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Posts posted by mga_ka_php

  1. i'm downloading the data from a site. by using curl

    stip the xml tags and separate the each tags with a delimiter


    ex. <name>my name</name><address>my address</address>.....

    then will convert that to name:my name|#|address:my address........


    then save that to our database.


    if i'm going to get that data, i will save it as an array so i could get the key and value.


    now as im researching the data. i found out that in the name, it has space before and after the name

    so it will be like  name: my name |#|


    i couldn't remove that space

  2. still didn't work. i'm getting this string from database to form like this




    then use that as my url for my pages


    got the id, name, state, city, date from a site then save it in our database


    Yeah sorry I'm not sure, here's a shot in the dark...


    $s = "tims  gsd       d     a	a...a      s asd f";
    $s = html_entity_decode($s);
    $s = preg_replace('/[\s|\t| ]*/' ,"" , $s);
    echo $s;




  3. i'm getting information from a website using curl


    the data is in xml format and use preg_match to get the information like <php>content</php>, it will get content.

    and when i print it, it will display "content"


    but when i try to post it in the database when i check the database it, it will be posted as <php>content</php>


    what is the problem?

  4. is it possible that i could get and convert the content of a column.



    id        message

    1        have a message for you last 12993234


    the 12993234 is a timestamp for example.


    i want to have a sql statement that will get that timestamp and convert it to a date


    example: SELECT id, message, (statement here) AS date FROM table1


    id    message                                              date

    1    have a message for you last 12993234      2009-02-16


    12993234  --->  2009-02-16


    the timestamp was converted to a date format of yyyy-mm-dd


    is that possible? if possible how do i do that?

  5. can rsync copy only new and modified files only?


    i want to backup my website and copy only the updated and new files because we have an account which is almost 3GB and if i do full backup that regularly it will eat so much storage space and long load for both servers.


    how do i accomplish that?


    can you specify the parameters to be used.



  6. thinking about this sql statement

    SELECT a.siteDomain 'Site'
    FROM sites a
    SELECT COUNT(b.userID)
    FROM users b
    b.userDateRegistered between '1231513284' and '1231553482'


    can i move the COUNT(b.userID) to SELECT a.siteDomain 'Site'?

  7. still doesn't work.


    if i remove the WHERE


    result would be

    Site        | New Members

    site.com  | 50

    site2.com | 10

    site3.com | 25


    result is good, it gets the total number of new members, all time


    but if i add the WHERE, it will not show all the sites, it will only show the sites with new members


    Site        | New Members

    site.com  | 50

    site3.com | 25

  8. How do you correct this statement


    SELECT a.siteID 'ID', a.siteDomain 'Site', COUNT(*) 'New Members'

    FROM sites a LEFT JOIN users b ON a.siteID=b.siteID


    b.userDateRegistered>='1231513284' AND


    GROUP BY a.siteID


    have 2 tables, sites and users, i want to view all the sites with how many members


    the problem with this code it only display the sites with >0 users


    i want to show even the 0 users


    Site        | New Members

    site.com  | 0

    site2.com | 10



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