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About trecool999

  • Birthday 11/29/1993

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Member (2/5)



  1. What's wrong with just using a row in the database of each and then updating the quantity?
  2. You can measure the time it took to load the page but not the CPU used. <?php $mTime = explode(" ", microtime()); $mTime = $mTime[0] + $mTime[1]; $start = $mTime; //Any code here $mTime = explode(" ", microtime()); $mTime = $mTime[0] + $mTime[1]; $finish = $mTime; $total = ($finish - $start); echo "Page generated in " . round($total, 3) . " seconds"; ?>
  3. Am I right in thinking setting it to a date in the past would work?
  4. I did. 0 . G2g anyway. See you guys tomorrow, hopefully when I will get over this problem.
  5. Good thinking Batman, but wouldn't they return the same thing even still?
  6. It would be more help if we had the profile.php code instead.
  7. Still not working... Every time I reopen the browser, it deletes the cookie and starts a new session... How do I save the session cookie?
  8. Doesn't it get mixed with other page PHPSESSID's? :S
  9. I get a unknown column error when I use `s. If I remove the quotes completely, I get syntax errors. :S Try a query using non-variables and just strings. Like just trying "SELECT * FROM `data` WHERE `tdate` = '06/10/08' ORDER BY 'level1";
  10. I'll set the domain then. But can somewhere answer my newwest question pls?
  11. It converts an array to a string. You can use serialize() to turn an array into a string and save it into a database, then use unserialize() to turn it back into an array again.
  12. That makes sense. Replace the 's around $orderby with `s. If that doesn't work either, just take the quotes around $orderby out completely.
  13. Why are you starting a session, then destroying it and starting it again? Why not just use session_unset?
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