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  1. Thanks litebearer! That was the solution.
  2. I thought if the rows were = 0 it would display the html code I have tried it with out the while loop but when I get $numrows > 1 it will only display one row. Do I end the while loop and the repeat the other code $numrows = 1? Thanks
  3. It looks like I spoke to soon. If I have 0 rows it will not return properly. I if have one or more rows then it works fine. I have tried this <?PHP include 'db_con.php'; $month = date("n"); $day = date("j"); $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM fallen WHERE month = $month AND day = $day ")or die(mysql_error()); $numrows = mysql_num_rows($sql); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) if ($numrows == 1) { echo "<div align=\"center\"><h3>On This Date</h3> <p><img src=\"fallen/images/$row[image].jpg\" alt=\"$row[fname] $row[lname]\" /><br /> $row[rank] $row[fname] $row[lname]</p></div>"; } elseif ($numrows > 1) { echo"<p>$row[fname] $row[lname]</p>"; } else { echo "<div align=\"center\"><h3>On This Date<br /><br /><img src=\"images/salute.jpg\" width=\"230\" height=\"105\" alt=\"salute\"/> "; } ?> I have also tried this <?PHP include 'db_con.php'; $month = date("n"); $day = date("j"); $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE month = $month AND day = $day ")or die(mysql_error()); $numrows = mysql_num_rows($sql); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) if ($numrows == 0)//I HAVE ALSO USE < 1// { echo "<div align=\"center\"><h3>On This Date<br /><br /><img src=\"images/salute.jpg\" width=\"230\" height=\"105\" alt=\"salute\"/> <br /><br/>T "; } elseif ($numrows == 1) { echo "<div align=\"center\"><h3>On This Date</h3> <p><img src=\"fallen/images/$row[image].jpg\" alt=\"$row[fname] $row[lname]\" /><br /> $row[rank] $row[fname] $row[lname]</p></div>"; } elseif ($numrows > 1) { echo"<p>$row[rank] $row[fname] $row[lname].</p>"; } ?> and both do not work when rows = 0. I appreciate any help anyone can offer. Thank you
  4. Thanks for the help. I did this: <?PHP include 'db_con.php'; $month = date("n"); $day = date("j"); $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM fallen WHERE month = $month AND day = $day ")or die(mysql_error()); $numrows = mysql_num_rows($sql); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) if ($numrows == 1) { echo "<div align=\"center\"><h3>On This Date</h3> <p><img src=\"fallen/images/$row[image].jpg\" alt=\"$row[fname] $row[lname]\" /><br /> $row[rank] $row[fname] $row[lname]</p></div>"; } elseif ($numrows > 1) { echo"<p>$row[fname] $row[lname]</p>"; } else { echo "<div align=\"center\"><h3>On This Date<br /><br /><img src=\"images/salute.jpg\" width=\"230\" height=\"105\" alt=\"salute\"/> "; } ?>
  5. I am trying make my code display different things depending on how many rows are returned This is my code <?PHP include 'db_con.php'; $month = date("n"); $day = date("j"); $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE month = $month AND day = $day ")or die(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql) ) if (mysql_fetch_array($row = 1 ) ) ///THIS IS AN ERROR BUT IF ONE ROW RETURNED THEN THIS { echo "ONE THING"; } elseif (mysql_fetch_array($row >1 ) )////IF > 1 ROW RETURNED THAN THIS { echo"TWO THINGS"; } else { echo "SOMETHING ELSE "; } ?> I have tried several variations of the above code but cannot get it to work. Thanks for any help anyone can give me.
  6. I am not aware of this or how it is even done
  7. I have about 350 rows that I have to update a single column in each row. I coded so I can do each row individually but I was wondering if there is a way to update all of them at once. Hence saving me time. This is my code: <?PHP include "dbmembers.php"; ?> <?php if(isset($submit)){ $ID = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['ID'])); $result = mysql_query("SELECT response FROM myuser WHERE ID ='$ID'"); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $res = hash("sha256", $row['response'] .$salt ); { echo $row['response'] ."----".$res; echo "<br /><br />"; } } mysql_query("UPDATE myuser SET response='$res' WHERE ID = '$ID'"); printf ("Updated records: %d\n", mysql_affected_rows()); ?> Thanks in advance for any advise.
  8. Thank you very much. It worked perfectly.
  9. Hi I was hoping someone could help me out. I want to update one column in every row This is what I tried <?php include("db.php"); $query = sprintf("SELECT response FROM myuser WHERE status = '2'"); $data = mysql_query($query); ($result = mysql_fetch_array( $data )); $rs = $result ['response']; $rs = strtoupper($rs); $result = mysql_query("UPDATE myuser SET response ='$rs' WHERE status='2'") or die(mysql_error()); printf ("Updated records: %d\n", mysql_affected_rows()); ?> It will strtoupper all of the column 'response' but it takes the first row data and updates the rest of the rows with the same data. I know the problem is in my select statement but I'm not sure how to strtoupper each row with its own data. I appreciate any help. Thank you
  10. Thank you an empty space on line 5 and line 4 that I did not see.
  11. OK Thank you I will work on that and see if I can get it fixed.
  12. OK, here it is. I have been using this program for a few years now and have never had a problem. <?php class protect{ /*** **** @class: protect **** @project: AdminPro Class **** @version: 1.3; **** @author: Giorgos Tsiledakis; **** @date: 2004-09-04; **** @license: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE; **** **** This class protects your php pages using a MySQL Database and the PHP session functions **** Please read the readme.html file (included in this package) first ****/ var $errorMsg=""; var $showPage=false; /* **** @function: protect; Class Constructor **** @include: the class configuration file: adminpro_config.php **** @include: the class to access MySQL: mysql_dialog.php **** if some var is passed, it will be an administrator page **** makes the configuration vars public, starts a session and goes to checkSession() */ function protect($isAdmin=false,$userGroup=false){ include("adminpro_config.php"); include("mysql_dialog.php"); $this->accNoCookies=$globalConfig['acceptNoCookies']; $this->dbhost=$globalConfig['dbhost']; $this->dbuser=$globalConfig['dbuser']; $this->dbpass=$globalConfig['dbpass']; $this->dbase=$globalConfig['dbase']; $this->tbl=$globalConfig['tbl']; $this->tblID=$globalConfig['tblID']; $this->tblUserName=$globalConfig['tblUserName']; $this->tblUserPass=$globalConfig['tblUserPass']; $this->tblIsAdmin=$globalConfig['tblIsAdmin']; $this->tblUserGroup=$globalConfig['tblUserGroup']; $this->tblSessionID=$globalConfig['tblSessionID']; $this->tblLastLog=$globalConfig['tblLastLog']; $this->tblUserRemark=$globalConfig['tblUserRemark']; $this->inactiveMin=$globalConfig['inactiveMin']; $this->loginUrl=$globalConfig['loginUrl']; $this->logoutUrl=$globalConfig['logoutUrl']; $this->enblRemember=$globalConfig['enblRemember']; $this->cookieRemName=$globalConfig['cookieRemName']; $this->cookieRemPass=$globalConfig['cookieRemPass']; $this->cookieExpDays=$globalConfig['cookieExpDays']; $this->isMd5=$globalConfig['isMd5']; $this->errorPageTitle=$globalConfig['errorPageTitle']; $this->errorPageH1=$globalConfig['errorPageH1']; $this->errorPageLink=$globalConfig['errorPageLink']; $this->errorNoCookies=$globalConfig['errorNoCookies']; $this->errorNoLogin=$globalConfig['errorNoLogin']; $this->errorInvalid=$globalConfig['errorInvalid']; $this->errorDelay=$globalConfig['errorDelay']; $this->errorNoAdmin=$globalConfig['errorNoAdmin']; $this->errorNoGroup=$globalConfig['errorNoGroup']; $this->errorCssUrl=$globalConfig['errorCssUrl']; $this->errorCharset=$globalConfig['errorCharset']; session_start(); $this->isAdmin=$isAdmin; $this->userGroup=$userGroup; $this->checkSession(); } /* **** @function: checkSession(called by class constructor or by checkLogin) **** calls hasCookie() and checks if the $globalConfig['acceptNoCookies'] is true; **** if no cookie was set and we do not accept that -> makes an error message; else: **** checks if a session is active: if not -> checkPost() (checks if some post was sent); **** if session exists, it checks if some $_POST['action']==logout -> makeLogout(); **** if not -> checkTime(); */ function checkSession(){ if (!$this->hasCookie() && $this->accNoCookies && (@$_POST['action']!="login" || @$_GET)){ $this->errorMsg=$this->errorNoCookies; $this->makeErrorHtml(); } else{ if (!@$_SESSION['userID'] || !@$_SESSION['sessionID']) { $this->checkRemember(); } elseif (@$_SESSION['userID'] && @$_SESSION['sessionID']) { if (@$_POST['action']=="logout") { $this->makeLogout(); } else{ $this->checkTime(); } } } } /* **** @function: hasCookie(called by checkSession()) **** checks if the client's browser has accepted the cookie of the active session; **** if yes, it returns true; **** if not -> it returns false; */ function hasCookie(){ if ( isset($_COOKIE[session_name()])) { return true; } else { return false; } } /* **** @function: makeLogout(called by checkSession()) **** sets MySQL Time Field=0 and SessionID Field=''; **** closes the session and goes to logout page, if some $_POST['action']="logout" was sent; */ function makeLogout(){ $db=new mysql_dialog(); $db->connect($this->dbhost, $this->dbuser, $this->dbpass, $this->dbase); $SQL="UPDATE ".$this->tbl." SET "; $SQL.=$this->tblLastLog."= 0, "; $SQL.=$this->tblSessionID."='' "; $SQL.="WHERE ".$this->tblID."='".$_SESSION['userID']."'"; $db->speak($SQL); if ($this->enblRemember && isset($_COOKIE[$this->cookieRemName]) && isset($_COOKIE[$this->cookieRemPass])){ setcookie($this->cookieRemName,$_COOKIE[$this->cookieRemName],time()); setcookie($this->cookieRemPass,$_COOKIE[$this->cookieRemPass],time()); } session_destroy(); header ("Location: ".$this->logoutUrl); } /* **** @function: checkTime(called by checkSession()) **** gets the time of the last page access from the database; **** compares this time with the time now. If the elapsed minutes>inactiveMin (configuration); **** or the session ID has changed (by some second login) -> it creates an error page **** if not -> sets the time now in the MySQL Time Field and goes to checkAdmin(); */ function checkTime(){ $db=new mysql_dialog(); $db->connect($this->dbhost, $this->dbuser, $this->dbpass, $this->dbase); $SQL="SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(".$this->tblLastLog.") as lastLog FROM ".$this->tbl; $SQL.=" WHERE ".$this->tblID."=".$_SESSION['userID']." AND ".$this->tblSessionID."='".$_SESSION['sessionID']."'"; $db->speak($SQL); $data=$db->listen(); $nowtime=time(); $inactiveSec=$nowtime-$data['lastLog']; if ($inactiveSec/60>$this->inactiveMin) { $this->errorMsg=$this->errorDelay; $this->makeErrorHtml(); } else { $SQ="UPDATE ".$this->tbl." SET "; $SQ.=$this->tblLastLog."= now() "; $SQ.="WHERE ".$this->tblID."='".$_SESSION['userID']."'"; $db->speak($SQ); $this->checkAdmin(); } } /* **** @function: checkAdmin (called by checkTime()) **** checks if the page is an administrator page. If not -> checkGroup(); **** if yes -> gets the value from the MySQL Admin Field (1=admin,-1=normal user); **** if the value==1 -> showPage() else -> it creates an error page; */ function checkAdmin(){ if ($this->isAdmin!="1") { $this->checkGroup(); } else{ $db=new mysql_dialog(); $db->connect($this->dbhost, $this->dbuser, $this->dbpass, $this->dbase); $SQL="SELECT ".$this->tblIsAdmin." as isAdmin FROM ".$this->tbl; $SQL.=" WHERE ".$this->tblID."=".$_SESSION['userID']." AND "; $SQL.=$this->tblSessionID."='".$_SESSION['sessionID']."'"; $db->speak($SQL); $data=$db->listen(); if ($data['isAdmin']==-1){ $this->errorMsg=$this->errorNoAdmin; $this->makeErrorHtml(); } elseif ($data['isAdmin']==1){ $this->showPage(); } } } /* **** @function: checkGroup (called by checkAdmin()) **** checks if the page is belongs only to some user group. If not -> showPage(); **** if yes -> gets the user's group number from the MySQL User Group Field; **** if the group is the same-> showPage() else -> it creates an error page; */ function checkGroup(){ if (!$this->userGroup){ $this->showPage(); } else { $db=new mysql_dialog(); $db->connect($this->dbhost, $this->dbuser, $this->dbpass, $this->dbase); $SQL="SELECT ".$this->tblUserGroup." as userGroup, "; $SQL.=$this->tblIsAdmin." as isAdmin"; $SQL.=" FROM ".$this->tbl; $SQL.=" WHERE ".$this->tblID."=".$_SESSION['userID']." AND "; $SQL.=$this->tblSessionID."='".$_SESSION['sessionID']."'"; $db->speak($SQL); $data=$db->listen(); if ($data['userGroup']!=$this->userGroup && $data['isAdmin']!=1){ $this->errorMsg=$this->errorNoGroup; $this->makeErrorHtml(); } else{ $this->showPage(); } } } /* **** @function: checkRemember (called by checkSession() if no session is active) **** checks if some username + password cookies were set and if we have this function enabled; **** If not -> checkPost() **** if yes -> it updates the MySQL table, registers the Session vars -> checkSession() */ function checkRemember(){ if ($this->enblRemember && isset($_COOKIE[$this->cookieRemName]) && isset($_COOKIE[$this->cookieRemPass])){ $db=new mysql_dialog(); $db->connect($this->dbhost, $this->dbuser, $this->dbpass, $this->dbase); $SQL="SELECT ".$this->tblID." as ID, "; $SQL.=$this->tblUserName." as userName, "; $SQL.=$this->tblUserPass." as userPass "; $SQL.="FROM ".$this->tbl; $SQL.=" WHERE ".$this->tblUserName."='".$_COOKIE[$this->cookieRemName]."'"; $db->speak($SQL); $data=$db->listen(); if ($this->isMd5!="1" && $data['userPass']){ $data['userPass']=md5($data['userPass']); } if ($_COOKIE[$this->cookieRemName]==$data['userName'] && $_COOKIE[$this->cookieRemPass]==$data['userPass']){ $SQL="UPDATE ".$this->tbl." SET "; $SQL.=$this->tblLastLog."= now(), "; $SQL.=$this->tblSessionID."='".session_id()."' "; $SQL.="WHERE (".$this->tblID."='".$data['ID']."')"; $db->speak($SQL); $_SESSION['sessionID']=session_id(); $_SESSION['userID']=$data['ID']; setcookie($this->cookieRemName,$_COOKIE[$this->cookieRemName],time()+(60*60*24*$this->cookieExpDays)); setcookie($this->cookieRemPass,$_COOKIE[$this->cookieRemPass],time()+(60*60*24*$this->cookieExpDays)); $this->checkSession(); } } else { $this->checkPost(); } } /* **** @function: checkPost (called by checkRemember()) **** checks if some $_POST was sent. If not -> it creates an error page **** if yes -> checkLogin() */ function checkPost(){ if (!$_POST) { $this->errorMsg=$this->errorNoLogin; $this->makeErrorHtml(); } else { $this->checkLogin(); } } /* **** @function: checkLogin (called by checkPost()) **** checks if some $_POST['userName'] and $_POST['userPass'] and $_POST['action']="login" was sent; **** If not -> it creates an error page; **** if yes -> it compares the $_POST with the username and password on database; **** if all ok -> showPage() else -> it creates an error page; */ function checkLogin(){ $db=new mysql_dialog(); $db->connect($this->dbhost, $this->dbuser, $this->dbpass, $this->dbase); $action=@$_POST['action']; $userName=@$_POST['userName']; if ($this->isMd5=="1"){ $userPass=md5(@$_POST['userPass']); } else { $userPass=@$_POST['userPass']; } $SQL="SELECT ".$this->tblID." as ID, "; $SQL.=$this->tblUserName." as userName, "; $SQL.=$this->tblUserPass." as userPass "; $SQL.="FROM ".$this->tbl; $SQL.=" WHERE ".$this->tblUserName."='".$userName."' "; $SQL.="and ".$this->tblUserPass."='".$userPass."'"; $db->speak($SQL); $data=$db->listen(); if ($action=="login" && ($userName || $userPass)){ if ($userName==$data['userName'] && $userPass==$data['userPass']) { $SQL="UPDATE ".$this->tbl." SET "; $SQL.=$this->tblLastLog."= now(), "; $SQL.=$this->tblSessionID."='".session_id()."' "; $SQL.="WHERE (".$this->tblID."='".$data['ID']."')"; $db->speak($SQL); $_SESSION['sessionID']=session_id(); $_SESSION['userID']=$data['ID']; if ($this->enblRemember && @$_POST['userRemember']=="yes"){ setcookie($this->cookieRemName,@$_POST['userName'],time()+(60*60*24*$this->cookieExpDays)); setcookie($this->cookieRemPass,md5(@$_POST['userPass']),time()+(60*60*24*$this->cookieExpDays)); } $this->checkSession(); } } if ($action=="login"){ if ($userName!=$data['userName'] || $userPass!=$data['userPass'] || $userName=="" || $userPass=="") { $this->errorMsg=$this->errorInvalid; $this->makeErrorHtml(); } } if ($action!="login") { $this->errorMsg=$this->errorInvalid; $this->makeErrorHtml(); } } /* **** @function: makeErrorHtml **** creates the error html page, if something went wrong; **** sets MySQL Time Field=0 and SessionID Field='' and closes the session; */ function makeErrorHtml() { if ($_SESSION){ $db=new mysql_dialog(); $db->connect($this->dbhost, $this->dbuser, $this->dbpass, $this->dbase); $SQL="UPDATE ".$this->tbl." SET "; $SQL.=$this->tblLastLog."= 0, "; $SQL.=$this->tblSessionID."='' "; $SQL.="WHERE ".$this->tblID."='".$_SESSION['userID']."'"; $db->speak($SQL); } if ($this->enblRemember && isset($_COOKIE[$this->cookieRemName]) && isset($_COOKIE[$this->cookieRemPass])){ setcookie($this->cookieRemName,$_COOKIE[$this->cookieRemName],time()); setcookie($this->cookieRemPass,$_COOKIE[$this->cookieRemPass],time()); } session_destroy(); $out="<html>\n<head><title>".$this->errorPageTitle."</title>\n"; if ($this->errorCssUrl!=""){ $out.="<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"".$this->errorCssUrl."\">\n"; } if ($this->errorCharset!=""){ $out.="<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html;charset=".$this->errorCharset."\">\n"; } $out.="</head>\n<body>\n"; $out.="<h1>".$this->errorPageH1."</h1>\n"; $out.="<p>".$this->errorMsg."</p>\n"; $out.="<p><a href=".$this->loginUrl.">".$this->errorPageLink."</a></p>\n"; $out.="</body>\n</html>"; print $out; } /* **** @function: showPage **** makes the public var $showPage true, if everything was ok; */ function showPage(){ $this->showPage=true; } /* **** @function: getUser **** call it in your protected page, if you would like to display the username; */ function getUser(){ if ($this->showPage){ $db=new mysql_dialog(); $db->connect($this->dbhost, $this->dbuser, $this->dbpass, $this->dbase); $SQL="SELECT ".$this->tblUserName." as userName"; $SQL.=" FROM ".$this->tbl; $SQL.=" WHERE ".$this->tblID."='".$_SESSION['userID']."'"; $db->speak($SQL); $data=$db->listen(); return $data['userName']; } else {return false;} } } ?>
  13. I read that. I think I have a white space issue somewhere but I cannot see or find it. Like I said I have been trying for a while and have reached my frustration level. Thanks anyway.
  14. I have been trying to figure this out for a couple hours and to no avail. I am getting this error: <b>Warning</b>: session_start() [<a href='function.session-start'>function.session-start</a>]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/name/www/www/members/dbmembers.php:5) in <b>/home/name/www/www/members/adminpro_class.php</b> on line <b>59</b><br /> This is the code for the page: <?php ////YOU ARE NOT APPROVED include("dbmembers.php"); $userName = $_POST['userName']; $userPass = $_POST['userPass']; $encript_pass = md5($userPass); if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE userName = '".$userName."' AND userPass = '".$encript_pass."'") or die(mysql_error()); while($record = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {if($record['status'] == "0") {die("You are not yet approved");exit; } } } ?> <?php include("adminpro_class.php"); $prot=new protect("0","1"); if ($prot->showPage) { $curUser=$prot->getUser();?> HTML CODE HERE FOR PROTECTED WEB PAGE <?php } ?> If I remove the YOU ARE NOT APPROVED code the error goes away. I appreciate any help, I am my frustration level. Thanks
  15. Thank you very much for you time and input.
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