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Everything posted by Scriptor

  1. I don't know where you heard that, but CodeIgniter is definitely not trying to be a PHP port of Rails. It is very different, and has a different ideology. CakePHP is probably the one that copies Rails more, and PHP on Trax is actually trying to port Rails to PHP.
  2. You could also use is_numeric function in a loop to test if a character is a number or not.
  3. Yea, just try giving them different names.
  4. PHP is logic, it's good for handling and processing data. Design is a different thing, it controls how your site looks. That's best done with CSS.
  5. This might be one of the toughest bugs to crack. One suggestion is to use an editor with syntax highlighting that highlights matching braces when your cursor is next to one. See if all the braces match up as they're supposed to.
  6. How about putting the shoutbox in another file and using an iframe? You can put the meta-tag in that other file and it should only refresh that part.
  7. Being able to see more than 3 shouts would be good too, also, I'm not sure if anyone else has this issue but could the 'submit' and 'clear' buttons be closer together? Maybe it's just my browser (I'm using Camino) but they're currently sort of annoyingly far apart.
  8. If you start a path like: <?php include('/admin/config.php'); ?> It will start by looking for a folder named 'abc' in the root folder. The root folder is the one that hold all of your web files.
  9. Are you sure it's the error class's fault? What was you error setting at before you got it? Try posting a sample of your own code from where it says there are errors.
  10. The & operator is only something that's used in the conditions in if-statements. Outside of that it doesn't do anything. And as Pocobueno said, if a switch statement evaluates to true, it will continue execution until a break is reached.
  11. Posting code helps, we have no idea what 'it' is
  12. Sessions are usefull if you need to just store some data that you're going to use later, coockies would be better if you are going to store something for a while. For the coding I'm currently doing, I use sessions.
  13. Name's Tamreen, 16 years, male, I started PHP in June, then in August I went into overdrive. Much of my knowledge came from working on a project. Sure a tutorial can teach you how to work with a form or database, but doing a major project really helps you learn how to actually work with a language, not just use it.
  14. Mangos are definitely my favorite.
  15. If the hide is in an html element with an id use this js function: function hide(id){ document.getElementById(id).style.display='none'; }
  16. I visit every now and then when I'm bored, usually I'm hooked on something pretty quickly.
  17. I guess I might as well start here! My name's Tamreen, I'm 16 years old. I've been working with PHP since June 2006. Doesn't sound like a long time, but I'm at least proficient. Right now by biggest project is an Ajax and RIA framework that lets you make sleek and advanced web apps with nothing but PHP, it's called jPOP, and it'll be at version .98 really soon, today or tomorrow.
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