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Everything posted by ayok

  1. Hmm... Maybe I need to check about this. So. John = 1, 2 times Mary = 2, 2 times and Rob = 3, 2 times. I'll check this one too.. Thanks!
  2. I've set a time on the content. The duplicates are sent 6 minutes after the first. I've also set an order number, and all the duplicates has same number. <?php require("PHPMailer/class.phpmailer.php"); $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->SingleTo = true; $mail->CharSet = "UTF-8"; $mail->Subject = "Fiscanet Nieuws"; $r_receivers = array("John"=>"john@mail.com","Mary"=>"mary@mail.com","Rob"=>"rob@mail.com"); $i = 1; foreach($r_receivers as $name=>$email){ $mail->SetFrom('no-reply@yoursite.com', "Yoursite"); $mail->MsgHTML($sendContent); $mail->AddAddress($email, $name); $sendContent = "<p>This is test mail number ".$i." sent at ".date('H:i:s')."</p>"; if($mail->Send()) echo "Sent to: ".$email."<br/>"; else echo "Not sent to: ".$email.", reason: ".$mail->ErrorInfo."<br/>"; $mail->ClearAddresses(); $i++; } ?>
  3. Yes I'm sure. I have tested the script before posting it. And I got duplicates mail. It's confused me why ClearAddresses doesn't help. How can I hide the list of addresses while I use BCC?
  4. Hi. Thanks for your reply. However, I have put $mail->ClearAddresses() on my code, and it doesn't help. I've also tried to put it before the addAddress(). And it's also strange that I got the same amount of duplicates. My logic said, it should send 3 emails to the first and just 1 email for the last. But mostly I received 2 emails on all 3 email addresses.
  5. I've even tried to set the $mail->send() and the rest out of the loop (except $mail->addaddress), but it keeps sending you duplicates.
  6. Hi, I have this problem like some people with PHPMailer, and I cannot find any solutions on the internet. The problem is that PHPMailer sends duplicates (sometimes more than two) if I set it in a loop (while, foreach). I've checked the loop is just fine, but it keeps sending duplicates. Here is the code after I made it looks simpler. <?php require("PHPMailer/class.phpmailer.php"); $select = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `pm_mailmembers` WHERE `mm_interval`='2' AND mm_blocked = 0") or die(mysql_error()); $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->SingleTo = true; $mail->CharSet = "UTF-8"; $mail->Subject = "Fiscanet Nieuws"; $sendContent = "<p>This is test mail</p>"; $r_receivers = array("John"=>"john@mail.com","Mary"=>"mary@mail.com","Rob"=>"rob@mail.com"); foreach($r_receivers as $name=>$email){ $mail->SetFrom('no-reply@yoursite.com', "Yoursite"); $mail->MsgHTML($sendContent); $mail->AddAddress($email, $name); if($mail->Send()) echo "Sent to: ".$email."<br/>"; else echo "Not sent to: ".$email.", reason: ".$mail->ErrorInfo."<br/>"; $mail->ClearAddresses(); } ?> I think I need to reset mail->addaddress inside the loop, but mail->clearaddresses doesn't help. And all 3 emails always receives the same emails. So all receives 2 or 3 mails. Could anyone help me out here?? Thanks. ayok
  7. Hi thanks.. it's a good trick.
  8. Hi, I have a question about array. For example I have this array: Array( [0] => Array ( [john@myemail.nl] => John ) [1] => Array ( [mary@myemail.nl] => Mary ) ) How can I make it like Array( [john@myemail.nl] => John [mary@myemail.nl] => Mary ) ? Thank you
  9. Hi. Got 2 more questions. How can I embed google translate? Not the one with select dropdown, but the textarea with translate button. How can I embed google voice? I mean the voice that can read html text. Thank you ayok
  10. Hi, I've got a question. How can I disable google translate from my website? Thanks, ayok
  11. Am I asking wrong question??
  12. Ok. I change the question. How can i redirect all links with htm in www to subdomain 'collections'?
  13. Oh... yes of course... thanks all!!
  14. ayok

    Slow site

    Hi. Thanks again. I'll try your suggestion.
  15. Hi.. thanks smosely. But I don't really understand your explanation. I need to install SSH in the server?
  16. ayok

    Slow site

    Hi, I have a site which is going much slower to download when there are more items. I think it's caused by the queries in the site, but I really don't know which query. Is it the mysql_num_rows? Or searching queries? There is a long "where" filter. Has anyone experienced this? Any suggestions? Thanks, ayok
  17. Hi, I have a question about uploading large files to webserver. It takes always long time to upload files like joomla! or magento site through FTP like filezilla which can have more than 10000 files. Is there any faster way to do this? Thanks, ayok
  18. Thanks awjudd.. not exactly what I'm expected, but you've given me an idea to solve.
  19. The site that is blocked is exactly the same site with the other one which is not blocked by w3c, only in different domain (production and development server).
  20. Hi thanks.. Sorry, I don't really understand what do you mean by user agent issue. Is it browser issue?
  21. this is the same site in other server http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwater4dump.yoursite.nl&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0 This is the real site http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.watersport4all.nl&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0 which is blocked by w3c site
  22. Is it possible that the server settings cause this?? because I have now two the same websites in different domains. One you can validate, and the other not...
  23. Hi, I'm trying to use if in mysql query, but can't get it work. So the case is i want to select rows when siteid is not zero, if it's zero then I need to cancel the where. I've tried SELECT * FROM items WHERE IF(siteid > 0,$siteid,0) = $siteid With this query I got good result when $siteid is not 0, but it returns empty when $siteid = 0, which actually select siteid = 0. What I need is no more where, so it should just returns all. Could anybody help me here? Thanks ayok
  24. Hi, I have a question. I want to redirect old urls to a new url using htaccess, but there are too many old urls. However, it has a pattern. The links are always like 23_34_pagecategory_pagename.htm. How do I do 301 redirect on .htaccess? Thank you, ayok
  25. Hi, I got a problem with w3c html checker (The client checked it). It gives me this error for this specific site http://www.watersport4all.nl like: I don't really understand because if I take a look on the source codes it shows me charset=utf-8. The site is made with joomla! cms. Could someone please help me out to find the problem here? Thank you! Ayok
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