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  1. He has no idea what so ever they paid aguy who did then rolled out that was 6 months ago
  2. I have just got an internship with a company that runs a website. They have a secendary website that allows users to make a simple webpage that list products and gives a brief company info. I have no clue how to edit these pages. I have a intermediate knolege of PHP and MySQL " I can make/edit tables ,and I can use PHP to retrieve data." The problem is that webpage use CSS and i know less of that. My question really is where do i get started . There are many files in the root directory. the index is just a place holder for a plesk UI . I have tried changing font properties with in these files but nothing happens on the Page. I would be happy if i knew where the i just write hello world on the body of this page Please someone help me Thanks in advance ------>please dont torch me
  3. This is the code for the location of the home page that has the links. If the problem code is in another file i will repost it also my css is in a file names style.css and there is also a style.php already so i cant change the name like it was suggested ------------------------------navbar.php <? echo $_nav; if ($_POST['mode'] == "setcss" ){ $pattern = "/^(#)?([0-9|A|B|C|D|E|F]{6})$/"; if (preg_match($pattern,$_POST['val'])) { $query = "UPDATE css SET val = '".$_POST['val']."' WHERE id = ".$_POST['id']; mysql_query($query, $_link); if ( mysql_affected_rows($_link) == 1 ){ echo '<br/><div class="box_err" align="center">Color set</div>'; } else{ echo '<br/><div class="box_err" align="center">Error! - Color not set</div>'; } } else{ echo '<br/><div class="box_err" align="center">Error! - Invalid color hex code</div>'; } } $colors = Array("#330000", "#333300", "#336600", "#339900", "#33CC00", "#33FF00", "#66FF00", "#66CC00", "#669900", "#666600", "#663300", "#660000", "#FF0000", "#FF3300", "#FF6600", "#FF9900", "#FFCC00", "#FFFF00", "#330033", "#333333", "#336633", "#339933", "#33CC33", "#33FF33", "#66FF33", "#66CC33", "#669933", "#666633", "#663333", "#660033", "#FF0033", "#FF3333", "#FF6633", "#FF9933", "#FFCC33", "#FFFF33", "#330066", "#333366", "#336666", "#339966", "#33CC66", "#33FF66", "#66FF66", "#66CC66", "#669966", "#666666", "#663366", "#660066", "#FF0066", "#FF3366", "#FF6666", "#FF9966", "#FFCC66", "#FFFF66", "#330099", "#333399", "#336699", "#339999", "#33CC99", "#33FF99", "#66FF99", "#66CC99", "#669999", "#666699", "#663399", "#660099", "#FF0099", "#FF3399", "#FF6699", "#FF9999", "#FFCC99", "#FFFF99", "#3300CC", "#3333CC", "#3366CC", "#3399CC", "#33CCCC", "#33FFCC", "#66FFCC", "#66CCCC", "#6699CC", "#6666CC", "#6633CC", "#6600CC", "#FF00CC", "#FF33CC", "#FF66CC", "#FF99CC", "#FFCCCC", "#FFFFCC", "#3300FF", "#3333FF", "#3366FF", "#3399FF", "#33CCFF", "#33FFFF", "#66FFFF", "#66CCFF", "#6699FF", "#6666FF", "#6633FF", "#6600FF", "#FF00FF", "#FF33FF", "#FF66FF", "#FF99FF", "#FFCCFF", "#FFFFFF", "#0000FF", "#0033FF", "#0066FF", "#0099FF", "#00CCFF", "#00FFFF", "#99FFFF", "#99CCFF", "#9999FF", "#9966FF", "#9933FF", "#9900FF", "#CC00FF", "#CC33FF", "#CC66FF", "#CC99FF", "#CCCCFF", "#CCFFFF", "#0000CC", "#0033CC", "#0066CC", "#0099CC", "#00CCCC", "#00FFCC", "#99FFCC", "#99CCCC", "#9999CC", "#9966CC", "#9933CC", "#9900CC", "#CC00CC", "#CC33CC", "#CC66CC", "#CC99CC", "#CCCCCC", "#CCFFCC", "#000099", "#003399", "#006699", "#009999", "#00CC99", "#00FF99", "#99FF99", "#99CC99", "#999999", "#996699", "#993399", "#990099", "#CC0099", "#CC3399", "#CC6699", "#CC9999", "#CCCC99", "#CCFF99", "#000066", "#003366", "#006666", "#009966", "#00CC66", "#00FF66", "#99FF66", "#99CC66", "#999966", "#996666", "#993366", "#990066", "#CC0066", "#CC3366", "#CC6666", "#CC9966", "#CCCC66", "#CCFF66", "#000033", "#003333", "#006633", "#009933", "#00CC33", "#00FF33", "#99FF33", "#99CC33", "#999933", "#996633", "#993333", "#990033", "#CC0033", "#CC3333", "#CC6633", "#CC9933", "#CCCC33", "#CCFF33", "#000000", "#003300", "#006600", "#009900", "#00CC00", "#00FF00", "#99FF00", "#99CC00", "#999900", "#996600", "#993300", "#990000", "#CC0000", "#CC3300", "#CC6600", "#CC9900", "#CCCC00", "#CCFF00", "#000000", "#111111", "#222222", "#333333", "#444444", "#555555", "#666666", "#777777", "#888888", "#999999", "#AAAAAA", "#BBBBBB", "#CCCCCC", "#DDDDDD", "#EEEEEE", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF"); $css['link'] = @mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT val FROM css WHERE class = 'a.navlinks:link' AND ele = 'color' AND skinid = ".$skinid, $_link),0); $cssid['link'] = @mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM css WHERE class = 'a.navlinks:link' AND ele = 'color' AND skinid = ".$skinid, $_link),0); $css['visited'] = @mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT val FROM css WHERE class = 'a.navlinks:visited' AND ele = 'color' AND skinid = ".$skinid, $_link),0); $cssid['visited'] = @mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM css WHERE class = 'a.navlinks:visited' AND ele = 'color' AND skinid = ".$skinid, $_link),0); $css['hover'] = @mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT val FROM css WHERE class = 'a.navlinks:hover' AND ele = 'color' AND skinid = ".$skinid, $_link),0); $cssid['hover'] = @mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM css WHERE class = 'a.navlinks:hover' AND ele = 'color' AND skinid = ".$skinid, $_link),0); $css['active'] = @mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT val FROM css WHERE class = 'a.navlinks:active' AND ele = 'color' AND skinid = ".$skinid, $_link),0); $cssid['active'] = @mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM css WHERE class = 'a.navlinks:active' AND ele = 'color' AND skinid = ".$skinid, $_link),0); $css['navbar'] = @mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT val FROM css WHERE class = '.navbar' AND ele = 'background' AND skinid = ".$skinid, $_link),0); $cssid['navbar'] = @mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM css WHERE class = '.navbar' AND ele = 'background' AND skinid = ".$skinid, $_link),0); echo ' <div align="center" style="margin-top:12px;"> <form name="navcolors" style="margin:0px;"> <table width="180" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td><input type="radio" name="type" onClick="document.getElementById(\'navlinks\').style.color = document.navcolors.color_link.value;" checked></td> <td><div class="box_text" style="width:104;margin-left:4px;">a:link</div></td> <td><input type="text" id="color_link" name="color_link" class="box" style="width:60;" size="6" value="'.$css['link'].'"></td> <td><img src="../images/box_setbutton.gif" border="0" onclick="sendPostRequest(\'navbar&mode=setcss&id='.$cssid['link'].'&val=\' + document.navcolors.color_link.value, \'boxbody\');"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="radio" name="type" onClick="document.getElementById(\'navlinks\').style.color = document.navcolors.color_visited.value;"></td> <td><div class="box_text" style="width:104;margin-left:4px;">a:visited</div></td> <td><input type="text" id="color_visited" name="color_visited" class="box" style="width:60;" size="6" value="'.$css['visited'].'"></td> <td><img src="../images/box_setbutton.gif" border="0" onclick="sendPostRequest(\'navbar&mode=setcss&id='.$cssid['visited'].'&val=\' + document.navcolors.color_visited.value, \'boxbody\');"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="radio" name="type" onClick="document.getElementById(\'navlinks\').style.color = document.navcolors.color_hover.value;"></td> <td><div class="box_text" style="width:104;margin-left:4px;">a:hover</div></td> <td><input type="text" id="color_hover" name="color_hover" class="box" style="width:60;" size="6" value="'.$css['hover'].'"></td> <td><img src="../images/box_setbutton.gif" border="0" onclick="sendPostRequest(\'navbar&mode=setcss&id='.$cssid['hover'].'&val=\' + document.navcolors.color_hover.value, \'boxbody\');"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="radio" name="type" onClick="document.getElementById(\'navlinks\').style.color = document.navcolors.color_active.value;"></td> <td><div class="box_text" style="width:104;margin-left:4px;">a:active</div></td> <td><input type="text" id="color_active" name="color_active" class="box" style="width:60;" size="6" value="'.$css['active'].'"></td> <td><img src="../images/box_setbutton.gif" border="0" onclick="sendPostRequest(\'navbar&mode=setcss&id='.$cssid['active'].'&val=\' + document.navcolors.color_active.value, \'boxbody\');"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="radio" name="type" onClick="document.getElementById(\'navbar\').style.color = document.navcolors.color_navbar.value;"></td> <td><div class="box_text" style="width:104;margin-left:4px;">background</div></td> <td><input type="text" id="color_navbar" name="color_navbar" class="box" style="width:60;" size="6" value="'.$css['navbar'].'"></td> <td><img src="../images/box_setbutton.gif" border="0" onclick="sendPostRequest(\'navbar&mode=setcss&id='.$cssid['navbar'].'&val=\' + document.navcolors.color_navbar.value, \'boxbody\');"></td> </tr> </table> <table width="180" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr> <td> <table width="180" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"></tr>'; foreach ( $colors as $no=>$color){ echo '<td bgcolor="'.$color.'" width="10"><img src="images/clear_pixel.gif" width="10" height="10" onClick="setLinkColor(\''.$color.'\')"></td>'; if ( is_int(($no+1)/18) ){ echo '</tr><tr>'; } } echo ' </tr></table> </form> </div> '; ?>
  4. I have a really simple problem problem with what seems to be a complicated awnser I am trying to change a font on a website that uses PHP with CSS and and javascript. The website is built from a templete and i dont want to change the font on the template . The index.php uses a function that gets the links from a mysql database. I cant find the location of the code that gives the links there font I have searched everywhere including the "styles.css" index.php, and functions.php i have found the function , but i see nothing about fonts or formating the data. any help is GREATLY appreciated
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