){ ?> <form action="fbannounce.php" method="post"> <strong>Facebook Group Post:</strong> <br /> <br /> <textarea name="group" cols="60" rows="15"> <? echo $type." - ". date("D jS M", strtotime($date))." - ".$row['subject']; echo " "; echo str_replace("<br />","\n",fbtext($row['body'])); echo " "; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql) ) ?> </textarea> <br /> <textarea name="page" cols="60" rows="15"> <? echo $type." - ". date("D jS M", strtotime($date))." - ".$row['subject']; echo " "; echo "http://test.org/smf/index.php?topic=".$topic_id.".0"; ?> </textarea> <input type="submit" name="post" value="submit" /> </form> <? } else { ?> <strong>Status Updates updated check below for output - profile page might come in 10 minutes late:</strong> <br /> <br /> <strong>Group:</strong><a href="http://www.facebook.com/groups/test/" target="_blank">http://www.facebook.com/groups/test/</a> <br /> <br /> <br /> <? } ?> </body> </html>
  2. ahh that sends info soon as i go onto my main page with the form...
  3. ahh yeah, i used my own email instead of the group mail and it worked, so it might be somthing to do with the headers..
  4. correct to asume that your@mail is suppose to be my email i use to email the group?
  5. well I get a success for that when I do a include mail.php with that script in it. then i change the to an email.. still no joy on posting it on the group page..
  6. ahh okay i got the error fixed i think, but ya now i get mail failed when i hit submit
  7. I use the mail code and it gives me a syntex error..
  8. and it does excute in the textarea of the form, I got <textarea name="group" cols="60" rows="15"> <? echo $type." - ". date("D jS M", strtotime($date))." - ".$row['subject']; echo " "; echo str_replace("<br />","\n",fbtext($row['body'])); echo " "; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { echo $row['startDate']."<a href='http://secktorsrealm.com/smf/index.php?topic=".$row['ID_TOPIC']."'>" . $row['subject'] . "</a>"; } ?> </textarea>
  9. hm I thought it was on both questions... what should it look like?
  10. yeah, i put it like that for the sake of putting it on here, don't want my details being public lol.. but in the code it has the group email address..
  11. well, the page comes as a result with the bit at the bottom asuming the script is working, but nothing is being displayed on the facebook group page..
  12. yeah, i already have the text displayed, like i said, the problem now is its not sending the info to the facebook group :S..
  13. okay, i got the form sorted, i hit submit and it goes to the next part, but the contents of the textarea isn't being sent to the group still.. any ideas?
  14. erm yeah, basicly i just want it as text displaed in the box basicly when u hit the submit button it should of sent the info in the text box to whevere the script wants it to go to, but at the moment pressing submit wont do anything lol
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