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Posts posted by mga_ka_php

  1. how do i extract jar files into a specific folder.


    i could extract jar files like

    jar xf myjar.jar


    but it is always in the current folder. what if i would like to extract it into a new folder?



  2. how do i remove the excess query string after i redirect it to the new url.




    i will redirect






    my rule is

    RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} formid=434
    RewriteRule ^moreinfo.php$ http://www.mywebsite.com/myforms/my-form [R=301,L]


    that works but after redirect the url becomes



    i would like to remove the ?formid=434 to the new url


  3. i have several websites in one cpanel account. how do i write in htaccess move the domain.com to www.domain.com for multiple domain?


    my existing rule is

    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^mydomain.com [NC]

    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.mydomain.com/$1 [R=301,L]


    but i have several domains, my htaccess file will be long if i write that for each domain.


    any suggestions? thank you.

  4. which is better to have create a 92 table columns or concatenate the values with delimiter and save it into 1 column (longtext)? which is faster to retrieve data from database


    example 1 column in longtext

    IdNumber:123[delimiter]Description:the quick brown fox[delimiter]LongDescription: ..........


    or i will separate that into 92 columns.

  5. we have a 3 year old website. i would like to overhaul the url's,


    like making searchState.php into /state/search, i would implement that as RewriteRule ^state/search/?$ /searchState.php

    or searchCity.php into /city/search,  i would implement that as RewriteRule ^city/search/?$ /searchCity.php


    does it will affect the current ranking and all the index pages? what are your recommendations? i just talk to a seo man which said i should use Redirect 301.



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